If you're going to act like such an arrogant pseudo-intellectual douche, you could at least respond with a point that makes sense. Otherwise you embarrass not only yourself, but your country.
Nix as a project handles a package manager, a language, and long down the list, an OS, but it is not some timeless protocol unto itself such that everyone will maintain their own implementations of all these things should the Nix project go belly-up. If people stop working on all three of those things central to the Nix project, old packaged applications are going to be about as meaningful as a printed BASIC game in an old PC magazine.
If you remove the actual project creators and all of the talented developers from the project and are left with ideologues, the project, along with people packaging for nix, will disappear.
I don't disagree with you because you're German, btw, I disagree with you because you're a retard. The fact that you're sniffing your own farts in some haughty haze just makes you look like even more of a tool.