Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 15 / F: 0

has bernd ever met up with people from /soc/ ?

R: 13 / F: 1

Finally, ukraine can die and i can stop having to see stickies and threads about that shithole. Hopefully poland is next too.

R: 18 / F: 9

Tu apariencia

Should I buy Etherium?
R: 12 / F: 0

Just saw an Instagram page saying something about "whales" are buying ETH, and he promises ETH prices will grow in a few months. What should I do?

R: 19 / F: 0

How It its to be a millionaire or multimillionaire?

R: 19 / F: 4

why young germanoid women love DIE LINKE (literally commies) so much ? DIE LINKE in women votes 18-25yo won absolutely

R: 15 / F: 3

Do any bernadettes, apart from The Nasty Bimbo and Kharkov Bernadette, post here anymore? I bet most girls have long gone from this place, on old KC there used to be many.

R: 13 / F: 1

Die Juden sind unser Unglück. The jews are our misfortune.

R: 22 / F: 3

i tried to lose weight by just eating a lot of salad but now im bloated like fuck and i look fatter and i cant bend over without gasping for air lol

R: 20 / F: 4

currently waiting for parents to leave house so i can jerk off

R: 19 / F: 7

I wanna draw something for you guys again, please give me some nice references.

R: 19 / F: 5

I've never seen anything this over before

R: 25 / F: 5

why are soys like this?

Brazil roll call
R: 27 / F: 5

All Brazilian posters report ITT.

R: 14 / F: 1

Just bathe. Feeling clean.

R: 24 / F: 7

Codegarch Bernds what are you trying to pivot into?

R: 12 / F: 1

Putin is already cucking out. Acknowledges Ukraine's sovereignty. Now after US proposed the rare earth deal to Ukraine Putin is like >b-b-but we can supply you with them notice me senpai! Trump truly is a good negotiator

R: 16 / F: 1

Remember: Brown people made this

R: 66 / F: 138

What do you think about Rock Against Communism?

R: 15 / F: 4

why is hot sandwich so much tastier than cold one?

R: 19 / F: 3

Where are the minerals, Zelensky?

R: 34 / F: 19

i just want to look at cute things while i smoke drugs on a big couch with my laptop hooked up to a 60 inch television in my own apartment. everyone else has this

R: 20 / F: 4

How did Bernd celebrate the beginning of ramadan?

R: 17 / F: 3

How many hours do you manage to sleep without interruption?

R: 16 / F: 1

kc decides what flavor monster i get at store in t-30 min

R: 15 / F: 1

Do you think the US is headed for a recession? It seems likely, given how incompetent Trump is.

R: 22 / F: 1

Brazilian woman goes into the nature, cooks a meal and relaxes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZDTZ0KzI3A

R: 22 / F: 5

>Ukraine bad Russia good

R: 23 / F: 6

The past is a foreign country

R: 14 / F: 2

say hello to my kot

R: 12 / F: 3

Argentina's libertarian President Javier Milei has huge accomplishments: -promoting the biggest crypto scam in history -pushing 53% of Argentines into poverty -deindustrializing the economy at breakneck speed -selling Argentina to foreign oligarchs, making it a resource colony

Quickest way to make 300€ in one week
R: 19 / F: 3

I'm currently in debt because I didn't go retrieve a postal notification and this situation was totally avoidable. What are some good ideas to make that kind of money in a week time period? Of all the places of the Internet I could ask this, I knew I had to go the realm of Pure Love that is KC, and I know I am doing no mistake.

R: 18 / F: 5

is it a death sentence?

R: 11 / F: 1

Did you know the connection between love and sex was not a thing until European romanticists made it up in the 18th century

R: 18 / F: 13

When did you become gay? For me it was when me and the neighborhood boys would experiment with each other, we were all quite young at the time and this continued until we were 11.

R: 22 / F: 4

Actually a good ass distro. >noooooo redhat is pozzed!! they posted lgbtq niggers on their website or something! Don't give a fuck. Still works on my machine.

R: 19 / F: 4

bar had advertisment - blini for free with every drink, in honour of spring festive. i decided to go and have exactly one pint to get the blini. ofcourse i came and blini are finished, yes yes goy, next round of blini would be here in 40 minutes, just order a pint and wait. and i bought into this bullshit and ordered the pint...

R: 17 / F: 1

Why do simps exist when prostitutes also exist?

R: 14 / F: 4

p*tin said that Zelensky and Ukraine are American lapdogs and America attacks r*ssia via this proxy in reality America told Zelensky and Ukraine to fuck off p*tin said that Europe will run to America's lap and wiggle its tail like obedient dog in reality EU told America to fuck off why is it that every time p*tin lies he opens the mouth?

R: 13 / F: 5

I made fried chicken yesterday while I was way too high and doused it in cayenne pepper, tonight... I pay the price

R: 16 / F: 8

Are Americans just cuckolds?

R: 16 / F: 3

Can't fucking Yurpoors make Email provider without asking to pay money? How can even Russians afford to offer free basic Email service for free?

R: 17 / F: 3

A yes I am on kc only for the CHILD SEX content

R: 20 / F: 2

How much can you squat? Me: 90kg

Next Pope?
R: 16 / F: 2

Onions on Bishop Athanasius Schneider?

R: 22 / F: 5

Name a greater European innovation in this century.

Figgies Thread
R: 52 / F: 72

ids time

R: 16 / F: 5

did you ever have CHILD SEX?

R: 19 / F: 2

guys i bought some beef steak cubes and i want to make ans chili. texas style. gimme some tips and recipes fellas

R: 26 / F: 5

Nyghurs lost, chinks won

R: 17 / F: 2


ISIS kino
R: 27 / F: 3

I cannot believe its been a decade that ISIS put out amazing kino that no other executioner can top for us to enjoy.

R: 18 / F: 2

Does bernd know how to weld plastic together? I used super glue with a gorilla tape backing but I need it to hold good.

R: 14 / F: 2

Don't you find it bizarre that the American and British were pretty much the same peoples in customs, culture and law up until a certain point in history? The British were essentially a shadow version of us for the longest time.

R: 20 / F: 3

Mercury vs Aluminum is weird

R: 13 / F: 0

How come Italy disintegrated into city states after the fall of the ROMAn empire? Its quite rare if you think about it. Greece certainly didn't. Also how did they lose their balkan coast clay? Kek what a bitch!

R: 21 / F: 1

Can someone explain me what happens when you are married with your brain? The moment you marry you very consciously decide to stay with a partner forever (in theory), but does this mean that you are completely immune to falling in love with other people? I'm asking because I think I've turned into a work-husband of a coworker but she is married. She was also talking to me how their relationship is crumbling.

R: 21 / F: 1

Is it a good idea to engage the services of a lady of the night as a khhv Bernd?

R: 27 / F: 6

What does this comic say to you?

R: 16 / F: 12

I am sick of all the bullshit I see. Post cute pictures. One per post is enough.

R: 20 / F: 1

What can the government do with my biometrics now that they forcibly took them from me some weeks ago?

R: 14 / F: 4

when I originally removed the transparency I had no problem keeping the original size. And now kein retards scale image down as much as possible, to no benefit.

R: 24 / F: 4

How many coin shillers did KYS?

R: 14 / F: 2


R: 15 / F: 3

New Ye.

R: 16 / F: 0

This is how Bernds are created.

R: 23 / F: 2

>>Tell that to Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, who despite their British royal ancestry use rather direct language. >транс-коммунист приводит миллиардеров-праваков в качестве примера и образца для подражания. ППЦ. Sweetie, I'm not a communist or a transgender. I'm a transsexual. You mistake me with the "queers for BLM/Palestine" I was always against these agenda parasites. Their LGBT NGOs don't offer any real help, like the access to HRT or surgeries. In fact, they told me HRT is less important, than the HIV screening, which they got funding for. They give pro-Palestine fliers instead of estradiol. And true transsexuals can never be communists. Because we want expensive medical procedures. And we sacrifice everything to get our dream, including the starving African/Palestinian kids. We also work hard to get the required money, compared to all the leftist nigs, who get angry we "waste" money on narcissism, instead of feeding the greater Africa. And our dream needs advanced medical technology, so our allies are the tech entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, who greatly contributed to medical technology. Then we all know about the African plastic surgeons like https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cops-fake-doc-injected-womans-buttocks-with-cement/ Barring trans girls from army service and competitive sports? Why would a woman ever join army? And sports exists to keep the potential soldiers in shape. Women don't enter competitions, other that the artsy ones. Dick measuring is for men. My only issue with Elon Musk is him being angry at TS. But Musk's vendetta is deeply personal. His wife left him, taking his dumb commie daughter, who happened to be transtrender. As an incel transmaxxer I completely support Musk. But Elon is fighting windmills. Elon should be addressing the unfaithful wives, who cuck their husbands with nigs. Obviously TS have nothing against racism, since people of color hate trans girls. And the horny Muslims waste our time, trying to fish some additional photos, We all heard the "Im a young athetic black guy with big dick..." or "bby I will pay you next time ok?" The nigs never have any money. And they robbed my friend out of 10k euro. Another TS got stabbed by the Syrian "refugees". when they robbed her in Turkey. Conversely, white guys pay as agreed, come on time and don't murder trans girls for $100. So I love white men. If I get paid to promote Palestine, then no issue. But not gonna love nigs for free. That is my credo. >Yes, very blunt man, just like Sadkov. Did he start his speeches with "Hello subhumans"? I'm not sure. Don't deal with the subhumans, and you don't have to address them. Easy as that. If you deal with the subhumans then you're a commie. Or ended up in a Muslim refugee camp like me. The difference between me and a commie is that I'm not a volunteer. I'm akin to a political prisoner at GULAG. Among the total genetic garbage I have to shine. And I'm not a man, so don't have to follow "the best practices." I'm allowed to be irrational and hysterical. Cheers!

R: 15 / F: 3

Typical Muslim woman in 2025.

R: 11 / F: 2

This is me every time mods move my thread to the container or /m/

R: 12 / F: 0

Another nigger white went into the trash lol

Conquistador Documentaries
R: 17 / F: 3

can Brent recommend any documentaries/films about the Spanish conquest of the New World civilizations (Cortez-Aztecs, Pizarro-Incas...), or the Portuguese colonization of Brazil? it's okay if they are not in English as long as subtitles can be found, but specifically I want films that are more sympathetic to the Europeans rather than some anti-white Jew/libtard nonsense. either educational/historical documentaries or just any film that has a lot of Amerindian imagery, like Mel Gibson's Apocalypto also I wonder how Mexoids and such make sense of their identity. many of them seem to be pro-brown libtards that think their barbaric human sacrifice civilizations were good and that the white devils ruined everything, or something. that just seems stupid to me, I think they got massively upgraded with European genetics, language, and Christianity, even if it wasn't enough to make them truly prosper

R: 14 / F: 2

i will not kms you kys

R: 18 / F: 10

The largest fuel transport company in Norway will no longer supply the American armed Forces stationed in Norway or any American vessel. This puts them on the same level as the Russians.

R: 15 / F: 9

this is what life in latinX is all about

R: 24 / F: 1

do brazillians believe this brazillian alien video from brazil?

R: 19 / F: 2

Oh yiss! Steak for disabled (with whiskey honey pepper sauce)

R: 26 / F: 7

Do you think Deadlock will be a success? It's Valve's new MOBAshit made by DOTA 2 devs in private beta. The map is coming along nicely.

R: 17 / F: 8

Louis XVI: "Did you even say thank you?" Benjamin Franklin: "...?"

R: 16 / F: 4

Trump and Musk were right, USAID is a really bad and evil organization that wastes money of American taxpayers.

R: 29 / F: 1

I hate this movie so much, nothing makes me rage like women who complain about being in a proper traditional marriage. They act like being given responsibility is a death sentence, modern females don't want to put in work for a good life. They want it handed to them with no hardships or accountability. If I'm willing to make such a thing work as a homosexual man in order to reproduce then to do such a thing as a heterosexual woman would be far easier. All she has to do is clean the house, do some chores, take care of the kids and put out. I'm the one who would be going against his very own nature to live such a life.

Big Hmm
R: 15 / F: 1

Let's say hypothetically, you are quite successful in a creative online niche that sadly has been infected by LGBT/culturally diverse subcultures, but you really nate higgers and trannies, how would you proceed?

R: 10 / F: 1

Went for a walk and again ugly and overweight men having cute petite wife's walking around everywhere. Being a bitter chud was a mistake.

R: 32 / F: 6

Name 5 aircraft manufacturers off the top of your head

R: 23 / F: 3

Assuming i do get a work visa to japan, can i work on jav industry fucking their womans? How good the pay would be?

R: 18 / F: 5

Can I still grown in height at 19

R: 17 / F: 2

tfw no the linke germanoid gf

R: 15 / F: 0

Hello, I love gold t. gold collector pro

R: 13 / F: 4

Me and gf.

R: 30 / F: 8

Bernd will play nightreign with me when it releases right kohl?

Simp thread
R: 26 / F: 22

Post some famous woman you find incredibly attractive

R: 12 / F: 1

Text hidden

R: 15 / F: 2

This piece of shit just shoot a fat pozzed load on my career Lost a gig cause the notifications + the inbox itself just doesnt work. Happened last week and wanted to salvage the situation shits nuked. What a fucking piece of dogshit.

R: 22 / F: 1

A bald monkey from the third world thinks he can fight against the american government. Kinda pathetic, don't you think so?

R: 15 / F: 2

What pops into your head when you hear court?

R: 11 / F: 4

What did he mean by this?

R: 16 / F: 4

The fee for watching TV has been raised on the island. From now on, the state licence for using colour TV will be 169.50 (214 usd) per year, and for black and white TV 57 (72 usd) per year. Yes, citizens of Great Britain use black and white TVs en masse. Under current British law, you must have a TV licence to watch live TV on any channel. This applies to other broadcasters such as ITV and Channel 4, as well as BBC iPlayer, even if you watch on your phone, laptop, PC or tablet. You can be fined up to 1000 (1269 usd) and prosecuted if you watch TV without a licence

R: 17 / F: 4

The future... Is beautiful!

R: 25 / F: 7

We at kohlcorp are actively working to improve your user experience Please provide feedback and suggestions to help us serve you better

R: 24 / F: 1

This nourishes the amerimutt

R: 13 / F: 1

I never heard of this