This life has been nothing but suffering and inconvenience for nearly 30 years. Why then, do I still live? The most reasonable course of action would be to remove myself from this shitshow but I don't. I don't know why I'm still here. I'm a lonely miserable autist with dying, old parents. One of them I haven't been in contact with for over a year. I almost have nobody. I have no prospects for the future either and I was recently jailed over some stupid bullshit, which I will have court over later. Notwithstanding the problems at large with the world which are too numerous to count. I'm so tired of this, I can't even manage my life effectively nor remember it very well or fondly, I can't do anything with this life and I always get taken advantage of. It's over, idk why I'm prolonging this, I don't enjoy anything in this life anymore. Not that I did, I always tried to escape it with gaming but even that has waned. I find myself talking out loud about my situation exasperatingly and with no good answer to any of it. Something must be done or I'm as good as a goner I'm afraid.
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 05:42:48 GMT
No. 25507233
Most people have families that support them, your life would've been much more different if your dad was rich and sent you to a nepo university
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 05:44:12 GMT
No. 25507245
My family robbed me. Not him. But same faggotry.
I use hate to keep me going OP.
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 05:46:28 GMT
No. 25507250
>I suffer upon the US of A
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 06:16:38 GMT
No. 25507386
From an evolutionary point of view what is the advantages behind suicide? Who benefit? You? Definetly not.. You are only alive because you still want to live.