>The Chinese wheelbarrow - which was driven by human labour, beasts of burden and wind power - was of a different design than its European counterpart. By placing a large wheel in the middle of the vehicle instead of a smaller wheel in front, one could easily carry three to six times as much weight than if using a European wheelbarrow.
I remember arguing with schizos last month, how solar is a scam, and its impossible that a 6k solar system makes it so you pay nothing for electricity, because then everybody would get it.
I even asked my dad again, how many months in the year you have to buy, and he said basically never, except a few days in winter. The solar system on my brothers roof already produces 60 kwh a day, and its not summer yet. Some jap guy said "If you knew what a kwh is, you wouldn't think thats much". Literally psychotic. Not even a family uses up 60 kwh a day.
So basically Kc is full of schizos that have no clue about the real world, but call something impossible because of some hunch they have.
Look at this picture messenger took of mercury.
It's so bare, empty, devoid of anything.
And this thing have been floating in space for billions of years.
Why everything but earth is just empty, bare and desertic?
I'm done, Bernd.
I'm deadly tired of eternal depression and anxiety. I've been living like this for 14 years. I've started to get therapy including medicine but it has no effect on me. And every year the situation becomes worse and worse and I can do nothing to ease my pain.
I've been changing dogtours, tried many strategies for treatment and everything fails. It seems like my bipolar disorder is resistant and can't be cured. In fact, there's no cure for it at all. And the option to ease and control it is unavailable for me.
I wish I wasn't a pucci and went on the last trip for all my savings. Somewhere in the south, like Thailand or Cambodia. Spend the last months in heaven on Earth before I finally go to hell like my life isn't one, he-he . But I won't. I'm a coward. And how can't I be? 14 years of anxiety. Sometimes, I even envy Nikiter. Imagine how many adventures he has ever experienced and still has. He's even a political refugee, unironically, lol. My life is grey without a single interesting event and I'll never even get enough courage to kms in a wonderful place. But I'm already dead inside.
Holy fuck. Holy shit. My fucking god.
I came inside, I fucking came inside. I'm fucking stupid. Why did I fucking came inside...
I don't want to be a dad. I'm so fucking retarded. I wanna die.
Pay up wyt boi
-$5 million to every eligible Black adult.
-eliminating personal debt & tax burdens -guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97K for 250 years
-homes in SF for just $1 a family
I can't tolerate drinking heavily anymore in my 30s so I just get a big beer every once in a while, this time 2 for the hell of it. Also the kind I like is a pint can and 9 percent, so it's basically like 4 normal light beers in 1 I think
Today I saw a black mother kot with kitten in my area. The mother kot went down a small ledge to go into the woods to get some food, and the poor little kitten was trying to follow her. Unfortunately the little bugger couldn't because of the great height (for its size) so I tried to help him out, but by the time I got near him the two of them ran away.
Unfortunately I didn't have my phone with me so I never did get a picture of them, but they were really cute.
Total posts: 5,
files: 2 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 23:41:07 GMT)
Wed, 12 Mar 2025 21:29:07 GMT
No. 25625194SÄGE!
>>25625730>The idea behind the nuclear warheads in a torpedo was to create a much bigger explosive blast
Wow, thanks Wikipedia! I'd have never figured out that one. Kekerinos.
What exactly was Thomas Hobbes' political alignment? It's clear that he favors a strong state out of necessity but beyond that his political affiliation doesn't seem to be that specialized, as an author.
Total posts: 10,
files: 2 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 21:47:26 GMT)
Right, so, it seems Cromwell was smart enough to realize Hobbes wasn't exactly a monarchist in particular
Hobbes Smashes Cromwell and the Rump: An Interpretation of LeviathanBernd
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:22:25 GMT
No. 25626114>>25626120
Do you agree with this roastie?
>Recent scholarship interprets Leviathan as subtly revealing Thomas Hobbes’s allegiance to Cromwell, the Rump Parliament and (or) the Commonwealth. I, however, argue that Hobbes’s Leviathan intends to smash the religious principles underwriting Cromwell, the Rump and the new regime. I begin by situating Leviathan alongside the popular religious rhetoric favoring Cromwell, the Rump and their allies. I then proceed to reveal how Hobbes’s Leviathan subverts the popular religious opinions justifying their claims to authority. Hobbes’s politically subversive arguments are important because de facto power ultimately rests on the legitimizing public opinions that lead men to consent to obey and to support a particular man or an assembly of men. That is, right makes might, according to Hobbes. By subverting the powerful religious opinions legitimizing Cromwell’s and the Rump’s rise, Hobbes intends Leviathan to disempower Cromwell and the Rump Parliament.
I remembered how cringy university intellectuals are.
They are pretty much parasites who can only thrive off taxpayers.
But unlike NEETS, they force their opinions unto others. They reproduce by this manner.
It's the twerk contest stadium where Brazilian maids compete to get hired for, you know, services. The pay is fantastic for Brazil, ten dollarinos a day.