>The Chinese wheelbarrow - which was driven by human labour, beasts of burden and wind power - was of a different design than its European counterpart. By placing a large wheel in the middle of the vehicle instead of a smaller wheel in front, one could easily carry three to six times as much weight than if using a European wheelbarrow.
is it acceptable to go to restaurants by yourself? Maybe in the middle of the day? I feel like it's acceptable to eat alone at cafes, but restaurants is a bit different
Look at this picture messenger took of mercury.
It's so bare, empty, devoid of anything.
And this thing have been floating in space for billions of years.
Why everything but earth is just empty, bare and desertic?
I'm done, Bernd.
I'm deadly tired of eternal depression and anxiety. I've been living like this for 14 years. I've started to get therapy including medicine but it has no effect on me. And every year the situation becomes worse and worse and I can do nothing to ease my pain.
I've been changing dogtours, tried many strategies for treatment and everything fails. It seems like my bipolar disorder is resistant and can't be cured. In fact, there's no cure for it at all. And the option to ease and control it is unavailable for me.
I wish I wasn't a pucci and went on the last trip for all my savings. Somewhere in the south, like Thailand or Cambodia. Spend the last months in heaven on Earth before I finally go to hell like my life isn't one, he-he . But I won't. I'm a coward. And how can't I be? 14 years of anxiety. Sometimes, I even envy Nikiter. Imagine how many adventures he has ever experienced and still has. He's even a political refugee, unironically, lol. My life is grey without a single interesting event and I'll never even get enough courage to kms in a wonderful place. But I'm already dead inside.
Holy fuck. Holy shit. My fucking god.
I came inside, I fucking came inside. I'm fucking stupid. Why did I fucking came inside...
I don't want to be a dad. I'm so fucking retarded. I wanna die.
Pay up wyt boi
-$5 million to every eligible Black adult.
-eliminating personal debt & tax burdens -guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97K for 250 years
-homes in SF for just $1 a family
Broccoli is good for you. Broccoli and spinach are basically the only vegetables I eat.
It's milk with chocolate ice cream in it to make it chocolate milk.
I saved a woman from armed home intruders once and she didnt even give me sex. Can you imagine. I practically saved her life and almost died and she didnt even suck my dick
Total posts: 6,
files: 1 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:16:21 GMT)
True blackpill, only genetics count. Women would have sex with a convicted child rapist and murderer if he was handsome, but not with Bernd even if he saved her life.
The fact that he saved her life doesn't change his bad genetics.
actually she was disappointed she didnt get to be gangrapes by them
Bill Gates Calls for a ‘New Religion’ That Pushes Globalist Agenda Onto the MassesBernd
Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:14:58 GMT
No. 25622624
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Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for “a new religion” to be created that will help to promote unpopular globalist polices, such as mass vaccinations and the “climate change” agenda, among the general public.
Gates argues that creating a “new religion” would also keep humans occupied in the AI-dominated near future.
According to Gates, “if all goes well,” members of the general public will soon have a lot of time on their hands when machines have replaced them in the workplace.
Gates argues that artificial intelligence will ensure that alleged issues such as “disease and enough food or climate” will be “solved problems.”
Because humans will have extra free time, Gates is calling on globalists to consider “how do we take advantage of that?”
According to Gates, giving the public “a new religion or a new philosophy” is the answer.
Gates made the call during an appearance on the “Possible” podcast, co-hosted by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.
Like Gates, Hoffman is also a Democrat megadonor who is linked to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
In Fact, Hoffman was a guest at Epstein’s notorious private Caribbean resort known as “Pedophile Island.”
In his final comment on the podcast, Gates reflects on what the future may hold for the masses.
“The potential positive path is so good that it will force us to rethink how should we use our time,” he says.
“You know, you can almost call it a new religion or a new philosophy of, okay, how do we stay connected with each other, not addicted to these things that’ll make video games look like nothing in terms of the attractiveness of spending time on them.”
Gates then argues that most of humanity will have nothing to contribute to society because globalists and AI-powered machines will have “solved” all of life’s “problems.”
“So it’s fascinating that we will, the issues of, you know, disease and enough food or climate if things go well, those will largely become solved problems,” he continues.
“And, you know, so the next generation does get to say, ‘Okay, given that some things that were massively in shortage are now not, how do, how do we take advantage of that?’”
“You know, do we ban AI being used in certain endeavors so that humans get some — you know, you know, like you don’t want robots playing baseball, probably,” he continues.
“Because they’re, they’ll be too good.
“So we’ll, we’ll keep them off the field. Okay.
“How broadly would you go with that?”
“We are so used to this shortage world that, you know, I, I, I hope I get to see how we start to rethink the- these deep-meaning questions,” Gates concludes.
Gates is not the first globalist to make such a call, however.
For some time, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has been calling for a new religion to be created by AI.
As Slay News previously reported, a top WEF official called for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by AI to create a globalized “new Bible.”
Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF and its chairman, Klaus Schwab, argues that using AI to replace scriptures will create unified “religions that are actually correct.”
Harari, an influential author and professor, made the call while giving a talk on the “future of humanity.”
According to Harari, the power of AI can be harnessed and used to reshape spirituality into the WEF’s globalist vision of “equity” and inclusivism.
Speaking with journalist Pedro Pinto in Lisbon, Portugal, Harari told the elitist audience:
“It’s the first technology ever that can create new ideas.
“You know, the printing press, radio, television, they broadcast, they spread the ideas created by the human brain, by the human mind.
“They cannot create a new idea.
“You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page.
“It had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that?”
Harari then revealed that he and his allies at the WEF have a solution to the supposed problems he’d just highlighted.
“AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared.
“Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity,” he added.
“In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI.
“That could be a reality in a few years.”
Total posts: 14,
files: 4 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:06:10 GMT)
Before I die I will manufacture a huge hoax. I will chisel some alien faces or dinosaurs on a boulder, or some phrases in a made-up alphabet.
I'll study how to make my hoax resistant to superficial critical inspection and the whole world will make documentaries about it.
Total posts: 12,
files: 3 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:59:52 GMT)
The last successful viral hoax was probably that monolith story. But it seems like a lot of effort just to make mad all. It's way easier to just hoax some UFO pictures or smth and people will always reference them.
very intelligent answer. I guess the first option would be the most stimulating for me, fooling a ton of scientists into believing that an unbelievable scientific breakthrough happened
I was pooping and I think I finally understood Trump's strategy, Berkshire and Hathaway understood it since before the elections when Trump was still just the favorite to win, thus why they are selling stocks and building large cash reserves.
Trump and his team saw the immense dollar emission by the federal reserve and the gigantic monetary base and saw an opportunity on it. Creating endless tariffs helps a lot to create jobs and raise wages, which is popular, but creates gigantic inflation as the counterpart, which is very, very impopular, but there is a way in which you can revert inflation: cut the offer of dollars in the same proportion the inflation rises, you get all upsides of huge tariffs with no downsides, americans love you and you gain more political power and popularity.
Stocks have been going down not because there exists a fear of recession, that is propaganda for liberal retards, they fear Trump's team may interfere on the Federal Reserve and may not play the emission stop with a good hand and may cutting more dollars emissions than needed, thus causing deflation and a liquidity crisis in the financial market, eventually leading to a financial crisis like in 1929.
Total posts: 16,
files: 4 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:57:08 GMT)
Just one more tariff bro, if we start taxing all imports in Brazil by 80% rather than the current 60% then we'll all get rich overnight, trust the plan, one century of protectionism is about to pay off any time now!