I was at a higher end Japanese grocery store. It's always so fun i go there maybe 4x a year.
As i was shopping i saw a pretty young girl but she had blue hair and was dressed like she's from the early 2000s or something? She noticed my cold stare and mistook my psychopathic autism for sigma/alpha energy.
She had a black boyfriend he seemed sort of effeminate and was probably somewhat weeb.
She walked past me and seemed to like me i thought maybe the black guy was just her friend or something before realizing she just wants a real man deep down.
It really dawned on me race mixers are WEAK. They don't have friends and i know this hurts but it's the truth bernd they STOOP to lesser races for friends and for romantic companions because they just go for the first thing available to them.
Race mixers are LOSERS the majority of the time. It just made me mad. She's pathetic and will never self improve. God made her pretty and the best race and she just falls flat on the linoleum before me. I hate mudsharks especially so vile so sad.
I won't fuck you whore you burnt the coal so you pay the toll. A Japanese man walked past me. He might be a lesser race but at least he's actually polite, intelligent, hard working, and he wears actual adult clothing with no fucking hair dye?
You're nothing but shit smeared used goods when you mix races. Pathetic loser.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:59:44 GMT
No. 25618990
What's with the reddit spacing?
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:14:14 GMT
No. 25619094
>You're nothing but shit smeared used goods
funny coming from a nigger like sean who literally had a job wiping the shit off of old peoples asses
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:19:03 GMT
No. 25619132
I discuss truth and autism.
I'm not average or quiet the jew fears me.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:30:48 GMT
No. 25619234
90% of the time race mixers are just socially pathetic.