There are also biophysical benefits. When erect there is less blood loss to other systems, particularly the brain, which is very demanding of blood. It is less liable to injuries. It causes less disruption to other men obsessed with their own power, beauty, or prowess, which can save your life in certain circumstances.
I have found that women find small penors cute. Many scoff at this claim, but the constant stream of arrests of women for abusing young boys sexually prove this is a common lust. It also decreases the pressure to perform in relationships, making it easier to neglect women - although at the cost of being cucked, obv. If women fuck you knowing you have a small penin, you aren't expected to batter their ovaries, and in fact they are much more likely to want to obsess over your cocklet, to fulfill their fantasies of child abuse, IME.
Women are of little value, TBH, so the impermanance of relationships is simply the reality of life, unless you are a Muslim in a restrictive country, which has far worse drawbacks.