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The US-EU "Division of Labor" to Continue Confronting Russia & China Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:25:39 GMT No. 25554222 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:33:13 GMT No. 25554240 >>25554245
>>25554222 >The money the fuckers in our governments will spend will go straight to american companies, to buy american weapons. Not for France because we have our own arms industry. Ideally all European countries should do the same. It will take time but it will benefit them on the long term.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:34:49 GMT No. 25554245 >>25554267
>>25554240 Your fucking "super missiles" are Storm Shadows!
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:39:11 GMT No. 25554267 >>25554293
>>25554245 >The Storm Shadow is a Franco-British low-observable, long-range air-launched cruise missile developed since 1994 by Matra and British Aerospace, and now manufactured by MBDA. I don't see any problem with European cooperation.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:44:00 GMT No. 25554293 >>25554357
>>25554267 France said nothing when the Americans cancelled the submarine deal between France and Australia and France did shit when the Americans forbade France to sell 2 Mistral helicopter carriers to Russia. France rapid Russia for the expenses and then sold the carriers for half the price to Egypt, where the Egyptians then went on to stock them with russian equipment, because that was what they were designed for. France is just as much an occupied joke as Germany! It's just more hidden from the public in France! The master allows you the appearance of the absense of a leash.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:56:10 GMT No. 25554357 >>25554370
>>25554293 >France said nothing when the Americans cancelled the submarine deal between France and Australia Are you kidding me? I don’t know about the official reaction but everyone was mad. Aussies thought it was a better idea to make a deal with the US since they would protect them against China, so it made sense. But now the Aussies are disappointed because the USA can’t even manufacture the submarines, they probably miss France. >France did shit when the Americans forbade France to sell 2 Mistral helicopter carriers to Russia Mixed reactions but considering what happened after, I doubt many people regret it. If people saw a French Mistral used by Russia to land troops on the Ukrainian coastline, François Hollande would be dood. >France is just as much an occupied joke as Germany! Not a single US military base in France.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:59:20 GMT No. 25554370 >>25554394
>>25554357 >If people saw a French Mistral used by Russia to land troops on the Ukrainian coastline, François Hollande would be dood. What's wrong with that? Why do you care about some cockles on other end of Europe? They have no relation to you and you owe them nothing. Genuinely curious
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:05:51 GMT No. 25554394 >>25554416
>>25554370 >What's wrong with that? Why do you care about some cockles on other end of Europe? They have no relation to you and you owe them nothing. Genuinely curious Literally decades of american/british/jewish infiltration of the media space, brainwashing them to not see what is right infront of their eyes.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:10:39 GMT No. 25554416 >>25554453
>>25554394 In the end, they'll all just blame it on the EU and not on the infiltration that happened decades before the EU. Even the Britshits are still blaming massimmigration on the EU, eventhough that happened decades before the EU membership and was decided even long before Enoch Powell held his Rivers of Blood speech in 1968! The fucking whole Hippie/Student Revolution movement of the 60s and 70s was the take over of the public mind by the Americans/British and the Jews. Since then there has not been a real Left anywhere in the West. It's all just a show now. There is no Left and Right anymore. All is colonial politics against Europe. Now we are supposed to sacrifice our lives to somehow preserve the American global Empire.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:14:19 GMT No. 25554434 SÄGE! >>25554439 >>25554445
Isn't that guy some paid pro-Chyner shill?
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:15:31 GMT No. 25554439
>>25554434 Everybody is a Putinbot or Pro-China shill, when you are an america Zombie.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:15:59 GMT No. 25554445
>>25554434 1)There's nothnig wrong with being China-paid shill, at least not worse than working for EU/USA NGO 2)Different bald guy
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:16:50 GMT No. 25554453
>>25554416 no one in the UK blames the EU for mass immigration
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:25:46 GMT No. 25554496
>>25554222 Germans should have made weapons instead of adopting Syrian refugees produced by Putin's bombing, sniffing russian gas and developing scat fetish videos. Simple as.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:55:22 GMT No. 25554641
I'm only 62 seconds in and this baldie is a lunatic. He has already said that the US overthrew countries that border Russia, annexed them into NATO, installed puppet regimes that weren't supported by the people, which then proceeded to attack Russia. This is what orc puppets actually think. They are deranged. >It's just a show to keep us peasants calm and in line Because we were just on the cusp of revolution before? What is this useless sentence. > The money the fuckers in our governments will spend will go straight to american companies Some may. Most will stay in Europe. This is going to be a huge stimulus package for our continent. > It's just a division of labour and european subjugation under american global hegemony will increase. This doesn't make any sense. Europe is taking greater control of security ourselves. America is relinquishing some of its control and influence over European affairs. In tandem, by abandoning an ally in the middle of war, America is losing friends elsewhere too. American hegemony has already weakened since last week's antics. There is simply no way you can twist these events into a stronger America. Maybe a richer America. But a weaker America nonetheless.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:59:11 GMT No. 25554657
>It's just a show for us. >us I think you mean "the dumbest Europeans", the ones who watch news about politics all the time and post about it on KC.
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