Went to church last week, met some blonde, some friends were friends with...
She's starts chatting with me, i chat back... looks me... differently.
Not much, but not little. I went again this week, we chat again, but she acts more directly with me, show me pics of her family, talks about family, etc.
I ask her to go out, she mentions going to church today, i ask her if i could meet her, she says she is glad to... (so ok, something is happening)
I go there, we talk a bit before the event, not much during the preaching, she says goodbye to me before the preach ends, but in such a crushing shameful way. at the very end, i ask her about we doing something the rest of the day, (nothing sexual or anything, just spending some time together since is a sunny sunday evening, she says nah, compliments me in that same disgusting way and depart from each other.
I really don't know what happpened or why she did that, i hope when i die someone answer me that upheaven.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 21:52:27 GMT
No. 25604568
Either u fucked up with "i ask her about we doing something the rest of the day" or she dislikes you in general. Hope that helps.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:03:28 GMT
No. 25604673
Its called not remotely interested.
I'll prove it to you. Had she wanted to accompany you later in the day in any small way, she either would have said yes, and you'd have gone out, or she would have prior engagements and been apologetic, because she does want to go out, but absolutely cannot.
You got no with no excuse, meaning I don't want to do anything with you.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:06:29 GMT
No. 25604698
Theres the possibility that he fucked up the asking-out ritual and she was playfully mean on purpose, not meaning to express dismissal but reluctance
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:09:43 GMT
No. 25604728
No man, this isn't the case of Bernd not having the right Cyrano de Bergerac in his ear, she's not down. There's nothing like "that" there for her, or else there would have been a little exposition on the mini-rejection. For her that was just a straight up rejection, take the hint, that type of thing.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:13:21 GMT
No. 25604769
>There's nothing like "that" there for her, or else there would have been a little exposition on the mini-rejection
First of all, impressive eloquence from your side, but keep in mind that we are hearing the story from the perspective of a low-iq incel bernd (just like you, since you managed to miss "she says nah, compliments me in that same disgusting way")
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:18:09 GMT
No. 25604816
>"she says nah, compliments me in that same disgusting way"
You're going on thinking its some alchemical process and Bernd threw in toad guts instead of bird brain on the last step. She was being nice. They shared the same social activity, exchanged some info, but that was always as far as she wanted to go. "Nah" isn't going to pass through her lips, not towards a guy that she was remotely interested in at any point in the recent past.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:22:11 GMT
No. 25604850
You really have a narrow perspective on social interaction and you refuse to entertain my idea. Your desperation to appear eloquent makes sense, you are trying to compensate.
So anyway, I asked a girl for her number, she worked at little cornerstore. She laughed cheekily and said "Nah". A couple days latter, I met her at a party and banged her later that night.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:26:13 GMT
No. 25604881
You talked to a girl while she was at work, as a customer, she was understandably reluctant, then in a loose social environment, by chance you reacquire the target and are successful, is that what you're telling me? This is the self-same situation of "guy I was nice to at church but not into tried to ask me out but I'm not interested?"
>Your desperation to appear eloquent
Desperation for what? Who am I needing to impress? Am I getting paid?
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:31:56 GMT
No. 25604930
The little cornerstore was completely empty. She said "Nah" exactly like in the OP story. You dont understand what overcompensation means. Why am I having a dialogue with the most jaded version of Chris Chan now. Questions over questions!
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:36:23 GMT
No. 25604962
>You dont understand what overcompensation means.
I guess not.
>with the most jaded version of Chris Chan
Please don't reference weird-ass podcasters with me, you'll get nowhere because I've never once imbibed that trashwater.
For Bernd's sake, I hope I am totally wrong and you are totally right. All we have is an interpretation of events, but were our interpretations ponies, I know where my money would go.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:38:51 GMT
No. 25604978
She is like those country hardcore evangelical church girls, her arms are more hairy than mine.(even tho she doesn't look ugly or unclean in any way)
I asked advice from a church friend about, he said she is testing me to see if i hold for her... makes sense but it really angers me being treaten like that.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:39:52 GMT
No. 25604981
>but were our interpretations ponies
Thats the thing, I never said anything to the opposite. See how you backtracked from your original hypothesis ("its impossible"-> "its unlikely"). See the difference in this, dimwit?
>Please don't reference weird-ass podcasters with me, you'll get nowhere because I've never once imbibed that trashwater.
You are a newfag and you imbibe KC, which is a major trashwater. Something is clearly wrong with you, but you are too much of a pussy to disclose what.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:41:36 GMT
No. 25604990
Even the religious monkey understands the concept of a shit-test. Damn Chris Chan, you arent keeping up here.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:45:15 GMT
No. 25605006
You're just as obstinate as every kraut with which I've had the displeasure of interaction.
That's the thing, you're holding on to "hard to get" like its the bonus code on a losing scratch off, and it really doesn't sound like it. Not from your version of events.
>"She's not interested"
<"Got it, she's 'not interested,' say no more!"
And its like no man, she sounds not interested.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:48:02 GMT
No. 25605025
Deflated as fast as I thought. Shame, even tho you acted like a lobotomized bitch, you still put up a bit of a fight.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:50:00 GMT
No. 25605038
I mean, why would she interact with me in the first place, i didn't start nothing, she is always the one igniting our events, even tho i invited "TODAY" she was the one who accepted... she could have give some shit excuse to not see me.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 22:54:20 GMT
No. 25605066
>I mean, why would she interact with me in the first place, i didn't start nothing, she is always the one igniting our events
Women build a lot of little fires everywhere, especially within social groups. You have to remember your ends are not the same as her ends.
Luckily time will tell, but at no point to me did it sound like you were on the path to victory on this one.