I've been reading this book called Sexual Personae written by a famous American femininist and I think it's actually pretty insightful.
It proposes the idea that nature is the Dionysian, chaos, disorder and civilization is its antithesis, i.e. the Apollonian. Women are more connected with nature, their period for example has the same cycles as the moon, and they have the ability to create life and maintain it within. The period is associated with uncleanliness and is taboo in practically all cultures, because nature is disgusting, and the Apollonian repudiates it.
Also according to her sex is power and I think it makes sense, it is the engine that moves the world, why do people want status, money, etc? why do people laugh at virgins? because sex is power, and civilizations have tried to restrict it. Men are jealous of women because with sex they can control men, they can show their ass on camera and get rich while men have to work and do great efforts in order to be validated. She also criticizes modern feminism for this reason, and says sex is inherently hierarchical and modern society tries to whitewash it.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:19:35 GMT
No. 25555528
i read the first chapter and enjoyed it
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:20:02 GMT
No. 25555531
Spanish sex expert incel strikes again
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:09:00 GMT
No. 25555852
They are not more connected with nature, their nature is just weaker and more dependent.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:12:16 GMT
No. 25555877
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
Period blood is smelly as fuck