Do you think the US is headed for a recession? It seems likely, given how incompetent Trump is.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:52:52 GMT
No. 25522973
You tell us. How are the jobs, how are the prices?
For me it looks like his administration slashed some government bureaucrats. People have every reason to cheer when those cunts suffer.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:53:26 GMT
No. 25522975
I am an economist
econ proffesors are aspie idiots who only see numbers of made up measures like GDP and nothing else
commies were wrong in most things but they were right in that they had "political economy" instead of economy and considered also political scope of things
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:04:38 GMT
No. 25523043
Recession for niggers and women
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:05:13 GMT
No. 25523048
im sure if EU had these "economists" it would over take america's economy under the Orange Man in... 2 weeks
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:06:26 GMT
No. 25523052
We're already basically in a recession but its being offset by government spending and quantative easement.
So when you take away the absurd government spending, add unemployment from fed jobs, we will probably see declining real GDP for two consecutive quarters, which will be enough for them to officially announce in all the news that we're in a recession.
Trump is admittedly bringing investments to the US, but it will take time to manifest. That means there will be a period between realization of new investment and industry and the immediate chaos by rapid government cuts in spending and layoffs. So very likely by Q3 of 2025 everyone will be saying we are in a recession.
The dangerous part about entering a recession at this point is the potential for a snowball effect when confidence gets too low. Fortunately though we can print a bagillion gazillion dollaridoos and kick the can down the road.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:06:50 GMT
No. 25523054
Laying off niggers and trannies who had meme jobs in the federal government will allow the White House to focus more of its resources in real issues instead of
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:08:12 GMT
No. 25523059
Only if he really starts deporting Mexicans
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:10:47 GMT
No. 25523065
Trump is literally a latrino strong man with the same tier of uga buga policies. He truly represents the mexicanization of the USA.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:12:32 GMT
No. 25523077
I'm not talking about ethnicity, just populist behavior.