Think of an organism. Like us.
It consists of organs.
Each organ has a complex structure with a lot of different kinds of tissues.
Each tissue consists of cells.
Cells consists of thousands of organelles of dozens different types.
And its all sims in a complex soup of trillions of complex organic molecules - polymers with thousands of blocks.
Then there's the pure chemistry of proteins and fats.
Each system - from how a single protein is structured and works - to the body as whole is an extremely complex and intricate system, fine tuned and incomprehensible to human conscious.
We may know the principle of how some system works but we can never fully imagine in our minds what it takes to move a finger - what processes are involved and on what levels.
Now, what happens if we - our mind - starts passing rules, laws to 'better' the effectiveness of any system in our organism?
Well, it's quite easy to answer.
We 'tax' our mitochondria (each of them at once!) with just 1 calorie - we die.
We 'lay out' our 'unused' muscle fibres (each of them) - we die.
We 'prioritize' heart over liver - we die.
In most cases - instantly.
Any attempt of an individual human mind to mess up deliberately with all the elements of one type in any system of his organism leads to instant death of the organism.
But here's a thing.
There's another system up there.
A system in which a single organism is just an element.
A nation. A state. A society.
So. What happens if a mind of a single human decides to 'better' the relations between the elements and subsystems of that system?
And here we have it.
After reaching a certain level of complexity it's impossible to rule over society with authoritarian policies.
It's also impossible not to destroy a complex society with excessive red-taping and regulation.
And any form of managerialism is deadly too.
This is why modern authoritarian states are always poor and crumbling.
This is why command economy was successful in Ancient Egypt but failed in XXth century everywhere.
This is why political freedom, autonomy, and personal sovereignty are essential for survival of a complex society.
Btw, such ideas were thought through and were proven somewhere around the end of XXth century and the beginning of this XXIth century.
But then they quickly disappeared from media and people's minds for some reason.
I wonder, what happened.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 03:30:18 GMT
No. 25656723
Sure. It's actually very ineffective everywhere. But it works.
And if you try to 'manage it better' to 'improve efficiency', 'destroy corruption', 'remove useless leeches', 'optimize spending' - you will die in less than a minute.
Because the way it works is already the most optimal way - it's just has a huge leeway for emergencies and unexpected events.
By 'improving efficiency' (for example, by destroying 'excessive' cells) you will die to your own immune system - which kills your cells, so if every cell in your organism is absolutely necessary then the very first immune system raid will kill you.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 05:23:16 GMT
No. 25657023
I hate police and the law, you're so right OP. This shit is so inefficient but I don't know how else you're supposed to reform it.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 05:23:55 GMT
No. 25657024
Stupid police
Stupid laws
Stupid government
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 05:27:23 GMT
No. 25657035
fuck off george bataille.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 08:21:30 GMT
No. 25657443
I eat less than before and I didn't die.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 09:17:51 GMT
No. 25657606
what you're talking about is nothing new, those ideas were written by an economist named Hayek in a more intellectual manner in an article called The Use of Knowledge in Society and he was given the Nobel prize as a result