Look at this picture messenger took of mercury.
It's so bare, empty, devoid of anything.
And this thing have been floating in space for billions of years.
Why everything but earth is just empty, bare and desertic?
I'm done, Bernd.
I'm deadly tired of eternal depression and anxiety. I've been living like this for 14 years. I've started to get therapy including medicine but it has no effect on me. And every year the situation becomes worse and worse and I can do nothing to ease my pain.
I've been changing dogtours, tried many strategies for treatment and everything fails. It seems like my bipolar disorder is resistant and can't be cured. In fact, there's no cure for it at all. And the option to ease and control it is unavailable for me.
I wish I wasn't a pucci and went on the last trip for all my savings. Somewhere in the south, like Thailand or Cambodia. Spend the last months in heaven on Earth before I finally go to hell like my life isn't one, he-he . But I won't. I'm a coward. And how can't I be? 14 years of anxiety. Sometimes, I even envy Nikiter. Imagine how many adventures he has ever experienced and still has. He's even a political refugee, unironically, lol. My life is grey without a single interesting event and I'll never even get enough courage to kms in a wonderful place. But I'm already dead inside.
Holy fuck. Holy shit. My fucking god.
I came inside, I fucking came inside. I'm fucking stupid. Why did I fucking came inside...
I don't want to be a dad. I'm so fucking retarded. I wanna die.
Pay up wyt boi
-$5 million to every eligible Black adult.
-eliminating personal debt & tax burdens -guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97K for 250 years
-homes in SF for just $1 a family
You may pull a million stats out of your butt about how violent blacks are or about IQ, or whatever, but there is one simple trump card that shuts you down over and over again.
That trump card is the simple fact that i am a few inches more manly than 99.9% of white boys. those few inches are what cancel out any claim of yours to be superior. They cancel out your ability to multiply as fast as i can.
They are the reason blacks will dominate the planet.
In high school there are nerds and jocks. The nerds have big brains and get shit. The jocks have big dicks and get girls and the best life.
Whites are nerds, blacks are jocks.
>what is even more dominating is that it doesn't even matter if we have similar sizes. as long as your white girls believe it and your culture acknowledges it. I emerge supreme. so give up white boy. we' already won this war
Total posts: 1,
files: 0 (Drowned at Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:30:16 GMT)
No, it's just experience. Uniformly formatted code is easier to read. Imagine if you had a book where every paragraph had a different offset, different line length, and different font size. With big codebases every small readability change leads to huge time savings and less bugs.
Not to mention that a person who can't do a simple action like that cannot be trusted to make any kind of complicated code changes.
And in books every paragraph has a different length. The lines at the paragraph are automatically broken by the text editor. The same way you can enable visual line wrapping in any text editor that doesn't suck.
I'm too ugly to have a wife. Even if a woman agreed to be my wife, I'd be too ashamed to go outside with her. Life would be hell. I'm better off alone.
Nah i had a good girlrriend i met on meetme.com she was ginger and lived on a ranch in middle states
But i dont know how to talk to them nowadays because i dont have teenager feelings anymore so i dont care. I can only say to them that i want marry and live with them in usa.
Or maybe need to drink or something xD
They are. Did many a readings into media law. Copyrighted material usually has to be banned by complete IP as listed by that government, or it's ownership must be siezed in some way (IP is declared as person X's property and Person X must hand over IP ownership or get epstein'd). The processes are different between Rus and US, but tend to work out the same
Recommend me popular rhymesters, aka commercial entertainers, of WW1. Populist authors who wrote accessible verses meant to appeal to a wide and uncouth audience, and that were scorned by literary critics.
Total posts: 0,
files: 0 (Drowned at Wed, 12 Mar 2025 03:13:20 GMT)
ukraine tier coop from the fed
"I-i was about to reinstate y-you all b-but i got fired !
Total posts: 2,
files: 1 (Drowned at Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:36:29 GMT)