>the Guatemalan government requested the US Corps of Engineers to rebuild the train infrastructure in the country
A comment says he does not want the train system to be rebuilt as it reminds him of the civil war and UFCO
I hate my own countrymen as you can not imagine. They would rather live in a poor and mediocre country than release the scars of the past amd move forward. Japan got nuked twice and is the most developed nation in Asia. Perhaps the abglo is right and all Guatemalans except me are just stupid monkeys.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 14:03:34 GMT
No. 25608473
Guatemalan women owe me sex
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 14:04:31 GMT
No. 25608477
Unless you want your children to be manlet mutts in the Germany, then I don't mind.