Would only allowing men to vote solve most problems?
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 19:44:09 GMT
No. 25631374
A lot of men are quiet retarded so no.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 19:48:48 GMT
No. 25631414
Is there any difference between men and women nowadays? Men being ruled by women grom very first years of hos life. Mother raises son, not father. Mother will still son from father in 99% cases if they divorce. Women rule men in kindergarten, in schools, in unis, at job. The boys no longer have a male model of behavior. Look at any video where a churka humiliates a German or a Swede or an Anglo or a Muscovite. The whites endure and whine like girls while the churka humiliates and dominates him. And why is that? Because the little churka grows up in a patriarchal family and has a male model of behavior from his father, while the white man is raised by his mother/grandmother/female teachers, imposing their own, feminine values and worldview on him.