I had an extremely physically demanding job at a steel yard, they pay was very good though. And yes, I was coming back home with only enough power in the body to lay on the couch and watch something (mostly anime, it was not as bad back then).
Interesting thing is it was quite less mentally exhaustive as any office job I had. I didn't have to deal with data, schedules, people or anything. Just load/unload steel with your hands while your head is perfectly available to overthink that philosophy book you was reading in the bus on the way to work. And then the shift is over, it's over. You're not being burdened whole weekend with project and 20 subordinates, you just load steel. It was such a bliss even though my muscles were hurting, I think I never was able to have my thinking that clear when having my head occupied with work crap instead of what I like.
So may be there is something you don't see from the outside. But don't do that for minimal wage ofc.