Finally I read about Finnish-Soviet relations 1920-1935. The history unwraps as following:
1. Finnish degenerates openly called to invade Russia and kill all people there.
2. Finnish niggers went so far that openly stated Finland join any aggression against Russians.
3. Finland tried to persuade all countries it could to attack Russia and kill people there.
- After that
4. Soviet Russia started trade with Germany.
5. Finland attacked Russian ships and tried to set naval blockade.
- All of that while UNPROVOKED.
6. Finally, when it became obvious that it's impossible to live peacefully beside Finnish rabid niggers, Stalin ordered to push Finnish filth away from Russian main port on Baltic.
7. But now Finnish subhumans lie that "We dindu nuffin! It's all bad Soviets! They attacked us for no reason at all".
A typical nigger behavior pattern. Which proves that Finns are actually aggressive disgusting niggers.
Russians do the same mistake again and again: they see disgusting degenerate brain-dead insentient hyper-aggressive niggers but then they spare the niggers when they could eradicate them.
I hope, whatever tribe may come in place of Russians, that tribe won't do the same mistake and will kill every single aggressive nigger around the borders of the state where former Russia was.
And my hope is realistic: there are almost no tribes and people who abstain from committing genocide like Russians, most people would have Finns, Baltic, and others killed long time ago.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 13:26:13 GMT
No. 25644200
Yes, 3 mln Finland was preparing to invade 200 mln country and kill em all. And probably to steal all soviet toilets.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 13:27:51 GMT
No. 25644212
Victim mentality is a hell of a drug.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:54:00 GMT
No. 25645282
lol, cool story
where did you read it from? putin's new history?
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:01:55 GMT
No. 25645336
>1. Finnish degenerates openly called to invade Russia and kill all people there.