Brazilian economics is about jewing the international financial system We print money until our inflation rate hit pornographic percentages, and then we just create a new currency 1:1 with the dollar and pretend nothing happened We did this 6 times before, we are about to do this again and there's nothing you can do to stop us.
A bald monkey from the third world thinks he can fight against the american government. Kinda pathetic, don't you think so?
The fee for watching TV has been raised on the island. From now on, the state licence for using colour TV will be 169.50 (214 usd) per year, and for black and white TV 57 (72 usd) per year. Yes, citizens of Great Britain use black and white TVs en masse. Under current British law, you must have a TV licence to watch live TV on any channel. This applies to other broadcasters such as ITV and Channel 4, as well as BBC iPlayer, even if you watch on your phone, laptop, PC or tablet. You can be fined up to 1000 (1269 usd) and prosecuted if you watch TV without a licence
We at kohlcorp are actively working to improve your user experience Please provide feedback and suggestions to help us serve you better
Plumbing through the music of others to find things.
Imagine if this Trump succeeds in balancing the US budget, that would be absolutely legendary. Trump for emperor. btw I'm unemployed, living in poverty in a subhuman tier filthy apartment building
A lot of people I know around my age just spend every waking moment not at work playing video games, watching anime, smoking weed, and scrolling through their phone. A big part of me wishes that I could just accept a life like that but I can't. I have the desire to be seen as someone important and successful. It's torture sometimes but it's better than being a loser I guess.
Ordered Samsung M2 off amazog limited fomo deal. It arrives tomorrow, I will pop it into me gaming laptop and installing Gentoo.
You may not remember here, because you never watched Buffy... probably because you are still a little kid. She was 39 years old! Always lifts my spirit when people younger than me die! :3
I'm addicted to trolling on Reddit. Holy fuck lol I don't even have to try hard and they get so pissed off especially when they get so mad they even start sending DMs.
This is what I crave, imagine having a twink so submissive he thanks you for sliding your dick down his throat while your dick is down his throat.
i used to talk to this schoolgirl online. she was young and had a cute laugh. we shared pictures and voice chatted one day she asked what was my favorite song was. i sent her this. she reacted a bit weird and one day later blocked me fucking hag
This controversial new series states by paying taxes you signal that you're a cuck and willing to be abused and thats why paying taxes only ever results in paying even more taxes rather than getting goods and services as claimed. Express your feelings with respect to this
>wake up >listen to classical music while smoking Feeling a bit like a Squidward
>group formed to counter US domination >Egypt is reliant on US aid >Saudi Arabia and UAE are reliant on US protection
I put gentoo on my gaymin laptop. Give me your best KC linux tech tips.
One of the new cashiers at my Aldi is literally named Aisha. All I could think about as she was scanning my items was Mohammed's wife. What the fuck do Muslim parents think naming their daughters like that?
Modern USA politics is just who can lie the most, lie so much you can't tell if they are being serious or not (like with project 2025). A depraved and sick society.
Have poccnrs and other eaxt slavs ever seen a negroid on the streets? And if so, how often do you see negroids?
I saw this video with the Romanian feasting under the flag of his fatherland. And it made me want to get some could cuts and break for lunch. What should I get?
I can't post with my own ip, because KC claims I'm using a VPN, but I can post with a real VPN. Also Bernds haven't noticed how there haven't been Finnish Bernds this week.
How can you fix Mexico when I'm sure not even the presidency is immune to cartel influence? A whole cartel was made up of ex special forces soldiers ffs. The fact that Mexico won't let the Americans send in their special forces to take out the cartels is proof they run the government.
Is it possible that one of the mods are recording our posts with the IP addresses that made them so they can report us for all the hate speech we said here one day?
Eject your assumptions about the average Bernd. Male, 33 year old, underachieving, average attractiveness, social recluse, tends to drink too much, overweight but not obese, slightly to moderately mentally ill, has childhood trauma, thinks he's right wing but he actually longs for socialism, hates women but longs for intimacy with one.
Who are these people? Please explain me this meme. Chatgpt failed at recognizing these faces.
What's your opinion on replacing police with social workers? Do you think we need a social dialogue?
Had to cancel the meeting with a mommy hooker because of stomach acne. I hope she still loves her stepson (me).
Would kohl benefit from whiteness verification? Imagine a board with no Brazilians, Slavs etc'
This middle aged pacific islander woman with like 90 IQ at my job agency (I know she's 90 IQ because she couldn't even organise the appointment and was terrible at lying to me trying to make me think I had to do a questionnaire) asked what my dream job would look like. I think this is a fucking retarded question though, nobody is going to get their 100% ideal job. I imagined my ideal job. I would be somewhere like the hilly central coastal parts of China, around Fujian. It would be spring. The sky would be perfectly clear, the ocean would be clean and wonderful. I'd be in what looked like a totally ruined industrial area, kind of like Chernobyl, with big stained concrete boxes covered in beautiful green lumps of kudzu vine and the remains of wind turbines and industrial chimneys that used to spew out black smoke lying on the ground. I would go into abandoned buildings and harvest the copper wire, which I would then strip out of the cable to sell to Anglo-Saxon colonies in the southern hemisphere which would have about 30 million people in Australia, New Zealand, Patagonia and the East African highlands (about a quarter of the world's population.) I'd have a loose fitting, comfortable, silky full-body covering on that would protect me from UV radiation due to the destroyed ozone layer, and I'd smell a bit like insect repellent rubbed into my suit to ward of the weaponised equine encephalitis-laced mosquitoes as summer rolled in. The soil would be rich and dark from decayed organic material, like fresh soil from a compost bin, and have a strong Earthy smell. I'd kick at it with my steel-toe cap boot and I'd hit something semi hard, then pull the hollowed-out end of an arm or leg bone out of the soil. Thanks to either lye bodies were boiled in, natural acids in the soil or radiation from now decayed cobalt, the bone would be brittle and I'd absent-mindedly crumble it up in my hand before I returned to work. Sometimes you'd see more half-decayed bones or skulls of exterminated Tianyuan Asiatic apes poking out of the dirt if you went into one of the houses that were now ankle-deep in fresh soil. I'd be eating good stealing copper wire from abandoned Chinese houses and live in a little concrete dormitory by the sea with other paid salvagers, with few belongings and sleep by the warm sea most nights, because with all apes dead the world population of 120 million crackers who survived enacting TND would be able to have a very good standard of living sustainably and with low technology levels. Then I realised I can't have my dream job. Is it normal to want this?
Well well well, I must say it is a bit of a pleasure to see the Yuropeons brought down to their knees. Once Ukraine is dealt with there's no telling where Putin will stop.. Ahahaha Muwahahahaha AHAHAHAHAHA
Why do rapefugees invade Western countries and then have the nerve to complain about us? Send them back to their shitholes!
POSSIBLE HAPPENING niggers in congo ate a bat
Imagine being a bad boy and being able to have a girlfriend that attractive, for free and without having to make an effort.
Alexander Dugin: • Invented the new genre of geopolitical fantasy. • Lives in his fantasy world. • Made many people believe in his fantasy world for real (the level of success unmatched by anybody else). You may not like him, but he will go down in history as one of the greatest fantasy writers of all time.
Turkish, when spoken by women, sounds so sexy. Where or how can I find porn with women moaning and talking in Turkish? The poorfags are actually retardet.
>brother bernd/uncle bernd, are you telling us that you support piracy but you delete your torrent files just after finishing the download? no wonder why your life is like this How do you respond without sounding mad?
Next month tariffs will begin and Comrade tovarisch Trampovy will destroy the US economy.
>never had birthday party as a kid >be 35 >decided to invite some guys from work for beers as my "birthday party" >it's due to start in 4 hours >don't really want to go why is bernd like that?
Historically, he science of the h. I maintain that it still is today. The majority of psychologists and psychotherapists in industrialized countries are female. Psychotherapy is predominantly used by women. Studies show that women benefit more from the usual forms of psychotherapy than men. Psychotherapy is, so to speak, “by women for women” (but invented by men. The origin as well as decades of “theory development”). It can also be said that women have appropriated an originally male field. Good for them.
The largest Brazilian chan is owned by N, a guy who claims to live in El Salvador, but he doesn’t. He has "friends" in politics, and they are likely the ones funding the site and covering N’s expenses. He demonstrated his access to Brazilian politicians by asking a 1500chan user to post a video about a political event, saying he would send it to Ricardo Salles, who was a minister in Bolsonaro’s government at the time and is now a Federal Deputy (equivalent to a Member of the House of Representatives in the US). I can’t count the number of times I’ve been banned from this ridiculous chan. N’s conservative ideology reached a point where, for a while, posting photos of underage girls would get you permanently banned for "sexualizing minors," and posting reaction images of kids would also result in a permanent ban for "CP bait." Here are the rules translated to english: Chan Rules, with due updates: Below are the chan rules, with the appropriate updates: Do not post anything illegal. Punishment for violation: permaban. Note: this category also includes any discussions about prohibited content—not just the posting of prohibited content itself. SPAM or promotion of other sites is prohibited. Punishment for violation: permaban. Those who "seal" don’t "lurk". Punishment for violation: permaban. The place for a spoon is in the kitchen drawer. Don’t leave your house a mess. Punishment for violation: permaban. Write in Portuguese correctly, including proper accents. Punishment for violation: a) Nothing if it’s something silly or irrelevant. b) A 1-second warning if it’s something very repetitive. c) Ban from 1 hour to 72 hours for "lekspeak," depending on severity. d) Up to one week in case of chronic recurrence. Respect the specific rules of each board. Be cautious with baits and forced posts. The administration reserves the right to invite you to leave the premises if it perceives that you are doing this to harm the chan as a whole. Shilling, psyops against the dwarves or the chan, and various forms of clique behavior fall into this category. Begging is prohibited on the chan. Beggars will receive 30-day bans. Do not break your anonymity, nor that of other dwarves from 1500. Punishment can range from 15 days to a permaban, depending on the severity of the act. Do not create threads about women on the damn /b/. Want to post naked women? Go to /pr0n/. Want to post about how your girlfriend cheated on you or how to profit in the little fire? Go to /psico/. Want to post women with dicks? Go to /tr/. Want to post women dancing, sensual photos of dressed sluts, or any other coomer content? Go to /muié/. Content of this nature posted on /b/ will result in a ban of 7 to 15 days for the poster on /b/ and 3 to 7 days for anyone replying to the thread. With each recurrence, the ban duration will double. The only exceptions are: A) Threads for criticism, legal help, and/or general rage about feminism or misandric laws. B) Notable journalistic cases involving a woman (e.g., if a new Najila/Suzane Von Richthofen/Patrícia Lelé/Marina "Rotten Cod" Ferrer happens). C) Humor/Satire about female behaviors/failures (e.g., a woman causing a car accident or doing something shitty). D) Thematic threads officially authorized by the staff, as per the list below: D1) Monday-Asia: Day to post pastel. D2) Tuesday-Fet: Dwarves’ fetishes. D3) Wednesday-Thot: Thread dedicated to posting sluts dancing or other coomer content featuring dressed women. D4) Thursday-Tits and Thursday-Boys: Two threads to satisfy heterosexual dwarves until Saturday. D5) Friday-Federal. D6) Saturday-Pussy (Pussies only. Detox from Friday Federal). D7) Sunday-Goth (Goths, e-girls, and alternative sluts in general) and 2Sunday (2D +18). If in doubt about the exceptions, consult /mod/ or /arquivo/. All four exception cases will always be evaluated by the staff and may still result in the thread being moved and the author banned if there’s an issue. Do not metapost on /b/. Want to propose rule changes for the chan, complain about the staff or rules, and/or request an unban? Go to /mod/. Anyone creating metathreads on /b/ will receive a ban of 7 to 15 days. Anyone participating/replying to metathreads on /b/ may be banned for 1 to 7 days. Do not evade bans. Disagree with the ban you received? Appeal or complain in the pinned thread on /mod/. Evading a ban will only result in you being banned again and having your posts deleted. Creating threads on /b/ about Twitch raids is prohibited. Dwarves who do so will be permabanned. Participants in such threads will receive a non-appealable 15-day ban. Do not invent fake stories about the staff. Read the damn rule 7 again. Monkeys inventing fake stories about the staff may receive 15-day bans or even permabans, depending on the monkey’s intent. Do not promote projects like "Cytube," "Radio," or live streams with chat without consulting the staff first. Projects are welcome, but (to avoid cliques, breaches of anonymity, and favoritism), projects of this nature or similar must be evaluated by the staff before being authorized. For /b/, only N will grant this authorization via email. Projects are welcome, but we want to see the rules and possibilities of favoritism. Do not make false claims that something "is authorized by N/Staff" in any threads (be it raids, Cytube, random projects, or anything else). Lying to the dwarves by saying you received staff authorization for something will result in a permaban—with no right [to appeal or review].
Every time I start downloading something from I have to delete torrent and find it on because I want source magnet and I do not know why magnet is mirrored and when I look up whois records for both using net-analyzer/nmap it shows only cloudflare.
How do Negers say "I dindu nuffin" in your language? My language: Isch hab garnits gemakt