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Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:14:53 GMT No. 25552423 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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A lot of people I know around my age just spend every waking moment not at work playing video games, watching anime, smoking weed, and scrolling through their phone. A big part of me wishes that I could just accept a life like that but I can't. I have the desire to be seen as someone important and successful. It's torture sometimes but it's better than being a loser I guess.
Total posts: 16, files: 1 (Thread is alive)
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:17:05 GMT No. 25552437 >>25552442
Being able to afford not working is quite a big success akchually.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:18:18 GMT No. 25552442 >>25552494
>>25552437 My worst nightmare is going to work for minimum wage at a soul crushing warehouse or service job then coming home and just rotting in bed until I fall asleep. Rinse and repeat for 50 years.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:22:30 GMT No. 25552463 >>25552486
>I have the desire to be seen as someone important and successful I have the opposite, i want to a no one, a hobo who has nothing and I kind of am but i am seen by alot of people that i am someone very important. Got lots of followers and "helpers"
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:27:17 GMT No. 25552486 >>25552490
>>25552463 >I kind of am but i am seen by alot of people that i am someone very important Do you have a large extended family or something?
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:27:47 GMT No. 25552490 >>25552493
>>25552486 No its random internet people
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:28:44 GMT No. 25552493 >>25552498
>>25552490 What do they help you with?
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:28:52 GMT No. 25552494 >>25552520
>>25552442 I had an extremely physically demanding job at a steel yard, they pay was very good though. And yes, I was coming back home with only enough power in the body to lay on the couch and watch something (mostly anime, it was not as bad back then). Interesting thing is it was quite less mentally exhaustive as any office job I had. I didn't have to deal with data, schedules, people or anything. Just load/unload steel with your hands while your head is perfectly available to overthink that philosophy book you was reading in the bus on the way to work. And then the shift is over, it's over. You're not being burdened whole weekend with project and 20 subordinates, you just load steel. It was such a bliss even though my muscles were hurting, I think I never was able to have my thinking that clear when having my head occupied with work crap instead of what I like. So may be there is something you don't see from the outside. But don't do that for minimal wage ofc.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:29:30 GMT No. 25552498
>>25552493 Long story, I'm busy and going to sleep soon
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:29:59 GMT No. 25552502 >>25552520
>I have the desire to be seen as someone important and successful. What are you willing to sacrifice for the possibility of gaining that? Are you willing and able to do the boring grindy stuff in the background that eventually might lead to greatness years later? To dedicate yourself to being in the top 1% of a skill or calling? Desire is one thing, but few got the will to turn that desire into reality.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:33:23 GMT No. 25552520 >>25552529
>>25552494 I have worked wagie jobs and have definitely lived that lifestyle. I've always had the desire to be something more and have only in the past few years started putting real effort into my goals. I now have a career that many little boys consider a dream career but most never accomplish. It is hard work but I am glad I went through with it. I still miss those days though where I was an absolute degenerate loser with no responsibility and nobody relying on me. These days my mind is constantly racing. I don't ever actually get a day off, I just have days with slightly less work than others. That is my days off. When I was a teen and in my early 20s, I would smoke weed at Taco Bell then come home and smoke some more weed and watch anime or play vidya. Those were good times but I can't deny, I look at my old friends who never grew out of that with disgust. >>25552502 >Are you willing and able to do the boring grindy stuff in the background that eventually might lead to greatness years later? I did and I still am. I do miss the days of being a loser though sometimes.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 02:37:17 GMT No. 25552529
>>25552520 you are a good work drone good job
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:51:36 GMT No. 25556155
Working already makes you a loser. Successful people don't work and don't sit around doing subhuman stuff like drugs, shitty video games, watching TV, etc.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:55:26 GMT No. 25556183
>I have the desire to be seen as someone important and successful. Well, you can always go for the high score. Me on the other hand, I have a desire to steal a couple of millions and fuck off into the sunset.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 18:01:58 GMT No. 25556227 >>25557838
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We all lose in the end.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 20:54:45 GMT No. 25557798
But why do you want to be seen as someone important and successful? Above all, why do you care about fame and success? It is all meaningless in the end, unless it serves some grander purpose.
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 20:58:24 GMT No. 25557838
>>25556227 Cool, now I know what Mr. Stevenson looked like.
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