This controversial new series states by paying taxes you signal that you're a cuck and willing to be abused and thats why paying taxes only ever results in paying even more taxes rather than getting goods and services as claimed.
Express your feelings with respect to this
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:39:17 GMT
No. 25543616
I just don't want to pay taxes. It's my money. I don't want anyone to have it. Especially not niggers.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:42:54 GMT
No. 25543635
Tariffs and sales taxes don't work for revenue generation because it encourages people to reduce consumption, reducing tax revenues to 0. California is finding this out the hard way with it's 75 cent gas tax and it's electric car transition.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:55:24 GMT
No. 25543693
We're the biggest cucks because we fought over taxes and then pay even more than alot of other developed countries..
Completely agree. Look into taxation structure in the last 100 years in the US. During the WWII Roosevelt raised taxation of capital gains and corporate taxes. This thing sticked into the Cold War era, since the state needed that cashflow to fuel the defence and social expenditure. During Reagan term the tables turned and these taxes were reduced, but individual taxes raised to compensate.
The last 40 years corporate sector and rich individuals (oligarchy) enjoyed low taxation, new corporate giants were born or expanded, dotcom bubble inflated and busted, but the amount of money pumping in is immense Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Intel, Amazon, Facebook, etc. At this point individuals (oligarchy) got so rich, they are running space launch companies and chip in to buy politicians in the white house.
Meanwhile families forgot about the "american dream". Reactionary losers ruminate why they can't live like it's 1950s anymore, with the same single job for a lifetime and affordable housing.
The answer is taxes. The state consumes people. The voting power of the older generation allows them to put weighs on the scales in their favour. The working individual pays more taxes in percentage to his income than the oligarchy.
The state consumes people.
The state doesn't care about you.
You are a gut microflora state can't live without, but if you will try something funny - the immune law-enforcement system will fuck you up.
People waste hours on useless debate, but the language, location, time period, ideology or religion doesn't matter.
It's always the same.
Those who obey.
And those who define the rules and benefit from it.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:10:39 GMT
No. 25543766
Kikes want to turn all functions of the government into a privatized and subscription based business that isn't accountable to anyone or has any restrictions and all Chuddies are being their useful retards as usual, almost all problems of society are solved by taxing the kikes harder
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:14:11 GMT
No. 25543787
I haven't paid taxes in years, nor have I worked for anybody other than myself.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:25:44 GMT
No. 25543847
The problem isn't in the state, it's in the oligarchy. Wages remain low and housing prices are increasing because of the oligarchy.
It's mostly because of the fact that capital is becoming more valuable. For example, owning the rights to OpenAI models is a lot more valuable than owning a factory was in 1950. Companies can accrue valuable capital, and the value of labor diminishes. That means that the small portion of the population that can afford to invest significant amounts into capital is doing fantastic and basically can't fail, while the labor class - those who sustain their existences through working - will continue to suffer.
The forces of capital are too strong and will overpower the forces of labor if governments and labor unions don't intervene in some way. The MAGA movement is trying its best on behalf of the capital-owning class to make sure the US government can't intervene to maintain the living standards of the labor class (~95% of the population).
Shit's going to get real in the 2030s, that much is already certain. MAGA tax cuts and tariffs are going to feel good in the short term, and reality will make itself known in the 2030s as the continual increase in economic and political inequality goes too far to ignore.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:27:42 GMT
No. 25543857
What you call the forces of capital are the result of government moneyprinting. So the government is the problem. As always.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:28:44 GMT
No. 25543862
Sure, the governments acting on behalf of the capital-owning class. That's what oligarchy means.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:31:43 GMT
No. 25543881
Point is, governments doesn't have to always act in favor of the capital-owning class. Theoretically, they should be representing the people equally, but capital is powerful and influences what the government does. Elon's made that undeniable.
Is there any way to limit capital's influence on government? I don't know, and as capital becomes more and more valuable and concentrated, the problem becomes more and more difficult.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:35:56 GMT
No. 25543897
Government today doesn't spend gold or something it prints dollars, it doesn't need to take dollars from anyone or have any administrative apparatus around that to get more to spending power. If you create some system of price indexation you could make high "inflation" work fine but people whining about taxation are to scared of that so come up with even more regressive tax systems that would end up making most people pay more still.
Also funny thing is consumption taxes create black markets and are ideal from the perspective of illegal immigrants and such. If you could work or employ people and never have to report anything surrounding that than why wouldn't that result in more people who can't work right now working? Republitards want to create some narrative around black youth becoming dry wallers or something but that ain't what's the reality going to be. If you want to control who's working you need some system monitoring all this which involves filling out all the same info with the government.
Literally anyone can print money. You can issue a memecoin if you want. The only advantage the government has is they can tax and force demand by fiat not just supply.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:20:04 GMT
No. 25544065
>Sure, the governments acting on behalf of the capital-owning class
By moneyprinting government creates the capital-owning class as we know it. Such a thing would not exist without moneyprinting.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:22:12 GMT
No. 25544073
>Is there any way to limit capital's influence on government?
Limit the size of government. If it's so small that it does not matter, it does not matter, even if the capital takes hold of it. Alternatively you and your people need to be REALLY willing to commit acts of terrorism, so that fucking you over becomes so insanely expensive, that capitalists can't pay enough to convince government to cross you.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:24:01 GMT
No. 25544080
Taxing individuals - no.
Taxing corporations - YES.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 15:35:16 GMT
No. 25547859
>Limit the size of government
government enforces those limits, if they don't like the limitation they will simply ignore it
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:11:02 GMT
No. 25548160
people are like a great stream of water, full of energy that is destructive if untamed, but with skill, it can be dammed and made to turn a wheel and its energy can be harnessed to make something useful
or at least that's what i read in albert pike
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:19:57 GMT
No. 25548203
>Literally anyone can print money.
that's not at all obvious and the lenience with which governments have been treating crypto is very surprising. for most of history you'd be hanged drawn and quartered for printing your own money. even jesus recognized the prerogative of the ceasar to mint coin
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:23:02 GMT
No. 25548222
>If you create some system of price indexation you could make high "inflation" work fine
that would make savings impossible, and saving is one of the essential functions of money so you'd be effectively abolishing money and replacing it with scrip that has an expiration date (that's the core idea behind CBDC btw)