Horrifying death A man was shopping with his wife and daughter when crates fell on them and killed them
Incel forum admin I often talked to keeps feuding with Chinese woman. One of Elon Musks main incubators joins in. He is the richest man in the world. And basically runt the world via Trump. His children mother join a diskussion with a guy i talk to. Wow. The world almost feels surreal. The Internet is insane.
EBIN someone baited the cops with a sock of fake cash dropped outside the police station Dumbass sandnigger cop didnt even check the watermark before trying to use them and got caught
Why is Russia so butthurt about UK? I don't understand it UK is no significant, neither in Europe nor in the world, but Russians live in some kind of conspiracy theory that London controls the whole world.
Now that Merz broke literally all his promises within just a few days, AfD will for sure win 2029.
What if this man offered you 10 million usd to get bummed? Would you take the offer? me : no
Is this true about Sweden & Denmark?
https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20250312-captain-cargo-ship-crashed-into-us-tanker-russian-national-owner-says-jet-fuel Russian national destroyed american military tanker LMAO
🍿 COP EDITION[ 🍿 🛑 Shit gets REAL! 🛑 Who is your favorite predator? 🛑 Would Chips Handsome make a good president?
When I was younger I thought "Interpol" was a unit in the Polish police that looked for bad criminals in Poland.
Good morning. Drinking my sugar drank (and a little whisky-soda with lemon slice on the side, Jameson ofc)
https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/afd-linke-eilantraege-gegen-sondersitzung-100.html AfD and Linke are working together to block centrist plans on the Germany. Muh horseshoe theory.
i accidentally said "adult porn" instead of just "porn" in a real life conversation
How would you react as a teacher/adult in the room? I would probably brake a glass bottle or take a scissor and would try to kill the shooter if he tried to enter the room. I would definetely not crawl behind my students, even as a Bernd.
from talking to my pedobro, i found out that cp actually makes you MORE horny and MORE likely to rape a child in the past, i thought cp helped deradicalize you and not touch children. but in fact, it is a drug, and consuming it only helps against the withdrawal symptoms. my friend used to masturbate only once every 3-4 days before childporn, now he does it multiple times a day and cant stop talking or thinking about child sex. of course, this was a gradual process, normally there is an adaptation period after watching your first video, due to the shock factor, but then you adapt and become like that
Just watched "Leaving Las Vegas" and it was mediocre at best. 4.3/10 It was advertised to me as superb arthouse. Any recommendenings of a better flick with a miserable main protag?
>wife died from some rare infection >the man had Alzheimer 1 week after that because nobody gave him the medicine for his heart >dog died because nobody feed him What a terrible sad death. I liked his performance in The Royal Tenembauls.
The way he looks up at you. >ehm, excuse me? Why are you staring? Could you respect my privacy?
Tucker: XOXOLS SOLD ALL WEAPONS TO CARTELS Hanania: do you have any evidence to back that up? Tucker: OH SWEET SUMMER CHILD
I realized I’ll never ever find what I’m looking for at Church. I am wasting my time on a dead institution. Regardless of where I go it’s just the same shit. Everytime I go to Church. I think to my self why am I here? There is nothing here for me. The place I remember is no more. I always think to myself self how the one Pastor said I will go to hell if I don’t worship at his dead Church. And I realize it’s like this everywhere. I went out for my birthday recently and felt more community there than I have in Church for 15 years. They just use buzzwords to try to create importance. Like the Church where the Pastor said I would go to hell. Saying the elders approve it such. It’s like these elders are objectively bigger losers than me. Why the fuck would I care? I can go on and on. But it just all seems like a waste of time. I remember almost 15 years ago on 4chan someone gave me good advice when I was fully honest to him about my situation. I have been unable to go anywhere with it. Because people suck. Unable to find even one helpful person in this world. I think it’s time ai realize what I have been looking for simply don’t exist. And my spiritual experiences are irrelevant to my day to day life. Doesn’t pay the bills. Or bring me any happiness. Just despair. I wish I had not wasted years attending dead institutions. In hopes of something better. I can’t believe I wasted 3 months of my life attending that stupid conversion class. And 2 years attending that dead Church. Other than that one Bible study. I can sincerely say attending has been a total waste of time. Like when I went to that one different boomer Church. Dude said the old Church we attended was weird and dead. And I’m thinking to my self so is this place. The bar having 4 other young people there doesn’t mean anything. The worst was when he was like well hopefully you don’t move for a while so you can still attend here. It’s like you want me to fail in life so I can attend your dead Church? I dunno just wanted to say it was all a waste of time. And the people on here that say I’m going to the wrong place. Well your Church sucks ass too. You’re just a fucking lower and don’t know the difference. God can’t say I didn’t try.
the last good thing in my life, little ray of light, hope, interest, joy, was the Starship program. but now it is evident that it is a failure. now absolutely everything in my life without exception is shit, is getting worse with time and is hopeless
How long could this faggot run Cardboard Empire like North Korea? Like they could refuse to do work with everyone , how long would they survive?
would you suck dick of a man who presented himself as a woman and he also sucked your dick? i would
A hooligan/far left protest for raising retirement pensions ended with many people arrested and wounded.
Meet the new education minister in the UK! Say something nice about him! Before he was elevated to this role he was in charge of more than 20 Muslim religious academies in the UK
Exercised an's Bernd's today? I just ran for 5 (five) minutes (consecutive) and wanted to tell my friends on kc :D
Can someone explain to me in what capacity the mods keep this obnoxious spammer on kc? It's been going on for years, he's clearly mentally challenged and requires professional care. So why does he get encouraged?
Imagine a world where chess is the most popular sport of 20th andst century instead of s*ccer. We would live in the year 3000 already.
>buy and open france chees >mold on top Is this normal? It was eggspensiv. Can I still use this oven chees?
fuck should i buy ghost of tsushima while its on sale? ive been waiting for a sale for a long time but its only 33% and im kind of running out of money
I'm not going to drink coca cola anymore, now i will only drink european alternatives.
I bought this fucking monster, I do not know what I am even doing. I am not a fully functioning adult. Kill me. Kill me bernd before it's too late.
Actually eating feces or cutting off your dick and taking hormones is just a healthy expression of human sexuality and everyone must be tolerant to that, but god forbid you get turned on by depictions of young girl. In that case you're a freak, a despicable subhuman and you deserve to be killed? Why are antis so subhuman? And why causes regular men to join in with the antis?
>Say anything to an LLM <You are so right. I wish they would argue and take their own position and tell me I'm retarded like you do.
>he has to live near Israel That is a most unenviable position and I would never ever ever trade places with this guy
BREAKING Ukraine assassins pull a hit on alex jones infowars https://banned.video/watch?id=67d07adae6839f918714e42f one dead
Woke Zelensky engaging in pisslamic custom of Iftar in Ramadan with muslims Urine is FINISHED
>Visit on Belgium >Order a baguette a la Filet Americain >Expect a cheeseburger or fried chicken or something like that >Receive raw meat What the fuck
Is it about the Epstein files? They say that the blonde woman refuses to release the Epstein client list?
Are you prepared for the imminent economic collapse? The niggers will devour everything they see once they run out of welfare checks. They will come at your house to loot it as well. Are you prepared? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hnTi8yV-vY
You are aware this shit will nuke your autism right? I feel a normie after just a minute of chatting
>The decision will affect elderly people most. Although 95% of Danes use the Digital Post service, a reported 271,000 people still rely on physical mail. >"There are many who are very dependent on letters being delivered regularly. These include hospital appointments, vaccinations or decisions regarding home care," Marlene Rishoj Cordes, from Aeldre Sagen (DaneAge) told Denmark's TV2. Denmark's state-run postal service, PostNord, is to end all letter deliveries at the end of 2025, citing a 90% decline in letter volumes since the start of the century. The decision brings to an end 400 years of the company's letter service. Denmark's 1,500 post boxes will start to disappear from the start of June. Transport Minister Thomas Danielsen sought to reassure Danes, saying letters would still be sent and received as "there is a free market for both letters and parcels". Postal services across Europe are grappling with the decline in letter volumes. Germany's Deutsche Post said on Thursday it was axing 8,000 jobs, in what it called a "socially responsible manner". Deutsche Post has 187,000 employees and staff representatives said they feared more cuts were to come. Denmark had a universal postal service for 400 years until the end of 2023, but as digital mail services have taken hold, the use of letters has fallen dramatically. PostNord says it will switch its focus to parcel deliveries and that any postage stamps bought this year or in 2024 can be refunded for a limited period in 2026. Fifteen hundred workers face losing their jobs, out of a workforce of 4,600. "It's a super sad day. Not just for our department, but for the 1,500 who face an uncertain future," employee Anders Raun Mikkelsen told Danish broadcaster DR. Denmark ranks as one of the world's most digitalised countries.
Your mothers, wives, sisters and potential relationship females are being controlled automatically now. Their ideas and desires (what to shop, how to vote, ...) are now and forever being remote-controlled by rulers you don't even know.
>There is a proxy who keeps posting hyperrealistic Laura B AI content Why do you have to keep abusing her, even now in the future? Will pedos keep abusing her even after she is dead? AI was a mistake.