Eating my cup of Knorr™ ASIA-Noodles and it smells better than it tastes. How was your day so far?
Although I know none of you personally I feel like you are my bestest friends.
Was Ron DeSantis undermined by Russian-connected powers? Did Elon Musk undermine him in favor of Trump? If so, why? DeSantis seems to be more of an institutional reformer, making agencies align with his goals instead of getting rid of them, while Trump is just stripping and selling off assets like Yeltsin. How would a DeSantis administration be handling Ukraine and Putin compared to Trump? BTW, Ron DeSantis said the Tate brothers are not welcome in Florida, which caused their Trump-aligned lawyer Joseph McBride to denounce the governor as a Trump hater who hates freedom.
I will do ANYTHING to get rich, not selling my ass or some, crypto is going to save me
the fact that a child can look so unwilling and bored while giving a blowjob in one video and then so excited and joyful in the next is proof of child consent. they can sometimes consent, sometimes not consent. depends on mood and other things
is there a gardening master here? or chemistry teacher im trying to kill some weeds in my lawn using herbicides but dont know which chemical to use its my first time im a gardening virgin my plan is to quick kill them weeds by using glufosinate ammonium base product and then sprinking some sulfentrazone base herbicides to cease the photosynthesis and let that stay for a long term so i dont have to do it until this autumn is this combo dangerous? am i going to get killed by inhaling them?
The psychedelic, counterculture, woodstock era ended with the Manson murders. They never tell us the day it started though.
Local RT employees always tell you how ebul hohols stole russian gas and so on, however...they would never tell you about this: Also, there were "potassium wars" in 2013, when Belarusian glowies arrested the director of russian Uralkaliy(!) and 2020 oil disputes. Yet, all of these events are non-existent in russian agitprop, unlike Ukraine - Russia oil/gas disputes. Can you guess why?
Bernd had sex it was okay now Bernd doesn't think about having sex all the time Bernd is free
no goy! you will not use qtips, they will damage your ear, you need to use expensive ear spray what? of course you can plug in a device twice as large into your ear canal that makes the whole inner ear vibrate and carries multiple microbes! oy vey!
What do normies think of men in their 30s who never had a GF and are still virgins? Asking for myself.
Does moving to a new city help you to stop being an incel? Does it reset your life?
What is Bernd's opinion on the Age of Enlightenment, in particular, in regards to politics? Did it have a good lasting outcome or do you think it has been a mistake for the world in general?
when I lose at chess I get very angery and frustrated but when I win, I re-watch the match and think that I am a fucking genius, and savor the moment I tricked my opponent with some smart move (usually totally by accident but still)
If your consciousness shuts off under anesthesia and then turns back on, is it still you? If your brain fully cuts off consciousness for a bit—maybe down to the microtubule level or whatever—then starts it up again, is that still the same "me" I've been for many years? Or has the original me been replaced by a fresh instance every time, and I just don't notice? Do doctors kill their patients (or their stream of consciousness) every time they induce anesthesia?
Well, I got fucking fired today. It’s enough for someone in the USA to fart, and I in Poland am already screwed. Luckily, I’ve saved up around 250k, so I’m thinking of "investing" about 100k into some kind of business. Do you guys have any ideas? I’m not interested in crypto or the stock market because I don’t know shit about them or their trends. Ideally, something where I can sit in front of a computer rather than opening a business like a kebab stand and having to slave away there. I was thinking of becoming a streamer tho
Today I was walking down the street and this asian girl asked me where to get bus tickets and I pointed her to the Chinatown bus and she got like super excited weirdly excited and kind of grabbed my arm. Then she asked me my name and we were having a normal random conversation and then I convinced myself midway through I was being pickpocketed so while she was struggling through some English sentence I just ran away without a word. I reached in my pocket and found $40 missing so I was like fuck I was right. Then I got home and the $40 was on the counter. I also got hit by a bike running a red light then I called the guy a retard and then immediately apologized. Going outside is epic
this is how they will make robots a real thing, by inserting a brain into them, essentially reintroducing slavery but this time making it impossible to rebel due to a computer inferring with the very thought to rebel.
I watched a fat nigger woman and a fat spic woman arguing and screaming at each other at a gas (petrol for europoors) station today
It's day 3 of being sick and I already feel good enough to open my laptop instead of browsing KC in semi sleep all day What are some comfy gayms I could play maybe some city builders and such? Something like RimWorld but more comfy?
It would've been better if I was never born; I say this with 100% certainty after dealing with this life of mine.
>The CHIPS and Science Act is a U.S. law enacted in 2022 that provides funding to boost domestic semiconductor manufacturing and research, aiming to strengthen the U.S. supply chain and compete with China. It allocates approximately $52.7 billion for these initiatives, including subsidies and tax credits for chip manufacturers. < Thank you comrade Trump. I would make a joke about him being a Chinese agent, but we all know the reason he does this is because he is even dumber than Biden. When Trump killed Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade bloc designed specifically to hamstring China, I though it was a miracle from the heavens. Now I know it's no miracle. It was the cunning work of our brave comrade Trump.
This life has been nothing but suffering and inconvenience for nearly 30 years. Why then, do I still live? The most reasonable course of action would be to remove myself from this shitshow but I don't. I don't know why I'm still here. I'm a lonely miserable autist with dying, old parents. One of them I haven't been in contact with for over a year. I almost have nobody. I have no prospects for the future either and I was recently jailed over some stupid bullshit, which I will have court over later. Notwithstanding the problems at large with the world which are too numerous to count. I'm so tired of this, I can't even manage my life effectively nor remember it very well or fondly, I can't do anything with this life and I always get taken advantage of. It's over, idk why I'm prolonging this, I don't enjoy anything in this life anymore. Not that I did, I always tried to escape it with gaming but even that has waned. I find myself talking out loud about my situation exasperatingly and with no good answer to any of it. Something must be done or I'm as good as a goner I'm afraid.
Igor will never be as well dressed as me. I have created the art, of the cosmosexual.
I considered becoming a man of God, but man, I don't think I could be forgiven for what I've done.
Why is Tema Lebedev so gay and cringe? he is High IQ so if you're lazy to do regular physical exercising then why not at least just go on TRT? you're a very intelligent guy, but you look like such a gay piece of shit
Is it cheating to be wearing high heels as an urbanite? When I'm wearing high heels I feel like I'm fake and cheating, but it makes me feel more elegant, sexier.
How low will bitcoin go this time? Will it go to $5000 again? It seems like just yesterday it was $110,000 and today $79000.
When are we going to get more guys like this in Congress and finally cast off the yoke of Israel?
Runescape ex-girlfriend Zelia from 10 years ago added me back, I thught she just said hi and deleted me but i can see in her friends chat i have a smiley face which means she added me, but she didn't reply to me yesterday so I had to check if im ignore listed but im added. She's from Singapore living in California
So I finally moved. I am no longer where I use to live. I am in the ghetto as all the houses aren’t worth half a million or more. But there are so many Churches to choose from. Must be like 20 Churches with 2 miles. So I’m not sure what to choose. Any advice? Remember my goal is Church bitches. I’m not into old boomers. Like the last ones I talked to. I told them I keep people at Church at arms length. Which includes them. I’ll never see them again. And happily so.
Do you also fantasize about Hung Aryan Men raping your mother in front of you while you watch like a little sissy trying to cope by masturbating while the White Demon stretches your mother's holes to the point of no return?
I don't enough balls to eat my own shit and this bothers me a lot germans please give me some advice
Guess the location Bernd. No cheating or IP lookups. Live view: Feel free to post other outside webcams, when solved.
I've been reading this book called Sexual Personae written by a famous American femininist and I think it's actually pretty insightful. It proposes the idea that nature is the Dionysian, chaos, disorder and civilization is its antithesis, i.e. the Apollonian. Women are more connected with nature, their period for example has the same cycles as the moon, and they have the ability to create life and maintain it within. The period is associated with uncleanliness and is taboo in practically all cultures, because nature is disgusting, and the Apollonian repudiates it. Also according to her sex is power and I think it makes sense, it is the engine that moves the world, why do people want status, money, etc? why do people laugh at virgins? because sex is power, and civilizations have tried to restrict it. Men are jealous of women because with sex they can control men, they can show their ass on camera and get rich while men have to work and do great efforts in order to be validated. She also criticizes modern feminism for this reason, and says sex is inherently hierarchical and modern society tries to whitewash it.
i know unironically 1/3 of the people in this video im amazed. i am proud. i am happy while you know american actors, i know soviet child choir singers
Ordered 2 pizzas because I didn't think the first one registered as it didn't show up on the order history (it did register for it was delivered)
lena, a little octobrist, lived in a big soviet city. she really loved dandelions, the most common flower of her concrete urban wasteland. having fallen seriously ill and being on the edge of death, lena told her mother: — mom, why are you crying? are you afraid that i'm going to die?i'll just become a dandelion puff and fly all over the world, i will fly over to you too, and you will remember me. then she died. the end
Because of my neck pain I can no longer sit in front of the computer for long periods of time I spend most of my time in bed, kohlposting from my mobile.
I never had an car in my life I never driver a car in my life Did I miss out on it? The only thing which whould make me fun whould be a van or somehting to build a secound living room. But my there is moar