He needs a permanent ban he is a spammer. Literal jew posting nigger shit dick porn on nazi pedo website please mods it takes only a moment he does NOT have genuine intentions he's just spamming and hates us
If all women were mothers we could combine mother's day and women's day into one.
All of these politicians screaming the loudest magically made millions from being a politician. AOC was in debt and Frost was an Uber driver.
Things I did today: 1. Went to barber. New short haircut for the warmer months. 2. Ate butter chicken at Indian (probably bangladesu though) restaurant with sister. Sister took the veg option she doesn't like chicken for some reason. 3. Finished Final Fantasy XII game only to realise there's no "post-game" but I have a save before the final fights so it's okay. Dunno if I go and bother at finishing all the hunts though. How was your day?
I had a super good idea for a video game in my dream, but I forgot the dream.
Do you like Ukrainian cuisine? For example, boiled rooster's head. Please help me find this video. https://www.tiktok.com/@olena.i.kovalevich
>Anti-Christian posts almost gone from imageboards after USAID got killed Makes you think.
I am quitting my job today I am fucking sick of it I can't even smoke METH in proper peace because people on job are so retarded and dumb that bosses tolerate absolute dumbest Auslander bydlo who can't comprehend simple instruction but on top of that they even argue with you if you want to correct them. Its Over METH helps me spiritually grow but when I am in good mood, this shit brings nothing I am just becoming angry like wolf
>Just buy american Aka pay 2-3x as much price to make some jew rich. Fuck you. And its not like people are lining up for nonexistant factory jobs. Look at KC, 90% programmer soyboys "posting from work" "playing factorio at work" etc Americans are too fat and lazy just like european to work in a manufacturing economy, thats why USA and Europe uses tons of 3rd world brown immigrants to do the jobs that gay fat tranny white people don't want to do. It is crazy how ancap 2010 soy redditors have so much influence now though.
This is my appearance when I forget to relax my facial muscles and form a neutral smiling mouth.
wódkę pijemy na szklanki, ruchamy raczej bez gumki, w mordę dostaniesz bez gadki jeżeli chciałeś oszukiwać kumpli
Mom bought something from store that i never asked her to buy and then she says i can pay money to recieve it or not. Which is incredibly cringe and stupid because she doesnt eat it so im simply forced to pay.
I was at a higher end Japanese grocery store. It's always so fun i go there maybe 4x a year. As i was shopping i saw a pretty young girl but she had blue hair and was dressed like she's from the early 2000s or something? She noticed my cold stare and mistook my psychopathic autism for sigma/alpha energy. She had a black boyfriend he seemed sort of effeminate and was probably somewhat weeb. She walked past me and seemed to like me i thought maybe the black guy was just her friend or something before realizing she just wants a real man deep down. It really dawned on me race mixers are WEAK. They don't have friends and i know this hurts but it's the truth bernd they STOOP to lesser races for friends and for romantic companions because they just go for the first thing available to them. Race mixers are LOSERS the majority of the time. It just made me mad. She's pathetic and will never self improve. God made her pretty and the best race and she just falls flat on the linoleum before me. I hate mudsharks especially so vile so sad. I won't fuck you whore you burnt the coal so you pay the toll. A Japanese man walked past me. He might be a lesser race but at least he's actually polite, intelligent, hard working, and he wears actual adult clothing with no fucking hair dye? You're nothing but shit smeared used goods when you mix races. Pathetic loser.
Once again I am filled with despair and rage. This world is a Kafkaesque nightmare realm designed purely to extract misery from us. We are born into this realm as slave nigger-cattle and will die as such. Our demonic overlords reign over us, mocking us and denying the slave nigger-cattle the right to be even a fraction of a fraction of a real human being. We are higher, divine beings stuffed into these flesh-vessels over and over again, forced to live out lives of horrific torment, then die pathetic worthless mongrel deaths and then are reincarnated to repeat the process all over again, thanks to the arbitrary whims of the Architect of this Realm and his minions, the Archons. We are their playthings, and everything that happens is essentially a big cosmic joke. That's what has been going on the past decade or so: our demonic overlords have basically gotten bored with things so they decided to turn everything into a big fucking joke and see how long until things melt down. It's not just completely over for humanity, it never even began. We're not even humans, we're supposed to be 4D energy beings. Instead we're stuck here on a desert prison planet shithole nightmare realm and we're just pretending it's okay because "God will provide". Lmao, God is on their side and always has been, if he is not a myth made up to pacify us. These demons are the ones doing all the work. We're stuck in Hell and it's only going to get worse from here on out. There is no hope.
Trying to learn pentesting and Kali Linux and overall security be like Youtube link 1 >uncomprehensible Indian accent gibberish that you can't even decypher Youtube link 2 >trans guy that sound like going through puberty Fuck it lemme read it then <Israeli security company shoving their overpriced shit with INSANE amount of Zionist propaganda <Paki guy who is not teaching at all <Unhelpful link dictionary End it
This month is my bday so I was thinking on taking my mom to the nearest Outback that resides in a shopping mall. What should i order there? I only have a total of 25 USD dollars. Rate.
>the pyramids were already over 3000 years ago at the peak of the Roman empire
Nod a very good movie I thought the premise was interesting but its just very shallow and lacks any degree of depth
Does the capital city of you're cunt have suspiciously high average annual earnings as compared to other regions?
Some people recommend me laborers[odd jobs] on construction sites. Because I'm a no income artist. Sad.
>Portugal has cancelled the order for F-35s from the US Another shitty day in Trump's stupid nigger life
Marital rape? Right, and I steal my own car to go to work in the morning. Give me a break
So I have these two teenage boy coworkers. One has openly expressed that he wants to have sex with our other coworkers. The other one seems shy but if you know anything about being a teenage boy having been one he definitely wants to fuck the girls there. This one girl she always talks to him and is his friend but when she walks in she'll ignore him and he seems like her by it so I'm assuming he's just like masturbating to her talking to her while she ignores her. All the girls have boyfriends or are talking to multiple dudes from what I've overheard. Basically what would you guys say to your teen self? I'm sure we've all been in that position where the girl is your friend and you think about having sex with her but you know all these girls pretty much have a boyfriend or are talking to other guys. And you know how women are how they dress and how they talk they've basically LEAD these two guys on intentionally or not. What do I tell them to encourage them to get pussy instead of being hung up on some bratty bitches? You know a guy like me I'm a sociopath and I'm a bit older but a young kid you know kind of hurts his feelings and gets micro raped kek. I guess I wouldn't care but they both are like pretty good normies they're like Republicans the one kid the shy one reads books a lot which I like. The more confident one joined the coast guard and I've been telling him what it's like to go through basic. Decent kids why should they suffer at moshi's feminist globohomo hand?
>A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states. We should establish a bernd network state.
Why do brown people tend to think they are whiter than clearly lighter skinned people than them? What kind of deformed form of racism is this? Is it lack of self awareness?
Ancient Russians discovered, yet more clay that needs to be liberated it seems...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America I'm surprised black bears have killed so many to be honest, I thought they were kinda scared of humans.
Chad makes things happen Things happen TO an incel A Chad is the master of his destiny. He makes choices for the benefit of his own life. He joins the football-team in High School, he picks a popular girl to make his girlfriend, he makes connections easily, choosing what clique to belong to, he'd be accepted anywhere. In College, he chooses to join a frat with High Status in order to make connection. After college, the world is his playground, he can do anything, he is the master of his own destiny. An incel is bullied in High School, things HAPPEN to HIM. He can't choose his friends, if he has any at all, they will have been chosen for him by being the other outcasts. His friends just HAPPEN to him. He doesn't get any girls attention, he can't make that happen. In college, it's the same thing, any social group he ends up in has not been chosen, he doesn't get a girl either, any situation he is in has been thrust upon him, he hasn't chosen anything. After college, it's more a matter of an employer choosing him than him choosing a job. Most jobs will not have him based on who he is. The incel is not the master of his own destiny, he is a leaf on a stream, beaten by the elements and circumstances.
What's the deal with Slavic white supremacists? They're not white and they're not supreme.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGFKwshHjWQ Zeihan is convinced the Russians own Trump. Onions?
Will Biden be able to become the new pope? He has all the qualities that a pope needs.
Day 1 of the big sumo tournament in Osaka >oinkraine wrestlers both lose <Russian wrestler wins <American wrestler wins
Americans went crazy again today for Pokemon cards, fighting over a new release of cards.
>That's one of the biggest predictors of whether someone will support Donald Trump - it may be the biggest predictor - is the belief that America is headed in the wrong direction, the belief that your kids are not going to have a better life than you did. >And that cynicism really breeds frustration at political elites, but, frankly, that frustration needs to find a better outlet than Donald Trump. And that's why I've made some of the analogies that I have because I don't think that he's going to make the problem better. I think, like you said, he is in some ways a pain reliever. He's someone who makes people feel a little bit better about their problems. But whether he's elected president or not, those problems are still going to be there, and we've got to recognize that. ... >It typically starts with me making a point that I just made, which is, look, maybe Trump is recognizing some legitimate problems. He's talking about the opioid epidemic in a way that nobody else is. But he's not going to fix the problem. You know, better trade deals is not going to make all of these problems just go away. >And typically my family actually recognizes that. That's what I find so interesting. They don't think that this guy is going to solve all their problems. They just think he's at least trying and he's saying things, primarily to the elites, that they wish they could say themselves. So it's really interesting. There's a recognition that Trump isn't going to solve a lot of these problems, but he's, at the end of the day, the only person really trying to tap into this frustration. >And it's, you know, I - so my dad is a Trump supporter, and I love my dad, and I always say, Dad, you know, Trump is not going to actually make any of these problems better. And he says, well, that's probably true, but at least he's talking about them and nobody else is and at least he's not Mitt Romney. At least he's not George W. Bush. He's at least trying to talk about these problems. >And I think it's amazing how low the bar has been set by the political conversation we've had for the past 20 or 30 years that this guy, who many people don't think is going to solve the problems, is still getting a lot of support from people who are blue-collar white folks. ... >I think a big part of it is just the way that Donald Trump conducts himself. A lot of people feel that you can't trust anything Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama say, not because they necessarily lied a lot but because they sound so filtered and they sound so rehearsed. Donald Trump, if nothing else, is relatable to the average working-class American because he speaks off the cuff. He's clearly unfiltered and unrehearsed. >And there is something relatable about that, even if, you know, half of the things that he says don't make any sense or a quarter of the things that he says are offensive. There's something to be said about relatability. https://www.npr.org/2016/08/17/490328484/hillbilly-elegy-recalls-a-childhood-where-poverty-was-the-family-tradition
ukraine tier coop from the fed "I-i was about to reinstate y-you all b-but i got fired ! https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5188868-former-special-counsel-hampton-dellinger/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wt1FuMWVjs This video is probably older than a third of the posters here.
euro cope status has critical mass, you can't browse kc anymore without coming across a globalhomo bot thread or an actual delusional euro. Sad to see
I just wanted to say i love all bernd and that gayce is my very favorite :3 I love talking to you fuck heads. I'm a very odd sperg i was popular in middle and highschool but totally alone in elementary school and college I've seen both sides of the coin but i can still trick a normie i think. Talking to them is always hollow and girls seem to like me when I'm kind of an asshole i really don't like them they're like trees or rocks or animals. At least on a chan site people love and respect hitler and god and whatnot i feel alone in crowds.
We need to Astroturf idea for women that smoking METH is perfect and easiest way to lose weight and cellulite We need to encourage every women to smoke METH I think this is key to women problem !!
Melungeons-american brazilians. If we had more melungeons they would also invent putaria funk and pidgin ebonics different from negroe ebonics
Empire: German-style helmets, guns, armor Sith: anagram of shit Jedi: anagram of jide (Jiddish for Jew) https://forward.com/culture/327265/the-secret-jewish-history-of-star-wars/
>start counting calories >food becomes incredibly delicious on top of being already amazing
That feel when I sprained my shoulder muscle a few weeks ago and whenever I work out anything with arm movement (even bicep curls) it hurts really bad so I'm restricted to running and working legs and abs. Frustrating as fuck man. I wanna get ripped before pool season.
Went to get some booze and came back saw the same guy smoking a cig outside his apartment so I walked up and said "Yo you got any weed?" He said no and tbh looked depressed as a motherfucker. I asked where he's from and he said Oshawa, Ontario. They always look anxious and depressed moving to Alberta.
"my wife" is the most cuck word i've ever heard. who do people talk about their wives?
Who is she? I was subscribed to a Telegram channel that claimed to be her, but I had my suspicions that they were just reposting someone else's content. The channel got banned for some reason despite never posting anything sexual, which makes me believe my suspicions were right. Anybody know who she actually is or if it was a legitimate channel?