I think NPCs hate ornate yet objectively beautiful things because their herding instinct overrides their innate sense of beauty. Ornament is not in fashion, it contradicts slave morality, submissive minimalism is the style of our times.
Those who love and radiate beauty are afflicted with jealousy. The anger and jealousy of the masses is feared by the current decadent and worthless ruling class. Among them it became a sign of good manners not to be too bold and to be ashamed of one's wealth in a certain way. But that didn't resolve the status game.
The equally decadent lower classes have noticed that a reserved lifestyle is now a value among the upper classes. And because these hypnotic masses think that what the upper class considers good must be high status and also good. So minimalism gained high status.
Thus, classical high-status behavior (which was characterized by boldness and the expression of beauty) became a mark of lower-class behavior, behavior that does not conform to modern customs. The worship of ugliness and minimalism became high-class behavior. And in this way the Herdenmensch stood against beauty in the name of fashion.
This is how you deal with banderites.
>The moment of the liquidation of Nazi Demyan Ganul in Odessa was captured on surveillance cameras. The footage shows the moment when the killer approached to make a "control" shot
Having crazy female friends it's great, just finished sodomizing her asshole, my dick feels sore after all that punishment inflicted in her tight asshole.
Life it's great once you leave the retarded Benrd ways of thinking and living.
Nothing like cumming inside a girl that it's in pain and uncontrollable ecstasy at the same time.
That's all, life it's great and worth living once you figure out you're going to die and your time in this world it's limited and the best resource you own.
so australia will be buying 3 virginia class attack submarines and then will be using a new class of nuclear attack submarine designed by the UK
chinks are butthurt
australians also spent a decade and billions getting fucked over by the french with lead acid diesel submarines before this
Industrial tycoon of the future tier:
Zero gravity manufacturing
Asteroid mining
You can feasibly start zero gravity manufacturing now here on Earth, and be ready to transition into space when the window of opportunity opens. As for asteroid mining, you need to be an already well-established industrial powerhouse to be able to get started
I have small coolant leak from under EGR seal. I already changed sealant once two months ago, and mechanic said to get back if it leaks.
But I am too lazy to go to him again. What do you think about pouring a bit of this thing into coolant and maybe it will seal the leak?
Total posts: 28,
files: 2 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 19:54:24 GMT)
>>25604414>Belarus/Russia/Kazakstan where fuel is a dirty
It's not 1993 anymore. The fuel here is probably better than what you have.
>>25604429>throttle is not dynamic
My Firefox saves textarea input when you refresh or go back. In EU they must have told them not to. Stifles competition when browser does useful things
Has anyone here ever tried acting? I can take acting lessons in my city because I've always been curious, must be fun to incarnate a character and forget about your everyday life
Total posts: 4,
files: 1 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 00:07:15 GMT)
Prepare to be surrounded by insufferable art hoes, lgbti+ commies, and attentionwhores
I have a script for a fictional TV show that will never be made, I should shove it up my ass anyway
I've met lots of art hoes and lgbti+ commies and they've always been super nice to me. Attentionwhores however just ignore me but I hate them anyways
>>25604405>I have a script for a fictional TV show
let me guess, is it about a lonely Ir*nian who wants to escape the country because he can't fap to furries?
nothing wrong about fapping to furries tho, I do it all the time
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 21:40:18 GMT
No. 25604468
Wrong, my self-insert is an incel loser who has two friends from the looney bin and they crash his apartment Seinfeld-style and wacky hijinks ensues
Many of the episodes are dedicated to weird things he does to pick up women and every attempt fails very badly
You only get one pair of lungs. I occasionally treat myself to a cigar when I'm in the mood. I like being able to run for more than 45 seconds without being winded, so I focus on quality more than quantity.
How is hurting yourself a "treat"?
>so I focus on quality more than quantity.
There is no "quality" smoking, it is all exactly the same
Kill yourself
You drink alcohol sometimes, right? You do know that's poison, right? Why drink poison, are you retarded?
Kill yourself.
see how stupid that sounds?