Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 3 / F: 2

I am white

R: 4 / F: 0

"my wife" is the most cuck word i've ever heard. who do people talk about their wives?

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free
R: 2 / F: 1

Friendly reminder Finns are not white, they are Mongols from Central Asia.

R: 2 / F: 0

Who is she? I was subscribed to a Telegram channel that claimed to be her, but I had my suspicions that they were just reposting someone else's content. The channel got banned for some reason despite never posting anything sexual, which makes me believe my suspicions were right. Anybody know who she actually is or if it was a legitimate channel?

R: 3 / F: 1

Hey, USA, whats up with those 100 feet hole in the new USA's Brasil embassy in brasilia? You guys arent building anything funny down there, are you?

R: 2 / F: 0

why do collegecucks love niggers so much? niggers are notoriously disdainful of higher education

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I remember several years ago a famous Israeli comedian was suspected to be in a relationship with a 16 yo girl, and there was some media shitstorm. But then it was found out that the girl is Ethiopian and everyone lost interest and the whole thing was forgotten.

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03-07 Nothing happens..

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Endrick just entered the match. Now Real Madrid got serious.

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anime of the year just dropped

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can you give me creative ideas what can I use as METH pipe? Something I can keep in room without anyone suspecting anything

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I've spent a year in Bucharest after I've spent a year in Stockholm. I don't know what I liked more tbh, on one hand Stockholm is pretty, more orderly, more nature, more quite, but Bucharest is prime example of Eastern Euro capital -- rent is dirt cheap, consumption galore, malls everywhere, ubiquitous and cheap services, more open people, etc. What does Brent think? Is it better to live comfortable but risky life with hefty salary on the East, or pace yourself and live an average life on the Wect with a various social nets to pick you up should something happens?

R: 3 / F: 0

Made some good money by reselling limited editions kek

R: 4 / F: 4

post embarrasing weeb shit

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Mom just yelled at me because the cat went crazy.

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Thinking of suicide against

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why jews have progantism

Lost RAC: Undiscovered Demos, Rarities and Other Supposed Releases
R: 6 / F: 6

As with all other consumers of media, melomaniacs are no stranger to bands and musicians never releasing certain albums or worse yet losing their demo tapes or other recordings. This problem is especially pronounced among the niche with loads of bands losing their DAT tapes and work, and RAC has lots of media that has yet to be discovered or that has become lost. Peak among these items relevant to my interests are any/all releases connected to Young National Front's Punk Front: White Boss, The Dentists, The Ventz, et cetera. To date, any release from any of these bands, be it demos or live bootlegs, has yet to surface. The band White Boss allegedly has a live gig that was bootlegged by an attendee, but the tape has never surfaced. For those unaware, Leeds-based organizer Eddy Morrison, known for starting Punk Front, started holding the first known concerts for Rock Against Communism in response to the left-wing Rock Against Racism. These bands were entirely localized to the Leeds Punk scene and had virtually no reach outside the local music press which frequently caught the attention of left-wing activists who condemned them. Even the Young National Front supporters appear to have little memory of these bands. Rock Against Communism wouldn't take the shape we know today until the aftermath of 1981's riots in Southall. The first "true" wave of Rock Against Communism, in that they were technically first to play under the banner of RAC, would be little more than a historical curiosity in the history of Nationalist Rock, but goddamn, I'd love to know what they sounded like.

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cashier girl gave me 50 cent discount she also stretched her shoulders before me approaching pushing her tits out

R: 4 / F: 3

This is 265 calories

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New ST

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Guys I think I will never achieve anything worthwhile in my life

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lol lmao even

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non-nigger south africans

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How common is promiscuity in Jewish women in Israel? If a fairly good looking goy goes to Tel Aviv for example, would hot or cute Jewesses fuck him or they avoid goys?

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is she trying to be kot or is kot trying to be chinese?????

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Would you suck Putin's dick to stop the war?

R: 4 / F: 2

God Bless America. That's right, you heard me. G-O-D motherfucking B-L-E-S-S


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This niglet called the police on his mom because she ate his ice cream. Imagine having such a little snitch in your house

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I got the flu and acetylsalicylic acid reduces fever much better than paracetamol. Do you use aspirin or paracetamol?

R: 5 / F: 2

must go to store to acquire minerals sugar im thinking brownies

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I'm sucking this pink popsicle. What is the name of this in your cunt?

R: 2 / F: 1

Should I open a call center camp where Indians call people to get money?

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you are brown

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Why are right-wing women so fucking stupid dumb bimbos? Shouldn't they be in the kitchen making a sammich instead embarassing everybody?

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> Israel is an apartheid sta-

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https://aistudio.google.com/prompts/new_chat Have you tried gemini 2.0 flash experimental image transformation yet? Select the right model so you're working with images

R: 3 / F: 1

Good brown day, fellow browns.

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Luxemburgkot molested me.

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I'm a registration clerk at an elementary school. I'm about the ONLY one in the front office wearing a mask. Not irying to start anything political Since December, the clinic worker has been out sick at least av week at a time in January and February. We get bus calls ahead to the school from bus dispatch in the morning asking for a code green" cleanup coming in. Isee kids getting off the bus with vomit all over them. We are a right-to-work/at will state and what many parents do, because you can be fired for any reason, contract or not, they send the sick child to school. Then we call them at their job to come get thelr child. This Is because their boss is more likely to believe them when they get call from the school saying that their kid is sick. The problem with that is they'll still send them the next day stil w fevers and sick. And then they dont answer the phone when we catt. Now, the child is langulshing in the clinic all day. We've had 4 chicken pox outbreaks since November. Idon't even eat from the teacher salad bar. Haven't since COVID unless it was a baked potato. I bring all my own prepared food from breakfast, to snacks, to lunch.

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I wish all the glowniggers and kikes were dead because of the crimes they committed against mankind.

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I'm gonna get blood work done today and see how well my body is faring, haven't gotten this done in awhile. Kinda scared because I have been drinking alot and I might see something I don't want to see but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

R: 7 / F: 4

I have a plan to take a train into Istanbul and destroy all of the Turks

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Are you a schizo pro? Do you refuse to take the meds, and use psychosis to heal your mind?

gravity of the scum
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Like matter, scum is subject to gravity. Scum attracts scum, scum condenses. The scum gravitational constant has not yet been sufficiently researched.

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It will never get better.

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>the Guatemalan government requested the US Corps of Engineers to rebuild the train infrastructure in the country A comment says he does not want the train system to be rebuilt as it reminds him of the civil war and UFCO I hate my own countrymen as you can not imagine. They would rather live in a poor and mediocre country than release the scars of the past amd move forward. Japan got nuked twice and is the most developed nation in Asia. Perhaps the abglo is right and all Guatemalans except me are just stupid monkeys.

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Should the Fed cut interest rates?

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What is the psychology of men who want anal sex with women? I see it as having full access to a beautiful woman and celebrating all of her.

NPC meme is frighteningly true
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Apparently they can be programmed to want anything, vaxx injections, war, you name it - just by adding dancing.

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One of the Biggest Victims of Trump’s Metals Tariffs: The Ford F-150
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https://www.wsj.com/business/autos/trump-metal-tariffs-auto-industry-c964a59a >The Ford F-150, the top-selling vehicle in the U.S. and the automaker’s main profit engine, is one of the industry’s biggest users of aluminum. The Trump administration reinstated early Wednesday a blanket 25% tariff on steel imports and boosted the levy on aluminum made outside the U.S. Shouldn't all this just lead to it going to be cheaper to produce F-150's in Canada because of material/labour costs and just pay the tariffs on imports? Blumpf is literally destroying american icons

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What is Bernd listening to this fine morning?

Libya and Syria
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>Now Usrael backed Al-Qaida Niggers govern both countries Sad

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"Sad to see our chechen Muslim brothers beautiful and build like tanks wasting so much energy of sufi deviance and distortion, this is not islam but a diversion to keep the chechen youth away from real islam" "Sufi stupidity, innovation and corruption This does not represent Islam These are Putin's slaves" "this is not islam, this is shirk it is haram, shirk, and they look like monkeys by the sounds and movements astagfitullah may Allah guide them inshaAllah" "They can’t be Muslims. There is no such a rituel in Islam. If our prophet(sav) saw this ceromony, I think he would forbid it. Besides he never do such an absurdity." Why are Arabs so triggered by Sufism? It's the best thing Islam has produced.

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my dick smells fishy if i foreback the foreskin maybe bernds have to sort this problem by sucking it

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>sending minors in indonesia or the philipines dick picks on facebook to see how things turn out cringe or based

onest hopinion
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oil sheiks are filthy rich so they are the ones who should pay for ählämic upkeep in the west not tax payers

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Buy from EUropea is the latest current thing. Does Bernd join? Does Bernd think it cringe?

I thought mcguffin would bring hapiness
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But once I got Mcguffin™️ I'm still as sad as ever and now want something else, does this cycle never end?

R: 5 / F: 2

Good day bloody bastards

R: 2 / F: 1

>born in brazil >move to dominican republic What's the point?

R: 4 / F: 1

After asking Bernd why Russians claim they're the Third Rome and ROMAnians claim to be direct descendants of the Romans and getting no answer I Wikipedia'd it. The Third Rome thing is the Russian orthodox Church inheriting the leadership of orthodox Christianity after the fall of Constantinople. With orthodox people claiming they're the true inheritors of the mandate of ancient Rome which is being the first church. It sounds bizarre to westerners because when we think of Rome we think of the western italian roman empire not the Eastern Greek roman empire. With the ROMAnian thing it's because dacia (romanian province of the roman empire) was the main roman outpost in the region against foreigners so it got a lot of investment and immigration from central Rome. Eventually when they lost the province though the Romans pulled out but they language remained. Much like how even after the Romans left Britain they barely left a genetic trace though. Romanians are much like Hungarians and bulgarians where genetically they're balkanites who speak a foreign language because they were conquered. A lot of the ROMAn larping was nationalist propaganda in their fight for an independent romania too to differentiate themselves from the Hungarians, Bulgarians and slavs that claimed their clay.

The Future
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This is what the future really is about!

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R: 3 / F: 5

>Marry a Latina tradwife >Wait 20 years until the definition of white gradually shifts, like it did for the Finns, Irish, Poles, Italians, Greeks, Armenians and Jews The white race has been saved.

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Pray every day for the man who, at the cost of his own life, tried to save yours.

R: 4 / F: 0

women literally like to have their bundas fucked, the like to feel the male groin hitting their butt cheeks multiple times dude, thats fucked up, how a being like that can freely walk arround society and even make choices and take decisions by theirself?

bastardly words
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Here is a list of words that the Trump administration wants to limit or avoid, according to a compilation of government documents. They change the language to shape the future while Handmaid's Tale comes closer every day. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2025/03/07/us/trump-federal-agencies-websites-words-dei.html

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Do you believe in Chaos Magic? I think the world is bewitched.

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Are you going to buy the new XLR?

R: 4 / F: 3

>i will get to the botton of this

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This is your appearance.

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Macron looks like that

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let's split up we can cover more ground

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Do you enjoy the mandatory British missions in WW2 games?

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How can I get such gf?

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i srsly hope u goys don't speak in a linguistic vestige of settler colonialism and white supremacy

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This brown mutt tattooed bydlo subhuman just declared "Holy War" on CHYNA.

R: 2 / F: 3

Le Free Market can't compete with communist planning. Le Free Market needs tariffs to encourage capitalists to build factory. Le Free Market needs $500,000,000,000 gibs-me-dats from the government and still can't compete. Assuming Elon's goons didn't hack the voting machines as it's starting to seem, Trump was ostensibly elected to fix the economy. And the orange nigger kike can't even do that.

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I hate him with a burning passion

R: 2 / F: 1

What would happen if you locked up Igor and Stanley Tucci in a cage together?

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>excuse me, i have to go to the bathroom

R: 1 / F: 0

I still think of the girl who I kissed with in your ward back in 2007.

R: 3 / F: 1

Strong independent girl?

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Fun with entomology

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Sex and gf were denied to me, taken from me, By you know whomst.

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White women with frizzy hair gross me out. Straighten that shit out. Now if my woman was a nigger I would have her wear a buzz cut and bleach it, straight hair wigs. God, I would love to have a nigger woman who's sweet, loyal, obedient, greets you with a lovely face.

R: 2 / F: 1

How do europoors cope with the american superiority?

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What do people who claim every conspiracy is fake gain from it? I'm not talking about not believing in one but they don't believe in ANY. From the Kennedy assassination, pearl harbour, 9/11 and even recently with the 7th october.

R: 3 / F: 1

I'm starting to suspect 4GB RAM might not be enough for modern internet.

Joge xDDD
R: 6 / F: 3

At the German General Staff: - Romania has entered the war. - Send two divisions against it. - No, on our side. - Then four.

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Igor is right about women.

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MP4/WEBM thread

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this is the type of shit I visit this board for

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ukraine is pure evil💔💔

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Where were you when George Droyd finally reached the fent dimension?