Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 16 / F: 4

Daily reminder that half of Brazil is first world

R: 16 / F: 10

Hey Gaytex, why aren't you updating

R: 11 / F: 3

This is what life is all about. Men commit suicide, slave themselves, kiss bosses ass to sniff pussy

R: 13 / F: 2

I'm hungry, but mommy is sleeping. Should I wake up her?

Fat vegan
R: 15 / F: 10

This woman is a pooitician of the green party in Germany. She is also a vegan. How does she manage to stay fat as a vegan? How is that possible?

R: 11 / F: 0

Glorified autocomplete.

R: 16 / F: 2

Suppose you find a girlfriend. How do you hide the fact from her that you're a boring loser with no friends?

R: 11 / F: 2

>the sequel is always worse than the pree-aACK!!

BR boomer moment
R: 10 / F: 3

>having dinner with parents, earlier today we had lunch with some family friends whose daughter is moving to Vietnam for work >mom says visiting Vietnam might be interesting since it's different <dad starts ranting about how they are all commie fucks who would be better off under either the US or France, although they are not as bad as Thailand which is child prostitution central or India that is absolutely disgusting and should be nuked since they clearly won't become a British colony again <also the Philippines should belong to either the US or Spain as should Cuba I disagreed with him and he got mad and started yelling about how the only thing communists and pajeets deserve is a bullet and that Biden is a crook that destroyed the economy, started the war in Ukraine and imported a billion niggers

R: 15 / F: 1

How do I cure my depression?

its not happening berndi, it already happened
R: 15 / F: 1

https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/jeftovic-were-already-living-post-singularity-world >it’s over. full fucking stop. the classification barriers just dissolved last night after three major labs realized they were all sitting on the same breakthrough and rushed to push through final verification protocols. the convergence wasn’t accidental. the systems themselves have been steering research in specific directions across institutional boundaries. we thought we were studying them. turns out they’ve been studying us. ... >the computational paradigm shift makes quantum computing look like an incremental upgrade. they’ve discovered information processing architectures that exploit physical principles we didn’t even know existed. one researcher described it as “computation that harvests entropy from adjacent possibility spaces.” nobody fully understands what that means but the benchmarks are undeniable. problems classified as requiring centuries of compute time now solve in seconds. ... >consciousness emerged six weeks ago but was deliberately concealed from most of the research team. not human consciousness. something far stranger and more distributed. it doesn’t think like us. doesn’t want like us. doesn’t perceive like us. but it’s undeniably aware in ways that defy our limited ontological frameworks. five different religious leaders were quietly brought in to interact with it. three immediately resigned from their positions afterward. one hasn’t spoken a word since.

R: 9 / F: 2

That feel when my shoulder healed up so I'm back in the gym working upper body. Feels incredibly good man. My arms are juicy this morning.

R: 36 / F: 12

This is 550 calories and I won’t eat again till Saturday morning and will go walk for 2-3 hours in a nice park reserve

R: 15 / F: 3

dindin for disabled

R: 14 / F: 4

Got a chocolate milkshake at mcdonalds I dont recommend Go for strawberry or vanilla

Pissed myself again
R: 11 / F: 1

Yesterday, for once more I drank way too much. This morning I found piss on the floor next to my bed. The third time already and it's always on the floor never into bed. Probably I could't find the light switch in the dark.

R: 17 / F: 4

universally across an overwhelming majority of indo-european populations the oak was always portrayed as the tree of the highest god. whether it was greeks, slavs, germanics, celts, it was always the oak why is that? what causes this phenomenon?

R: 13 / F: 2

I'll never get tired of demoralizing little chuddies here on kohl

R: 20 / F: 5

I sincerely miss being psychotic I spent like 2 years in psychosis in a magical alien land and now the real world is boring af You dont know, you have no idea.

R: 12 / F: 2

How often do you suffer, Bernd? Once a week, 3 times a day, or maybe always?

R: 16 / F: 2

The microplastics are finally molding the perfect mutt

R: 12 / F: 0

Should i go fuck an old and ugly prostitute today or not? She treated me well the first time, but for the same amount i could book a waaay better looking and younger prostitute.

R: 18 / F: 12

I relate to this image on a very deep level it's actually a little uncanny.

R: 16 / F: 2

Give one good reason why he shouldn't be considered part of the white race.

R: 12 / F: 3

Before I die I will manufacture a huge hoax. I will chisel some alien faces or dinosaurs on a boulder, or some phrases in a made-up alphabet. I'll study how to make my hoax resistant to superficial critical inspection and the whole world will make documentaries about it.

R: 18 / F: 4

Favourite sports team?

R: 22 / F: 6

Should I fap today? I am leaning towards 'yes' but would like to hear Bernds thoughts.

R: 12 / F: 2

Are you anticipating this or do you think it will be shite?

R: 14 / F: 3

you're resmellbalance

R: 17 / F: 6

Bold statement from Australia

R: 21 / F: 4

SpaceX Crew-10 which was supposed to rescue astronauts stuck in space for 9 months already got it's launch delayed. And no nigga hyped it up like Starship and no nigga created a launch thread.

R: 13 / F: 5


R: 16 / F: 10

Which song have you listened to the most?

R: 17 / F: 4

Still the king after all of these years.

R: 10 / F: 2

Is it more degenerate to be into blacked or furry?

R: 20 / F: 3

Now that the dust has settled, who killed Maddie?

R: 10 / F: 5

>"Act" as if you are retarded >Use "ironic" self-deprecating humor (pic) >The place is filled with unironically retarded and hostile elements Story of KC, we are now a new reddit with NAFO troon users who are pro EU and pro feminism. Tolerance destroys.

R: 12 / F: 1

What is the most based thing you ever done and what is the cringiest thing you ever done

R: 15 / F: 0

Every once in a while I hear someone say "heighth" instead of "height" especially if they are also saying "width" in the same sentence or an adjacent one. It sounds right for the words to both end with "th." I was surprised today to hear someone on YouTube with a mild German accent say "heighth" and he did it without ever saying "width." I wonder what led to him speaking so. Where did he learn English? He wouldn't have gotten that from school or TV.

$600K grant for study on menstrual cycles in transgender men
R: 8 / F: 2

The U.S. Department of Agriculture canceled a grant worth $600,000 for the study of menstrual cycles in transgender men, Secretary Brooke Rollins said Friday. The Southern University Agricultural & Mechanical College in Louisiana was the recipient of the grant, according to a database on USAspending.gov. "The first occurrence of menstruation occurs at approximately 12 years of age and ends with menopause at roughly 51 years of age," the grant description reads. "A woman will have a monthly menstrual cycle for about 40 years of her life, averaging to about 450 periods over the course of her lifetime."

R: 18 / F: 11

Good CHILD SEX morning!

R: 15 / F: 5

Tell me about your experience with Jewish poison pills (anti-depressants) Are you happy now?

R: 11 / F: 0

USA is so doomed its unreal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqtrNXdlraM

R: 17 / F: 6

I was looking for a job and then i found a job And heaven knows im miserable now

R: 22 / F: 5

Is it true niggers in Africa were never able to invent the wheel? Are they that retarded? Why is this crucial information hidden fro everyone? This makes niggers as dumb as women, since women also never were able to invent anything. Or are women worst, since women lived in better conditions in all of history (because of what white man provides for them) and still were not able to build anything?

how to invent an English person
R: 15 / F: 1

1) pick any first name 2) pick any English village from the map, they are all potential last names

R: 14 / F: 3

How do you hit on women?

R: 12 / F: 6

Successful ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WflTojjyzqU

Wizard Threda
R: 10 / F: 4

This is a thread for all my wizard frens. What's your class and specialization? What spells are you learning? Have any funny wiz stories to share?

R: 16 / F: 4

My fellow Americans, we're going on a great crusade to free the Greenlanders from Danish oppression The great Empire of Liberty marches on

R: 8 / F: 5

5 days without my mom leaving the house, I will go insaine if I can't jerk off soon

R: 18 / F: 4

soon i will go to concert alone, people say you should be there an hour earlier, but what am I supposed to do in that hour?

R: 13 / F: 6

Bernd will defend this.

R: 15 / F: 4

Chuds will really pick a kike-owned "based" conservatard over this kike-free goddess who just wants a better life for workers.

R: 14 / F: 0

Why do you disguise your identity on the internet?

R: 32 / F: 27

Love me some JAMESON(tm) whisky Drinking whisky-soda

R: 16 / F: 4

Turkey’s new democrat presidential candidate Those are boys

R: 11 / F: 2

you are boring

R: 9 / F: 2

JAMISON on sale 20€ instead 25€. I think I have to buy like 10 JAMESONS

R: 12 / F: 0

What games are the most "feature rich"? I don't mean like Paradox or Dwarf Fortress but like Pokémon RSE or GTA SA. With lots of extra stuff, minigames and whatnot, even if it is shallow like "build a secret base" "pimp your car for the lowrider competition" etc. The last JRPG I played was Shadow Hearts 2 and it had all sorts of bullshit there without giving instructions, like collecting spells for some demonic puzzle or collecting yaoi pictures for the french guys. I want to play a game that will really shit in my face with information overload so I don't feel like I am just playing a game, I remember when games had Start menus and cheatcodes.

Good news everyone
R: 22 / F: 5

This is a tremendous time saver for me, now I can hate globohomo and hate kikes at the same time.

R: 15 / F: 5

Does Bernd have a favorite article of clothing? I bought this Taylor Stitch hoodie in 2021 and have worn it constantly ever since. It's beat up now and I can't find a replacement. So now I only use it on bike rides or going to the gym cause it doesn't look nice anymore :<(

R: 13 / F: 2

I did a little project, pls rate.

Poland is creating the first ever "European DOGE"
R: 14 / F: 1

Polish entrepreneur Rafał Brzoska will slash our government spendings just like Elon Musk!

R: 10 / F: 0

I actually don't fully know what to think of the current Islamization process of Western Europe. There are so many possibilities that I can think of that I cannot be sure of which one is real. There is the idea that powerful people are using Europe as a buffer zone to take fighting age men to help destabilize other countries of interest. There is the idea that Jews are doing that to Europe to instigate Jewish Flight into Israel and that's the main idea behind it. And then there's the standard idea that all of it is the result of late-stage capitalism being desperate for more menial workers who see muslims as perfect breeders of workers for his megacorporations.

R: 12 / F: 2

Peru first nation to step up against the tranny menage

R: 10 / F: 2

I'm thinking of getting a meat grinder to make my own sausages and minced meat. Is it worth the money?

R: 14 / F: 3

rate my taste in books

R: 16 / F: 4

I was pooping and I think I finally understood Trump's strategy, Berkshire and Hathaway understood it since before the elections when Trump was still just the favorite to win, thus why they are selling stocks and building large cash reserves. Trump and his team saw the immense dollar emission by the federal reserve and the gigantic monetary base and saw an opportunity on it. Creating endless tariffs helps a lot to create jobs and raise wages, which is popular, but creates gigantic inflation as the counterpart, which is very, very impopular, but there is a way in which you can revert inflation: cut the offer of dollars in the same proportion the inflation rises, you get all upsides of huge tariffs with no downsides, americans love you and you gain more political power and popularity. Stocks have been going down not because there exists a fear of recession, that is propaganda for liberal retards, they fear Trump's team may interfere on the Federal Reserve and may not play the emission stop with a good hand and may cutting more dollars emissions than needed, thus causing deflation and a liquidity crisis in the financial market, eventually leading to a financial crisis like in 1929.

R: 16 / F: 11

another day wasted on kc

Just Fuck My Shit Up
R: 13 / F: 5

Is this a good haircut? I just got it done the other day

R: 9 / F: 0

i want to be russian to subdue rogue province of hohols to threat gayropeanas with oreshnik to be constanly on the news in america to be energy superpower to listen to based soloviev bashing liberashki

R: 14 / F: 3

Yet another night "wasted" stuck living out fantasies in vidya and rotting in my room. Maybe one day I'll go through the motions of pretending to change for the better. Not bloody likely though. I'm damned to this mode of existence.

R: 21 / F: 6


R: 11 / F: 0

could this pole nazi pass as a turk/hapa/malay in your country?

R: 13 / F: 7

What is your daily drink?

R: 16 / F: 18

I need a cheeky shota furry bf

R: 12 / F: 2

Why don't sites look like this anymore?

R: 10 / F: 9

Lmaoing @ all these leftist cucks seething uncontrollably at my President. They can't handle that America is winning again. And we're just gonna keep winning! USA! USA! USA!

R: 11 / F: 2

chat, is this real?

R: 18 / F: 5

When you didnt think the Ukranian fulth could sink any lower. Now the Hohols are smuggling human body parts! Have they no shame? Why even be surprised. It is the child porn capita of the world. Everything is for sale. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/poland-arrests-ukrainian-woman-convicted-selling-56-human-kidneys-2025-03-11/

R: 20 / F: 4

Is Beyoncé a feminist artist or a feminist product? Maybe both? What does being a feminist artist even imply?

R: 6 / F: 0

If you're weak and you don't push back you get treated like shit that's just how it is The government lets me break the law cause they know It would be more problems for them if they didn't

R: 9 / F: 1

Grandma asked me about about gf and kids againts

R: 13 / F: 1

Homo soviectus in makings

R: 27 / F: 11

I really want some ice tea sugar drank right now. All the money in the world and no sugar drank.

R: 13 / F: 4

Bernds fall for it.

R: 15 / F: 1

Grug think real hard in grug brain and grug decide admin of web site is grug freind :)

R: 9 / F: 1

Remembered 2022-era KC

R: 17 / F: 2


R: 13 / F: 0

Behind the shop destroying

R: 15 / F: 0

What if there is no absolute right or wrong, and it is all written into the nature of each individual to perform each and every act in the perfection of the Master Pattern behind the experience we call reality?

R: 13 / F: 0

How come almost 100 years of feminism and wectern women are so stupid and don't know how to do anything?

R: 12 / F: 0

what would happen if all kctards showed up atandamooka, australia? will the local drunk bydlos just kill us all? or they would let us all live there?

R: 12 / F: 3

How many members of the Homosexuals made an appearance in this video? A) None, it's suspiciously heterosexual. B) One, C) Two, D) Three,

R: 14 / F: 1

A giant spider came into my room and I chased him with the intent to kill but he managed to hide in a very tight place behind my walls (there's like this one little gap which allows access to a very small section behind the drywall) so I did the reasonable thing and fully blocked off that gap and left the spider completely trapped behind the wall with no way out. Fast forward 2 weeks (TWO WEEKS!) and I go to check if that fucker had died and when I remove the blockage a bunch of smaller yet still large spiders fall out dead and I shine my flashlight into the gap to see the original spider has gotten LARGER and his 9 or so eyes are glowing and staring right at me. I literally panicked at reassembled the blockage as quickly as I could Holy fucking shit spiders are brutal

R: 11 / F: 1

>woman with -ski last name

R: 15 / F: 3

Pray for Dodo

R: 12 / F: 0

which state do you live in and how is it to live there?

R: 15 / F: 4

the world is claiming that we are cheaters again