Women don't want to be good wives.
Women don't want to be good mothers.
Women want to be free and not be tied down by a man.
A woman is a whore.
Men don't want women anymore. Men just want to be left alone to play video games.
Women scream and complain that men are sexist
What do women want?
>A German tourist detained by US immigration authorities is due to be deported back to Germany on Tuesday after spending more than six weeks in detention, including eight days in solitary confinement.>Jessica Brösche, a 29-year-old tattoo artist from Berlin, will reportedly join Lucas Sielaff, 25, from Bad Bibra in Saxony-Anhalt, who is reported to have returned to Germany on 6 March, after being arrested at the Mexican border on 18 February before being detained for almost two weeks.>The families of the two tourists, who were detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice), had compared their ordeals to “a horror film”.
trying to get a gf as an incel is like trying to survive in a country where you dont know the language.
the reason why normies can't give useful advice besides "just b urself bro just lift bro just shower bro" is not that they're ill spirited, it's that they LITERALLY can't explain it to you.
seducing a girl and all the things of the sort is something that the normalnigger just knows how to do because he didn't miss out on developmental milestones. he can't explain it to you any more than he can explain what you have to do in order to drink water, talk or sleep, it's just supposed to be natural for normal people, and if it isnt to you it's ovER.
The Italian-American struggle is something very deep that very few people understand. It's 1000x more excruciating and cucked than being a "white" person in a general sense.
Imagine being in this country since its nascent, like the Tagliaferro family, John Adams (Sicilian ancestry), and generals on both sides of the Civil War. Then during the 1800s being considered inferior interlopers that need to be excluded from American society due to Nordicism, with books like "Passing of the Great Race" calling you "human flotsam" and Arab rape babies who stole the legacy of the Nordic Romans. You were bullied relentlessly by Nordics into giving up your culture and language to assimilate into a country that regarded you as inferiors. Please massa Germanic man, stop being so mean, suh...
But one century later all that was totally in vain, because it's now more rewarded to be an outgroup airing ethnic grievances than trying to grovel to the Northwest European in-group. Being brown is awesome now, goy! Despite contributing immense culture to this country, you are the only people whom it is still acceptable to mock. There is very little media portraying your people positively - the best you'll get is manipulative intelligent mafia boss rather than his brutal idiot henchmen in mafia movie #1235612345, whose monkeyshines by Uncle Tom Scorsese or David Chase are intended for the consumption of the proles to laugh at that destroys your image. You are considered less attractive due to your shorter average height compared to Northern Europeans, and the stereotype of your people is of a fat, bald, angry, boorish, and short man, while non-diaspora Italians are considered suave and cultured lovers. YOU don't get that reputation. The spics get to be bilingual, they weren't told that speaking 2 languages would "confuse the baby's brain" like our parents and grandparents were. In fact, being bilingual is AWESOME now, you uncultured pig! Why aren't you bilingual, huh, huh, you impostor? You must be too stupid, Vinnie, why can't you (from a rich family where my father was an executive that made 300k a year) be smart and bilingual like those 89IQ mesoamerican peasants that rip people's faces off and eat their hearts?!
And now, due to modern attitudes on nationalism, Italians consider a Moroccan or nig that grew up in Italy as more Italian than you. We're not living in the days of Italo Balbo visiting the Italian diaspora in Chicago. You travel to Italy to see a bunch of shitskin subhumans being handed the culture you were denied while you return to America to labor more as "white" (WASPy types don't actually consider you white and are still uneasy around you and think you're a dirty wop while doting on nigs and spics) goy #6 million for the anti-white country that hates you. You could recite all of Orlando Furioso or the Decameron from memory and speak 20 different regional dialects and have the most neutral Florentine accent and you'll still be considered less Italian than some maranza shitskin on gibs vaping and blasting geolier annoying everyone on trenord. You have to constantly read infuriating online postings from shitalians saying they hate you and how you're an impostor and your entire youth is some kind of fraud that tried to imitate their superiority, they consider you an extra from a mafia movie and would rather go back to slurping vucumpra nigger cock for being italiano vero. But nobody would ever say that about any nonwhite group. Oh yeah, shitalians love "italian" argensimian and brazilian though, EHHHII MIEI FRATELLI!!!
It's just an extremely demoralizing experience and life to have. Pic related, it's all you will ever be considered by anyone in this country and anyone in Italy no matter how much money you have.
Yesterday was a fight between shitskins on my doorstep.
I put a hammer and a kitchen knife at the door.
I need better defense. I want to buy this sword for 230€, pepper spray and maybe a crossbow. Firearms are not an option.
What else could I do?
have you noticed how much anticommunist propaganda there is? the whole history of soviet union and warsaw pact got pretty much buried, in reality the system was much better than rotten, western capitalism
#Revolution is currently trending in France and violent demonstrations have erupted in Paris because the government is using an article from the Constitution to force its retirement reform (it pushes the age of retirement from 62 to 64 years old to sum it up) without a normal vote.
If the government had put it through a normal vote, it doesn't currently have an absolute majority and has to rely on the traditional right wing party to pass it. But since they might not all vote for it it was too risky to do.
So the government chose to pass the reform through the article 49 al. 3 of the Constitution. It will pass the text unless a censure motion is voted in the National Assembly.
Typically it doesn't happen, because the left (which is currently the far-left) will not vote for the far right's motion, and vice-versa.
French people usually see the use of the article 49-3 as a denial of democracy and get mad about it. They're also generally widely against this reform of the retirement age.
Also Paris is currently full of trash lying in the streets because the garbage collectors are on strike. All of those are being burnt everywhere around Paris and used for barricades.
But anyway French people are neutered politically by a combination of hyper-consumption and wealth, Parisians are all wealthy bourgeois, and nothing will happen unless the Yellow Vests people from all over France go demonstrate in Paris like in 2018.
even though jews have cancelled him Ye is still popular among normal everyday non-kike people
people are starting to stop caring about the label "antisemite"
and normal people are starting to become fans of Hitler and no longer considering him the most evil person in the history of humanity
Total posts: 0,
files: 0 (Drowned at Sat, 15 Mar 2025 03:28:37 GMT)
Unions are the main economic engine of the democratic party and thus states with democratic governments have a large incentive to support unions via government and vice versa, states with republican governments have an incentive to suppress them.
This synergizes with the republican ideal of creating jobs/economic growth compared to the democratic ideal of high wages and heavy regulation.
American corporations have spent the better part of a century destroying unions, even to this day. Look at the working conditions for the average American versus average Australian. What does that tell you?
Yep, everyone benefits from unions.
>>25639013>It wasn't supposed to be heard? It's poetry, not prose.
Yes, you're not supposed to read it, that's why it's been written down and printed for two and a half millenia.
share your first world problems
I was looking forward to some apple cake
but it has frozen stuck in the freezer, now i need to dig out a heat gun to get it out
Total posts: 5,
files: 0 (Drowned at Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:05:32 GMT)
I ordered a renovation of an old wooden cabinet, which cost me around 1000€, only to realize that the wood it's made of has an original colour which doesn't suit my flat. Now I have to sell it and buy a new one
i wanted some varnish and the website for the local wickes store said they had 7 tins
when i got there they had none so i went to the b&q store about half a mile away and got some there instead