Chad makes things happen
Things happen TO an incel
A Chad is the master of his destiny. He makes choices for the benefit of his own life. He joins the football-team in High School, he picks a popular girl to make his girlfriend, he makes connections easily, choosing what clique to belong to, he'd be accepted anywhere. In College, he chooses to join a frat with High Status in order to make connection. After college, the world is his playground, he can do anything, he is the master of his own destiny.
An incel is bullied in High School, things HAPPEN to HIM. He can't choose his friends, if he has any at all, they will have been chosen for him by being the other outcasts. His friends just HAPPEN to him. He doesn't get any girls attention, he can't make that happen. In college, it's the same thing, any social group he ends up in has not been chosen, he doesn't get a girl either, any situation he is in has been thrust upon him, he hasn't chosen anything. After college, it's more a matter of an employer choosing him than him choosing a job. Most jobs will not have him based on who he is. The incel is not the master of his own destiny, he is a leaf on a stream, beaten by the elements and circumstances.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:34:11 GMT
No. 25613363
>things HAPPEN to HIM
i would have emphasized TO instead
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 02:37:14 GMT
No. 25613493
I rape, therefore I'm Chad