Americans you mean? There are states provences prefectures
I'm from Illinois we have a lot of polish people here. I eat perogies from a local store they're so good.
Illinois violates my second amendment forcing me to get a foid card. I couldn't take my teenage friend to a range because of these kike laws. So he can go join the military and die but no gun range? Liberals hate real life.
My taxes are sky high and nigger just butcher and slaughter people in chicago a city that out votes a mostly red state into oblivion.
We have some beautiful parks and i love the lake!
I always sneak across the border to Wisconsin ti buy fireworks every year. Every state around us sells to Illinois residents.
I go camping to Wisconsin a lot it's a beautiful state.
Illinois has a lot of money and opportunities i guess is why we all stay same with California fags and new york fags it's not that we like it