I think NPCs hate ornate yet objectively beautiful things because their herding instinct overrides their innate sense of beauty. Ornament is not in fashion, it contradicts slave morality, submissive minimalism is the style of our times.
Those who love and radiate beauty are afflicted with jealousy. The anger and jealousy of the masses is feared by the current decadent and worthless ruling class. Among them it became a sign of good manners not to be too bold and to be ashamed of one's wealth in a certain way. But that didn't resolve the status game.
The equally decadent lower classes have noticed that a reserved lifestyle is now a value among the upper classes. And because these hypnotic masses think that what the upper class considers good must be high status and also good. So minimalism gained high status.
Thus, classical high-status behavior (which was characterized by boldness and the expression of beauty) became a mark of lower-class behavior, behavior that does not conform to modern customs. The worship of ugliness and minimalism became high-class behavior. And in this way the Herdenmensch stood against beauty in the name of fashion.
This is how you deal with banderites.
>The moment of the liquidation of Nazi Demyan Ganul in Odessa was captured on surveillance cameras. The footage shows the moment when the killer approached to make a "control" shot
Having crazy female friends it's great, just finished sodomizing her asshole, my dick feels sore after all that punishment inflicted in her tight asshole.
Life it's great once you leave the retarded Benrd ways of thinking and living.
Nothing like cumming inside a girl that it's in pain and uncontrollable ecstasy at the same time.
That's all, life it's great and worth living once you figure out you're going to die and your time in this world it's limited and the best resource you own.
so australia will be buying 3 virginia class attack submarines and then will be using a new class of nuclear attack submarine designed by the UK
chinks are butthurt
australians also spent a decade and billions getting fucked over by the french with lead acid diesel submarines before this
I can't fucking believe it. She first postponed the meeting for 20 mins, then I postponed it for 10 mins then she cancelled it because her friends wanted to have a dinner. She told me she could do it after 2h 30 min. I decided to watch VR porn instead. I suffer in the land of postpones ...
I am tired of having you all take the piss out of me. I have fought many street battles and i have suffered stab wounds and i have faced off against the police
things you joke about but I have actually done
I am officially adding a block to my browser so that I have banned myself from posting on this website forever. I will never post here again
thank you to the admins for the patience you have shown me. Ich liebe Deutschland.
I have shown you patience as well
but i am tired of you taking me for granted
now my stab wound is healing and i will look for a job again there is no reason for me to post here
please continue to enjoy the brain rot of stupid eastern europeans and dumbarse brazilian-americans chatting shit
to that french guy who was my friend, you know who you are, I love you :)
god save your soul
god bless france and I will support france wherever you go - do not kid yourself into thinking England is your enemy, far from it, we support your effort to provide Europe with a strong right arm
to the hungaryans who never caused me issues and to the australians who always made me laugh, god bless you
this is Harlow, Essex signing off forever
im putting this website on my block list
i have saved enough child booty to last me a lifetime :)
well done russia for winning your war in ukraine
bye everyone :)
Total posts: 15,
files: 5 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 19:36:33 GMT)
>>25604164> someone mentioning that he was underage.
He wasn't. He had stubble around his mouth when he put the dead piece of foreskin between his teeth.
The moral code of our society is so demanding that
no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way.
For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet
almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other,
whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people are
so highly socialized that the attempt to think, feel and
act morally imposes a severe burden on them. In order
to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive
themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality have a
nonmoral origin. We use the term “oversocialized” to describe such people.
- uncle ted
Warning: BTAB ahead.
I have an important announcement to make: Bernds must be aware of the fact that the nickname “Baćka” ascribed to the president of Belarûs is not organic, and was NOT given to him by Belarûsians. It either originated in Russia, or was created by some advisor of his (who obviously was not a native Belarûsian) as a part of some failed PR stunt.
End of message. Read on only if you need a detailed explanation.
In 1990ies half of the country still lived in villages. Many among the other half were first generation urban residents. That is, if they did not speak the standard language, they could speak some dialect at least.
In the Belarûsian language the word “baćka” simply means “father” with no undertones whatsoever (!) (and likewise in any dialect you can think of).
Now stop for a while and think: What kind of feeling you need to have for a person to call him “father”, “our father”? I would imagine you would have to be some kind of cultist for that. That's why people normally refer to him as "Luka" (informally), or invent for him offensive nicknames, some fans even used to passionately call him “our Sashka”, but nobody but Russians calls him “baćka”, and that’s why this nickname annoys many Belarûsians greatly.
Total posts: 14,
files: 7 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:39:48 GMT)
Since G-d ordained his chosen ones not to carry objects in public places on Shabbat (that's saturday for us goys) they have been coming up with inventive solutions to deal with a nasty problem: house keys.
How to get to the synagogue without leaving the front door unlocked? First off you could lock the door and hide the key somewhere in your front yard, but only if it's fenced or surrounded by an eruv.
Alternatively, and this is the smarter solution, you could wear the key like a broach, or turn it into a belt buckle.
You see, if you wear the key, you're not really carrying the key. It's just jewelry, or it's the thing that keeps your pants from falling down. But you have to make sure that the key actually looks good as jewelry, or that it actually performs a function (such as keeping your pants from falling down), otherwise G-d will see through your ruse!
Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin raises a valid point: the moment you insert the key into keyhole it potentially crosses the threshold between a public area (the street) into a private area (the house interior) which would not be kosher at all. In such cases you would have to unlock the door while wearing the key, therefore you could tell G-d that you didn't carry an object from outside but you just unlocked the door with a piece of your clothing. In any case, it's important to put the key back as your broach\belt buckle\whatever before finally entering the house.
Hope you learned something Bernd, stay kosher!
Total posts: 29,
files: 3 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:32:00 GMT)
>be cocky french knights commanded by the son of the most influent and rich man in the west at the time, the duke of Burgundy, more powerful than the french king>the wallachian warlord mircea, who defeated Bayezid one year earlier tries to talk sense into them, how the proper strategy should be>sacrebleu, le who is this le gypsy think he is, le fuck off>french heavy cavalry charges head on >smug turks were prepared with spikes, archers>finally janissaries finish the job>take very many prosoners and execute them exept the really noble ones for ransom because it's about SENDING A FUCKING MESSAGE >western cucks are so scaredof the big bad turrk they dont ever sent any help at all to eastern christians fighting against turks for the next 200 years or so
kek, who are the subhumans now?
Total posts: 17,
files: 8 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:20:02 GMT)
that's a lie, Konstantinopolis was destroyed during crusades by catholics
they gave up the ruins to ottomans and thus absolved themselves from all the sins they've committed against the ruling dynasty in their latin crusader state