>What's your opinion on replacing police with social workers?
We should, if only because it will remove the fear of punishment from violent criminals and give them liberty to do whatever they please, and force the rest of society to harden the fuck up and be ready to defend themselves at a minute's notice. The weak can perish for all I care.
>Do you think we need a social dialogue?
Only if it can be held in the first place.
>Is crime biological, social or spiritual evil?
I would argue most criminals are in the social category; i.e., arrested for smoking some ganja or popping pills, etc., or stealing or murdering out of desperate conditions. However, there are plenty of criminals who just are fucked in the heda or in the soul. Serial killers are usually the latter.
>Should criminals really be held responsible for their genes, society or demonic forces?
For criminals of genetic origin, they are at least responsible for not reproducing or for sterilizing themselves if they can't control their sexual urges. Those who are fucked over by society are deserving of sympathy and at just need a good support group to lift them up so they can get out of their holes. Demonic forces are the most problematic, because it's difficult to determine who's genuinely demoniac and who's just schizo. If someone becomes a murderer/serial killer while under assault or possession by demons, it's usually the outcome of a very long spiritual battle that the poor bastard lost. They deserve the most sympathy IMO because the vast majority of people are completely unsuited to fighting against such forces even with the spiritual training we receive from religion. cf. Kyle Odom