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Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:00:07 GMT No. 25646741 [Kohl] [Report thread]
64.77 kB, 740x912
90.24 kB, 545x720
Is it true niggers in Africa were never able to invent the wheel? Are they that retarded? Why is this crucial information hidden fro everyone? This makes niggers as dumb as women, since women also never were able to invent anything. Or are women worst, since women lived in better conditions in all of history (because of what white man provides for them) and still were not able to build anything?
Total posts: 24, files: 5 (Thread is alive)
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:03:21 GMT No. 25646781
me rn.png
11.67 kB, 230x197
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:06:26 GMT No. 25646808 >>25646817 >>25646857 >>25647192 >>25651251
I thought that poltards being retarded was a meme, color me surprised.
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:07:38 GMT No. 25646817
>>25646808 you learn everyday, such is life
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:11:18 GMT No. 25646857 >>25646873
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Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:13:37 GMT No. 25646873 >>25647882
138.20 kB, 416x432
>>25646857 lol
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:13:45 GMT No. 25646875 >>25646889
I understand niggers, as a slav When you see people are better than you and you know there is no real way to improve yourself, you become spiteful and would rather drag everyone else down with you.
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:16:13 GMT No. 25646889
>>25646875 all normies do this
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:48:35 GMT No. 25647192
>>25646808 Not an argument.
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:12:10 GMT No. 25647882
>>25646873 ywnbaw
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:37:46 GMT No. 25648076
475.25 kB, 1100x608
>The wheel was invented around 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:42:02 GMT No. 25648105 >>25648321
no niggers invented the wheel, they hit iron age in some places of africa. just a lie by the uninformed, the same the perpetuate the lie native americans, aka indians/mesoamericans, never invented the wheel or draft animals, aka never advanced to the neolithic age
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:59:06 GMT No. 25648205 >>25648472
>>25646741 >hidden fro everyone It's not hidden. Sheeple are evolved to strengthen the herd, because dissent weakened societies and this subjected them to the entire male population being put to the sword throughout the neolithic and to the present. There's a specific mechanism that rewards conformant sheeple with a blast of dopamine when they deny facts that challenge the herd they're a part of, because of the evolutionary force of war. Niggers aren't even capable of that. Subsaharan Africans average ~8% admixture with H. naledi, and some of them are up to ~20% H. naledi genetically. H. naledi had brains approximately the same size as Chimps. Even H. erectus had brains twice that size ~1mya. People focus on morphology, but the truth is that behaviour is far more fundamental to human evolution than any physical traits, and it is behaviourally where the worst limitations of Niggers are evident, such as incapacity to manage abstract concepts as fundamental to civil society as obligation, time keeping, numbers larger than three, or just not eating each other. Various African cultures lack these concepts entirely, and I'm not even exaggerating a bit. On top of that there are traits such as MAOA 2R, which causes ~500x greater violent criminal aggression. How can they even manage to live in villages of mud huts when their so incapable socially they eat each other - much less invent the wheel, boat, or architecture beyond sticks and mud. Women have a different set of evolutionary forces that make them utterly incapable of managing society as leaders. They are suitable to maintain a household when supplied with meat and protected by a competent man. Their brains are functionally suited to their evolutionary role as mothers, not as leaders of societies that have to march to war, build walls and surround them with ditches, stand on those walls and defend them. How could they do such things with toddlers at their hips and swollen pregnant bellies?
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:17:46 GMT No. 25648321 >>25648686 >>25650235
>>25648105 >never advanced to the neolithic age That's preposterous. Native Americans bounced off the chalcolithic, that the lack of draft animals like horse and oxen made far more difficult. despite the lack of suitable animals for such labor, they built massive cities and immense civic structures supporting a population over 100M in the Americas prior to the plagues introduced by filthy, vermin infested 16th Century plague vectors that eradicated ~99% of Americans by the 17th Century. The vagaries of war and political machinations largely eradicated Whites from N. America by ~10th Century, and this made the prophecies of the South and Mesoamerican imperial polities bizarrely vulnerable to the conquistadors they thought were their gods returning. Had their White populations not been eradicated by geopolitical machinations and war a few centuries earlier, those empires would probably not have been so bamboozled by the appearance of White men, and that would have changed everything. The plagues like measles, mumps, and etc that utterly decimated the Americans were caused by Feudalism so impoverishing peasants in Europe that they slept in piles of dung, because the heat generated by the compost was the only way they survived the harsh winters, and European populations had evolved resistance to the horrific disease burden that had arisen from such penury. The plagues of the prior centuries had already killed off vulnerable genes, up to a third of Europe in the 12th and 13th Centuries. These diseases hit Americans all at once and the combined plagues they had no resistance to emptied the Americas, leaving them all but helpless, bereft of their cultural continuity as well as their numbers. This is why the Norse failed to conquer half a millennia earlier, before they had been so exposed to those pathogens and infected Americans with them, but 16th Century Europeans succeeded.
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:42:17 GMT No. 25648472
>>25648205 Thanks for the information.
Bernd Sat, 15 Mar 2025 23:24:43 GMT No. 25648686 >>25648842
>>25648321 >we wuz always the same delusions/cope
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 00:04:04 GMT No. 25648842
>>25648686 Not sure which population you think I'm coping about. Either way, you're wrong, so it's you that's coping for your ignorance of relevant information. Would you dispute the filth and plagues of Europe in the 12th Century? It's easy to verify. Would you doubt the massive civic centers of population in the Americas prior to Columbus? Again, easy to verify. Maybe you're just a boong we wuzzing yourself about your dreamtime mastery of kangaroos and sand.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:42:47 GMT No. 25650235 >>25650399 >>25650427 >>25650446
>>25648321 >supporting a population over 100M in the Americas prior to the plagues introduced by filthy, thats so made up even in 1890's, centuries after the plagues were over, with much more advanced farming and medicine technology, the combined population of all american countries wasn't that much. only after tractors and artifical fertilizers becoming way more common did they finally break that mark meanwhile you want me to believe that retards who hadn't invented mettalurgy or animal husbandry had all that
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 06:18:34 GMT No. 25650399 >>25650489
>>25650235 They had invented metallurgy. They used bronze clamps to hold the megaliths together in Puma Punku. They had animal husbandry, raising turkeys in mesoamerica, chickens in Patagonia, and Llamas in the Andes. Buffalos aren't domesticable. Animals that can be domesticated are genetically prone to it, as has been shown in research domesticating silver foxes. There simply weren't any suitable draft animals in the Americas, other than Llamas that were too small to even ride. If you bother to search for figures, you will find estimates of native populations prior to the Columbian era to all be >100M. The Amazon once was a vast network of cities, with thousands of cities of more than 10k inhabitants. The cultures in N. America weren't as populous as Meso and South America, but early explorers up the Mississippi reported massive cities of ~50k every few miles. There were ~60M bison ranging across the Great Plains. They didn't need to corral and feed them to eat them. There were ~3B passenger pigeons that roamed up and down the E. coast in flocks so big they took ~3 weeks to pass over a particular point, and darkened the sky all day long. They didn't have much of a defense from predators, and it was reported you could just walk up to a tree they were feeding in and knock them down with a stick. The Carolina Parakeet, the Hickory, Elm, Chestnut, Oak and other nut crops were immense, yada yada yada. Why slave over crops when you could just pick wild foods whenever you were hungry? However there was crop agriculture, corn, squash, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, and lots more. You just have no idea so you scoff. Look up any of these claims and show me any link that contradicts any of it.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 06:22:19 GMT No. 25650427
>>25650235 Ride this.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 06:24:25 GMT No. 25650446
>>25650235 Oh, I didn't mention the PNW. The salmon runs were so immense that to this day the Tlingit indians still do not practice agriculture. They also drove the Russians out of Alaska. They never needed agriculture because the sources of food were beyond their ability to consume.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 06:30:21 GMT No. 25650489 >>25653543
>>25650399 I don't have any books here to check. How do we know those animal numbers weren't due to explosions from human die-offs?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 09:45:26 GMT No. 25651251 >>25653665
>>25646808 differences are real, whether you believe it or not admitting the fact is the first step that said, if group a group (on average) is better in something and worse in another, does not define their human value america was more honest in its beginnings: niggers were used for labor where they are suited better and thinking was left for whites slavery is wrong but so is pretending differences don't exist it's advantageous for everyone if they find their own place where they "belong"
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:12:58 GMT No. 25653543
>>25650489 No modern scientific surveys were taken. All those resources were pests to Europeans, who cut down all the trees, killed the passenger pigeons, and tried to kill all the buffalo.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:34:53 GMT No. 25653665
>>25651251 niggers were just crop-machines the real work was done by whites and this continent chewed them up, shit them out, and washed them into the sea 'thinking whites' were just those who could afford to buy more whites
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