Think of an organism. Like us. It consists of organs. Each organ has a complex structure with a lot of different kinds of tissues. Each tissue consists of cells. Cells consists of thousands of organelles of dozens different types. And its all sims in a complex soup of trillions of complex organic molecules - polymers with thousands of blocks. Then there's the pure chemistry of proteins and fats. Each system - from how a single protein is structured and works - to the body as whole is an extremely complex and intricate system, fine tuned and incomprehensible to human conscious. We may know the principle of how some system works but we can never fully imagine in our minds what it takes to move a finger - what processes are involved and on what levels. Now, what happens if we - our mind - starts passing rules, laws to 'better' the effectiveness of any system in our organism? Well, it's quite easy to answer. We 'tax' our mitochondria (each of them at once!) with just 1 calorie - we die. We 'lay out' our 'unused' muscle fibres (each of them) - we die. We 'prioritize' heart over liver - we die. In most cases - instantly. Any attempt of an individual human mind to mess up deliberately with all the elements of one type in any system of his organism leads to instant death of the organism. But here's a thing. There's another system up there. A system in which a single organism is just an element. A nation. A state. A society. So. What happens if a mind of a single human decides to 'better' the relations between the elements and subsystems of that system? And here we have it. After reaching a certain level of complexity it's impossible to rule over society with authoritarian policies. It's also impossible not to destroy a complex society with excessive red-taping and regulation. And any form of managerialism is deadly too. This is why modern authoritarian states are always poor and crumbling. This is why command economy was successful in Ancient Egypt but failed in XXth century everywhere. This is why political freedom, autonomy, and personal sovereignty are essential for survival of a complex society. Btw, such ideas were thought through and were proven somewhere around the end of XXth century and the beginning of this XXIth century. But then they quickly disappeared from media and people's minds for some reason. I wonder, what happened.
Bros, I've been talking to my Discord ex gf for a while and we've been bonding so nicely. She might really become my American wife in the future if we keep this up. She has no friends and she still likes me, but says she doesn't love me enough to be my gf again, but things can change. She's 16 years old. I'm 27.
The dentist gave me a price-proposal of 500 euro for a night-guard. Lmao are dentists for real? I can make myself one for a fraction of that
"Sad to see our chechen Muslim brothers beautiful and build like tanks wasting so much energy of sufi deviance and distortion, this is not islam but a diversion to keep the chechen youth away from real islam" "Sufi stupidity, innovation and corruption This does not represent Islam These are Putin's slaves" "this is not islam, this is shirk it is haram, shirk, and they look like monkeys by the sounds and movements astagfitullah may Allah guide them inshaAllah" "They can’t be Muslims. There is no such a rituel in Islam. If our prophet(sav) saw this ceromony, I think he would forbid it. Besides he never do such an absurdity." Why does Sufism trigger Arabs so much?
Has Bernd ever played with his daughter and accidently pierced her heart with a knife?
Finally I read about Finnish-Soviet relations 1920-1935. The history unwraps as following: 1. Finnish degenerates openly called to invade Russia and kill all people there. 2. Finnish niggers went so far that openly stated Finland join any aggression against Russians. 3. Finland tried to persuade all countries it could to attack Russia and kill people there. - After that 4. Soviet Russia started trade with Germany. 5. Finland attacked Russian ships and tried to set naval blockade. - All of that while UNPROVOKED. 6. Finally, when it became obvious that it's impossible to live peacefully beside Finnish rabid niggers, Stalin ordered to push Finnish filth away from Russian main port on Baltic. 7. But now Finnish subhumans lie that "We dindu nuffin! It's all bad Soviets! They attacked us for no reason at all". A typical nigger behavior pattern. Which proves that Finns are actually aggressive disgusting niggers. Russians do the same mistake again and again: they see disgusting degenerate brain-dead insentient hyper-aggressive niggers but then they spare the niggers when they could eradicate them. I hope, whatever tribe may come in place of Russians, that tribe won't do the same mistake and will kill every single aggressive nigger around the borders of the state where former Russia was. And my hope is realistic: there are almost no tribes and people who abstain from committing genocide like Russians, most people would have Finns, Baltic, and others killed long time ago.
Going through the catalog before sleep and I see the torrent of macacos making incessant threads about brazil has ceased It's funny how easy it is to identify foreign invasions like that yet so many bernds remain daft
What if Israel deports all Palestinians to Ukraine? This will bring peace to Israel and allow Ukrainians to become a more united nation.
He needs a permanent ban he is a spammer. Literal jew posting nigger shit dick porn on nazi pedo website please mods it takes only a moment he does NOT have genuine intentions he's just spamming and hates us
There are a lot of iq threads lately but im not going to take the test because im too afraid that im retarded
Do you like Ukrainian cuisine? For example, boiled rooster's head. Please help me find this video.
I am quitting my job today I am fucking sick of it I can't even smoke METH in proper peace because people on job are so retarded and dumb that bosses tolerate absolute dumbest Auslander bydlo who can't comprehend simple instruction but on top of that they even argue with you if you want to correct them. Its Over METH helps me spiritually grow but when I am in good mood, this shit brings nothing I am just becoming angry like wolf
Do you think Harvey Specter, the greatest lawyer of all time, could argue his way into being white to the pakibrit obsessed with brown eyes?
How do the fashion photogs instruct the models to look like an incel? Ssense had lots of models looking like incels.
>Just buy american Aka pay 2-3x as much price to make some jew rich. Fuck you. And its not like people are lining up for nonexistant factory jobs. Look at KC, 90% programmer soyboys "posting from work" "playing factorio at work" etc Americans are too fat and lazy just like european to work in a manufacturing economy, thats why USA and Europe uses tons of 3rd world brown immigrants to do the jobs that gay fat tranny white people don't want to do. It is crazy how ancap 2010 soy redditors have so much influence now though.
wódkę pijemy na szklanki, ruchamy raczej bez gumki, w mordę dostaniesz bez gadki jeżeli chciałeś oszukiwać kumpli
Has anyone here tried street fighting as a sport/workout? The adrenaline rush must be crazy, and you'll push yourself to your limits every time. But how do you get away with it in case the loser or some moronic onlooker pansy calls the cops?
Photo storage servers don't delete SCAT PORN, but they do delete photos of girls with Down syndrome. Racist motherfuckers.
>do nothing whole game >let your friend die >tilt >berserk kill dozens of troyans >die <much true ancient hero
There are never any IWO threads, because if I knew a pedo was going outside I would alert the police. There are never any Bernd meetups now because the only proper way to meet a nonce is with a fist to the face.
Mom bought something from store that i never asked her to buy and then she says i can pay money to recieve it or not. Which is incredibly cringe and stupid because she doesnt eat it so im simply forced to pay.
I was at a higher end Japanese grocery store. It's always so fun i go there maybe 4x a year. As i was shopping i saw a pretty young girl but she had blue hair and was dressed like she's from the early 2000s or something? She noticed my cold stare and mistook my psychopathic autism for sigma/alpha energy. She had a black boyfriend he seemed sort of effeminate and was probably somewhat weeb. She walked past me and seemed to like me i thought maybe the black guy was just her friend or something before realizing she just wants a real man deep down. It really dawned on me race mixers are WEAK. They don't have friends and i know this hurts but it's the truth bernd they STOOP to lesser races for friends and for romantic companions because they just go for the first thing available to them. Race mixers are LOSERS the majority of the time. It just made me mad. She's pathetic and will never self improve. God made her pretty and the best race and she just falls flat on the linoleum before me. I hate mudsharks especially so vile so sad. I won't fuck you whore you burnt the coal so you pay the toll. A Japanese man walked past me. He might be a lesser race but at least he's actually polite, intelligent, hard working, and he wears actual adult clothing with no fucking hair dye? You're nothing but shit smeared used goods when you mix races. Pathetic loser.
I think my heater can produce coffee. I just need to put two filters, an option to fill in coffee powder and a valve on the heater. You think it will work?
This guy just stopped and reversed all of the mass firings from Elon and DOGE. What will Drumpft do?
>see object on aliexpress 1€ free shipping >log in now 3€ +2€ shipping why are chink so jewish
>the pyramids were already over 3000 years ago at the peak of the Roman empire
How old is your extraterrestrial fals flaggery? I experience every day. I feel dumb like a child like my buddy trys to hide behind some bushes in a red hood.
Power Meddel I dont even know the Band its Aventasia. Sounds linke typical power metal. >1 beer = 9€ >1 Schwabbel Fries = 5€ >Jacket drop zone = 3€ This is normal now or what?
>Portugal has cancelled the order for F-35s from the US Another shitty day in Trump's stupid nigger life
Marital rape? Right, and I steal my own car to go to work in the morning. Give me a break
Daily reminder that this is the type of creature that inhabits this board now, this is the nu-bernd, and this is the nu-KC. *Vomits*
Why do brown people tend to think they are whiter than clearly lighter skinned people than them? What kind of deformed form of racism is this? Is it lack of self awareness?
What are some hobbies or things to spend time on if im autist with no friends?
Ancient Russians discovered, yet more clay that needs to be liberated it seems... I'm surprised black bears have killed so many to be honest, I thought they were kinda scared of humans.
Chad makes things happen Things happen TO an incel A Chad is the master of his destiny. He makes choices for the benefit of his own life. He joins the football-team in High School, he picks a popular girl to make his girlfriend, he makes connections easily, choosing what clique to belong to, he'd be accepted anywhere. In College, he chooses to join a frat with High Status in order to make connection. After college, the world is his playground, he can do anything, he is the master of his own destiny. An incel is bullied in High School, things HAPPEN to HIM. He can't choose his friends, if he has any at all, they will have been chosen for him by being the other outcasts. His friends just HAPPEN to him. He doesn't get any girls attention, he can't make that happen. In college, it's the same thing, any social group he ends up in has not been chosen, he doesn't get a girl either, any situation he is in has been thrust upon him, he hasn't chosen anything. After college, it's more a matter of an employer choosing him than him choosing a job. Most jobs will not have him based on who he is. The incel is not the master of his own destiny, he is a leaf on a stream, beaten by the elements and circumstances.
What's the deal with Slavic white supremacists? They're not white and they're not supreme.
that was so stupid. I remember I was online at the time and alot of people made "support denmark - support freedom" avatars Meanwhile muslimes wanted danish blood I thought it was all pretty hypocritical. Denmark was like, "these cartoons are free speech" but denying the holohoax is illegal. t. holocaust denier
Planning my itinerary for an upcoming trip to Munich and of course Germans can't help but complain even on official websites of their tourist attractions