Zeihan is convinced the Russians own Trump. Onions?
that was so stupid. I remember I was online at the time and alot of people made "support denmark - support freedom" avatars Meanwhile muslimes wanted danish blood I thought it was all pretty hypocritical. Denmark was like, "these cartoons are free speech" but denying the holohoax is illegal. t. holocaust denier
Planning my itinerary for an upcoming trip to Munich and of course Germans can't help but complain even on official websites of their tourist attractions
ukraine tier coop from the fed "I-i was about to reinstate y-you all b-but i got fired !
The Jews are the oldest and purest race in Europe. Their continued existence as a race after dispersion proves their health and strength. Therefore the highest beauty is found in Jewesses.
how come pedos have this cycle? basically, you masturbate to CP, then you want to masturbate to just children being cute in day-to-day life. it keeps switching. i dont think i could manage to masturbate just to CP, it gets a bit boring, like it loses its edge
Melungeons-american brazilians. If we had more melungeons they would also invent putaria funk and pidgin ebonics different from negroe ebonics
Empire: German-style helmets, guns, armor Sith: anagram of shit Jedi: anagram of jide (Jiddish for Jew)
That feel when I sprained my shoulder muscle a few weeks ago and whenever I work out anything with arm movement (even bicep curls) it hurts really bad so I'm restricted to running and working legs and abs. Frustrating as fuck man. I wanna get ripped before pool season.
"my wife" is the most cuck word i've ever heard. who do people talk about their wives?
Friendly reminder Finns are not white, they are Mongols from Central Asia.
Who is she? I was subscribed to a Telegram channel that claimed to be her, but I had my suspicions that they were just reposting someone else's content. The channel got banned for some reason despite never posting anything sexual, which makes me believe my suspicions were right. Anybody know who she actually is or if it was a legitimate channel?
Hey, USA, whats up with those 100 feet hole in the new USA's Brasil embassy in brasilia? You guys arent building anything funny down there, are you?
I remember several years ago a famous Israeli comedian was suspected to be in a relationship with a 16 yo girl, and there was some media shitstorm. But then it was found out that the girl is Ethiopian and everyone lost interest and the whole thing was forgotten.
can you give me creative ideas what can I use as METH pipe? Something I can keep in room without anyone suspecting anything
cashier girl gave me 50 cent discount she also stretched her shoulders before me approaching pushing her tits out
this polish hiphop song features a french african rapper who i think never later had so much views as on this video i searched for his videos but they were very niche, to this day he is probably played in many polish homes while in france he is probably forgotten this is a shame because i like his rhymes and verses, and its hard to find french rappers who do it this way, usually its some retarded arab screeching
I hate laws, most of them are very stupid and decided upon by "people" called senators who don't have much experience in life in general and are overall scumbags who take advantage of it.
In light of my lisp banter in America's thread I must tell a story about when I was a teenager in small town Ontario You see I wasn't a good boy and got into a lot of trouble and this particular small town cop didn't like me already - but he had a lisp, and I would always bully him for it, like one time we got stopped dropping my friend off at his home, he was talking to my mother when I mentioned his lisp with a giggle, he immediately told me to get out and grilled me HARD. He was not happy. He then called back up that time and they did the whole 9 yards, all because I made fun of this guys god damn lisp. Another time I was on house arrest and I had to walk to court that day, but I didn't have my assurity so had to go alone (I took this chance, stupidly I admit), halfway there this cop car rolls up and immediately starts screaming at me and slams me on the hood of the car, it was the same lisp motherfucker. I had to spend a weekend in jail for that. In hindsight I'm surprised that guy didn't beat the shit out of teenage me.
How common is promiscuity in Jewish women in Israel? If a fairly good looking goy goes to Tel Aviv for example, would hot or cute Jewesses fuck him or they avoid goys?
Is Musk a genius businessmen on par with Henry Ford or a grifter? Spacex became more efficient than boeing and even state space agencies
God Bless America. That's right, you heard me. G-O-D motherfucking B-L-E-S-S
This niglet called the police on his mom because she ate his ice cream. Imagine having such a little snitch in your house
Being a based Tradchad in the 21st century under a liberal-feminist dictatorship is worse than being a jew in Nazi Germany or an atheist in medieval Europe... Chuds were right all along, society has degenerated beyond the point of no return.
I got the flu and acetylsalicylic acid reduces fever much better than paracetamol. Do you use aspirin or paracetamol?
I had a weird dream today about some experimental US aircraft that looked like Tu-160 but with wider body. It was huge, low flying and escorted by helicopter, then it suddenly started to transform in the air like some kind of huge transformer gyroscope. When I tried to make a photo with my Sony camera, the camera display started to flash a message that I'm taking a photo of forbidden object, and I had to completely erase my memory card to make the camera work again. It was spooky and fascinating at the same time.
Funny Bernds, how do you come up with your jokes? Or do they come by themselves? t. serious bernd Have you tried gemini 2.0 flash experimental image transformation yet? Select the right model so you're working with images
I'm gonna get blood work done today and see how well my body is faring, haven't gotten this done in awhile. Kinda scared because I have been drinking alot and I might see something I don't want to see but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Are you a schizo pro? Do you refuse to take the meds, and use psychosis to heal your mind?
Like matter, scum is subject to gravity. Scum attracts scum, scum condenses. The scum gravitational constant has not yet been sufficiently researched.
My father just told me i'll have better treatment in the workplace because i'm a white male and that now there's way more of that in this country with this evil government and elon musk with his nazi salutes
>the Guatemalan government requested the US Corps of Engineers to rebuild the train infrastructure in the country A comment says he does not want the train system to be rebuilt as it reminds him of the civil war and UFCO I hate my own countrymen as you can not imagine. They would rather live in a poor and mediocre country than release the scars of the past amd move forward. Japan got nuked twice and is the most developed nation in Asia. Perhaps the abglo is right and all Guatemalans except me are just stupid monkeys.
What is the psychology of men who want anal sex with women? I see it as having full access to a beautiful woman and celebrating all of her. >The Ford F-150, the top-selling vehicle in the U.S. and the automaker’s main profit engine, is one of the industry’s biggest users of aluminum. The Trump administration reinstated early Wednesday a blanket 25% tariff on steel imports and boosted the levy on aluminum made outside the U.S. Shouldn't all this just lead to it going to be cheaper to produce F-150's in Canada because of material/labour costs and just pay the tariffs on imports? Blumpf is literally destroying american icons
"Sad to see our chechen Muslim brothers beautiful and build like tanks wasting so much energy of sufi deviance and distortion, this is not islam but a diversion to keep the chechen youth away from real islam" "Sufi stupidity, innovation and corruption This does not represent Islam These are Putin's slaves" "this is not islam, this is shirk it is haram, shirk, and they look like monkeys by the sounds and movements astagfitullah may Allah guide them inshaAllah" "They can’t be Muslims. There is no such a rituel in Islam. If our prophet(sav) saw this ceromony, I think he would forbid it. Besides he never do such an absurdity." Why are Arabs so triggered by Sufism? It's the best thing Islam has produced.
WHY ARE GERMANS LIKE THIS? A 44-year-old nurse from the Rhein-Maas clinic in the city of Würselen (North Rhine-Westphalia) has been charged with the murder of nine patients and the attempted murder of 34 more people. According to investigators, he administered lethal doses of medication to patients in order to ensure a "quiet night" on duty. The suspect was arrested back in July 2024 on charges of 11 attempted murders. However, during the investigation it turned out that the nurse's actions led to the death of a number of patients. In February, the Aachen prosecutor's office charged him with five murders and 25 attempted murders. Recently, four more murders and nine attempted murders were added to the charges.
my dick smells fishy if i foreback the foreskin maybe bernds have to sort this problem by sucking it
>sending minors in indonesia or the philipines dick picks on facebook to see how things turn out cringe or based