Is there a tool the removes the many gigabytes of nvidia driver installer bloat? t.retard windows user with a small ssd
Ask me anything Me in the azeroth again Im compuletely vasolidated via alcohol Ama
I don't need girlfriends or even industrial porn/hentai anymore. I have all my sexual needs fulfilled instantly by AI, powered by my chinese GPU card. This has lifted a very heavy weight from my psyche, and I feel liberated. The most exciting part is that videos are not even here yet.
I'm currently lurking Kropyvach, a Ukrainian imageboard, let's talk to Ukrainians.
What do you think it's like being a king, Bernd? I would imagine there would be alot of stress involved having to control your various vassals.
Why do you think (((they))) tasked Trump with dismantling Pax Americana? Why (((they))) stopped being satisfied with their favorite golem?
women are so fucking bad at cooking. they're egotistical as hell so no matter how bad their cooking it still tastes good to them . How you can fuck up chicken alfredo is beyond me. This shit tastes like a mouse died in it.
>some say the seeds for World War III were planted in the great betrayal of the Ukrainian people by the United States of America, which represented the de facto schism of western allied forces. Manuel Sprenger writes in his "50 years Since the Decade of Hell": "the Chinese could never have gathered part of the european continent strenght without the erratic behavior of western leadership of the 2020s. If you understand the geopolitics of that decade, President Trump's imperialistic endeavors towards his allies were a defining factor of world politics at the brink of the War a decade later, and the center-east victory after 8 years.". >Encyclopedia Galatica [link]
After getting fit, my discord and instagram is filling with femboys and twinks messaging me Stop whatever you are doing and start lifting, Bernds
My old gym had one of these machines and it gave me awesome results. Now my new gym is nice but it doesn’t have one of these and I’m getting a little belly. I do several different ab exercises but nothing gave me results like this. Is there an equivalent to this that I can do with free weights?
I find it quite annoying when people start their sentences with "so", "and", "though", etc. Next time I see someone doing that I will beat them up.
It's over, communism won. I watched video on thorium reactor on youtube last month and CHYNA crack the code. Wect lost.
Haven't showerd in at least 5 days because always drunk. Only washed my hair so its not greasy. Based or cringe?
Does Brazil have elite favelas, they're still favelas but reserved for upper crust faveldos?
literally not a single decent thread in the entire catalog KC anno 2025 is SO FUCKING OVER the last dying whimper of gay pedo forum
> Latvians primarily live in the center and low-density subrbus < soviets primarily live in commieblock suburbs Imagine having a butthurt belt full of vodkaniggers that separates CBD from suburbs. I wonder, do Latvians in commieblock belt try to flee ASAP?
A new hierarchy emerges. This is the official portrait of the leaders who attended Starmer's emergency summit on Sunday. These are the new leaders of the post-USA wect. Lors onions? >Finland, France, UK, Ukraine, Poland Literally the only countries that have any meaningful military strength left when America leaves Europe and the only leaders who have shown any trace amounts of leadership during recent events. Other observations: >Polish cyborg >Swedish Harry Potter >Everyone distancing from the angry bald German man in the background >Portugal being very brown >etc.
rub your fingers against the creases as shown in the picture, smell it and report back
What Cat cable does bernd use? just bought a 10 GBPS Cat 6 cable it's 15 feet but i only need 10 or so feet it was like $6 USD
The jews, society and other bad influences (kc) are the reason why I'm incel
bank has been calling and pestering me over private pension system. woman on the phone asked me how do I make savings if I don't take this very good deal and I said I put all my money on bitcoin she was speechless and conversation quickly ended.
I'm astonished by my countrymen's willingness to play squid game after all the stories and videos of FPV drones. You can get up to ~50k USD right after signing contract with Russian ministry of defense +2k USD salary Medvedev recently said that 440k were recruited for war in Ukraine last year(these numbers probably exclude some prisoners or people of donbass)
Can you imagine that like in 2023 the whole Russian civilization was in danger. Putin was ready to abandon Moscow and Russia was on the brink of collapse. Then Luka stepped up and acted like Stalin would have and called Putler: "We didn't abandon Moscow when the Germans were trying to exterminate us! We will not abandon it now, CYKA BLYAD!" Then Putin grew some balls and asked Luka to please call Prigozhin.
Hair product I have been using for almost 2 years now must have changed formular. Doesn't feel the same and it smells like soap now. I am pretty sure it also had bee wax previously but no more mention of bee wax on the ingredients. Everything is so shit now.
I'm a licensed boob inspector, please dm me pictures and I will give a professional opinion.
I went on a second date last Saturday, and now she’s not replying… Looks like I’ve been ghosted! r8 my suffering
So I bought doritos because (((bernd))) said they are good and they actually taste like shit. I acn only assume that (((bernd))) was brown and a gypsy
The western coast of the German part of the Jutland peninsula used to be Frisian? Slaswik-Holstiinj is echte Nederlands.
Its monday again Time to wageslave and forget about wectoid realm known as kc
I deleted duolingo because they took away my free super duogold and I got tired of having to type "josé comé pán" for 50th time. So I downloaded the others and tried Memrise first. They want 250$ for this app that looks like a flash game from 2010 also. All this shit is AI powered now and AI didnt make nothing cheap just find more ways to milk money in this late stage capitalist rents-over-profits stagnation decay society. The cotton gin did not free the slaves it just created a demand for more slaves. I hate the antichrist, I hate AI. There is plastic in my blood. Shostakovich.
Kraków is ranked as one of the worst cities you can live in Poland. What are your thoughts on it?
I had a dream where I met the Meth Canadian. We were both hanging around in a hotel lobby. I felt pity for him since he would be sleeping out in the cold, so I got a room for him. Then we became buds and hung out in a parking garage. r8 and subscribe.
Why didn't the secret service intervene here? If I would be in charge I definitely would order three agents between Zelensky and Trump to shield the US president at some point of the argument, despite the diplomatic consequences.
USA should cancel giving Finland the F35 fighter jets. The price is subsidized by American taxpayers and Americans lose way more than gain from that "sale". Why can't Finns pay the full price instead of ripping off Americans? Finns are as greedy and thieving as kikes are
I think I have Alcoholic ketoacidosis again. I can smell it(and feeling not so good) its very distinct smell.
1. In case of an air raid siren, turn on your radio. Listen to the broadcast. 2. if there is a flash. Do not look at it. Take cover as fast as possible.
You play videogames? Sometimes you get hit with the emptiness? Like, its fake glory, it's fun and shit, but fuck, i almost bought a god tier PC, but this feeling hit before it happened
What is a negro capable of? Should nigger musicians be respected it seems hard to put a song together or do kikes just do big chunks of it for them or even full instrumentals? What are lower races actually able to shine at?
I have never seen a single woman below 40yo with a man shorter or with the same height as her. Indians with arranged marriages apart but they are not human.
>Trump: Make women sexy again! >you: YES! >Trump: Vaguely saying Hitler was right doesn't make me a Nazi! >you: ABSOLUTELY! >Trump: Down with jews! >you: YES! >Trump: By that I meant LIBERAL jews! >you: Huh?! >Trump: Return to work or the tariffs will crush you. >you: DRUMPF IS LE EVIL HITLER! The election literally and finally divided the right into the dishonest bandwagoners and the actual saints that care about his mission to save the country.
I was in doc office and when it was my turn to visit him, he said "Lauert, pls com" instead of "Herr Lauert, pls come". Apart of this he was bretty nice. Is it because I am an Ausländer?
answers to a few men emasculates millions of men by the fact that she has authority over you
its carnival in brazil right now. millions of people and partying and having sex non stop for a whole week. meanwhile i rot here browsing kc and watching dragon ball. its all thats left for me
When you see a bernd under the German flag, don't be fooled. He's not German, he's an ossi.
The more stressed out that Trump feels, the more orange he gets. I'm not the only one who noticed this. His use of cosmetics is a nervous habit, like anorexia, he wants to present an image to the world and he overcompensates. It's telling that in the past few weeks Trump has appeared in public more orange than ever, as his opinion polls slide more and more. Trump has been coping with the backlash by surrounding himself with sycophants and spending his time on schizo social media, but this is unhealthy and has consequences. Dismiss this is you want, but pay attention to his colour, it doesn't lie.
Should I watch it? It is available with english subtiles on youtube. Other countries versions are unwachable because to many Nig Nogs there?
Bisexual couple from Qazaqistao moved to Brazil, they say its safe country and everyone should move there.
Republican retarded wypipo who think apple cider vinegar and horse paste is the only medicine you need because vaccines make you gay are bring back 20th century diseases.
Why do Eurovision raters always shit on Germany with the scores Watching the qualifiers right now and the songs are good
When was the last time you actually interacted with children? And what happened? Be honest bernd
I believe it and not just the vaginal atrophy but also the mood swings, depression, rage and lack of libido.