>The Chinese wheelbarrow - which was driven by human labour, beasts of burden and wind power - was of a different design than its European counterpart. By placing a large wheel in the middle of the vehicle instead of a smaller wheel in front, one could easily carry three to six times as much weight than if using a European wheelbarrow.
is it acceptable to go to restaurants by yourself? Maybe in the middle of the day? I feel like it's acceptable to eat alone at cafes, but restaurants is a bit different
Look at this picture messenger took of mercury.
It's so bare, empty, devoid of anything.
And this thing have been floating in space for billions of years.
Why everything but earth is just empty, bare and desertic?
I'm done, Bernd.
I'm deadly tired of eternal depression and anxiety. I've been living like this for 14 years. I've started to get therapy including medicine but it has no effect on me. And every year the situation becomes worse and worse and I can do nothing to ease my pain.
I've been changing dogtours, tried many strategies for treatment and everything fails. It seems like my bipolar disorder is resistant and can't be cured. In fact, there's no cure for it at all. And the option to ease and control it is unavailable for me.
I wish I wasn't a pucci and went on the last trip for all my savings. Somewhere in the south, like Thailand or Cambodia. Spend the last months in heaven on Earth before I finally go to hell like my life isn't one, he-he . But I won't. I'm a coward. And how can't I be? 14 years of anxiety. Sometimes, I even envy Nikiter. Imagine how many adventures he has ever experienced and still has. He's even a political refugee, unironically, lol. My life is grey without a single interesting event and I'll never even get enough courage to kms in a wonderful place. But I'm already dead inside.
Holy fuck. Holy shit. My fucking god.
I came inside, I fucking came inside. I'm fucking stupid. Why did I fucking came inside...
I don't want to be a dad. I'm so fucking retarded. I wanna die.
Pay up wyt boi
-$5 million to every eligible Black adult.
-eliminating personal debt & tax burdens -guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97K for 250 years
-homes in SF for just $1 a family
This old meme is funny because its now true throughout Europe that niggers can get away with anything and the governments in every European country except maybe Hungary are doing everything they can to import more niggers and wipe out the native White populations.
Why did Europeans decide to vote for that?
Total posts: 28,
files: 6 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 14:33:11 GMT)
>>25616460>throughout Europe that niggers can get away with anything
Yet somehow all the wild nig shit like BLM, sucker punch game, etc happens in the USA
STFU lying Juden
Jews are just evil. Money is their god, and the love of money is the root of all evil. You are not better. You are a disease.
How am I supposed to solve the kohlcash in TailsOS without Javascript? Pip isn't available, so I tried installing the argon2-cffi manually but I couldn't get it to work.
Total posts: 90,
files: 8 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 14:27:21 GMT)
I guess he means that stuff can easily leak to the host system. For example if you save the VM state, the RAM contents will be stored outside the VM. That's why you should encrypt it on the host.
I HATE AUSLANDERS so MUCH ITS UNREAL (even though I am auslander)
You can see clear difference in genetic composition of subhumans from different countries , they are absolutely careless, lazy , stupid, arrogant and absolutely have no gratitude for hand that feeds them.
They are same as pisslamist who want to trash land to which they escaped from prosecution .
Same with these gypsies come here to work and than want to trash the company to ground
Germans pretend to not now know it's niggers and shitskins. They don't want to be labelled as racists. Guilt is too high!
Tbh they should replace that with thanks and cogratulations! Each time closet like that saves a child or woman from rape.
Construction workers aren't allowed to go to the bathroom? There's no bathroom facilities for them? When they obviously have no other choice they pee in bottle and get chastised for it?
Why the shaking? Is your cover almost blown? Are the secret EU police at your door ready to evict you back to mother Russia? This is basicly genocide.
How can we know that law was followed in Romania and its not just click bait articles?
If he really did something illegal and court had power to do what they did whats wrong?
why can we presume that law was followed in Romania and its just click bait articles?
If he really didn't do something illegal and court had no power to do what they did whats not wrong?
why we dont start gathering that garbage, burning it and generating power through it?
>but muh toxic fumes
Just add a filter or whatever, its better than laying it in the ocean
Total posts: 18,
files: 6 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:30:30 GMT)
we don't, chinks do. my local river has a beach on it 50 miles inland from where it empties into the ocean and that beach is pristine, but when you go to the ocean beaches they're covered in plastic crap and its not to hard to find some with chink runes on it
This is not industry-related polution, this is basically a combination of consumption level and brownness level (which causes one to throw plastic everywhere)