Look at this picture messenger took of mercury.
It's so bare, empty, devoid of anything.
And this thing have been floating in space for billions of years.
Why everything but earth is just empty, bare and desertic?
I'm done, Bernd.
I'm deadly tired of eternal depression and anxiety. I've been living like this for 14 years. I've started to get therapy including medicine but it has no effect on me. And every year the situation becomes worse and worse and I can do nothing to ease my pain.
I've been changing dogtours, tried many strategies for treatment and everything fails. It seems like my bipolar disorder is resistant and can't be cured. In fact, there's no cure for it at all. And the option to ease and control it is unavailable for me.
I wish I wasn't a pucci and went on the last trip for all my savings. Somewhere in the south, like Thailand or Cambodia. Spend the last months in heaven on Earth before I finally go to hell like my life isn't one, he-he . But I won't. I'm a coward. And how can't I be? 14 years of anxiety. Sometimes, I even envy Nikiter. Imagine how many adventures he has ever experienced and still has. He's even a political refugee, unironically, lol. My life is grey without a single interesting event and I'll never even get enough courage to kms in a wonderful place. But I'm already dead inside.
Holy fuck. Holy shit. My fucking god.
I came inside, I fucking came inside. I'm fucking stupid. Why did I fucking came inside...
I don't want to be a dad. I'm so fucking retarded. I wanna die.
Pay up wyt boi
-$5 million to every eligible Black adult.
-eliminating personal debt & tax burdens -guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97K for 250 years
-homes in SF for just $1 a family
Mixing of neighbouring people's, for example Germans and Western Slavs or Finns and some Indo-European people, is completely normal and will naturally, over hundreds of years, happen on itself. On the other hand mixing people with completely different ancestral history who have evolved thousands of years in completely different climates is not normal, at least en masse. There are of course no clear actual racial lines in nature, at least not anymore since the ancient human species have all disappeared, rather vague differences which grow as you travel a further distance. We are all mixes of different ancient humans, Europeans have Neanderthal DNA, Africans don't. I don't care if some individual decides to racemix, but there should be a large population of members of every race who practise in preserving their differences. The previously mentioned constant slight mixing happening between neighbouring sub-races is not equal to mixing all humans into a gray mass. It won't create an ugly abomination nor a blood/health problems unique to mutts. It will still preserve the difference to a race let's say on the other side of the Globe. Racemixing is anti-evolution.
Who is she? I was subscribed to a Telegram channel that claimed to be her, but I had my suspicions that they were just reposting someone else's content. The channel got banned for some reason despite never posting anything sexual, which makes me believe my suspicions were right. Anybody know who she actually is or if it was a legitimate channel?
Total posts: 2,
files: 0 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 18:32:41 GMT)
He needs a permanent ban he is a spammer.
Literal jew posting nigger shit dick porn on nazi pedo website please mods it takes only a moment he does NOT have genuine intentions he's just spamming and hates us
Total posts: 8,
files: 0 (Drowned at Fri, 14 Mar 2025 13:28:03 GMT)
He posts BBC stuff once a day for 2-4 days at a time every couple of months. It's not that bad. Frankly, BBC discussions (and imagery) shouldn't be suppressed and persecuted like they are on this board today.
Our mascot is a fucking cat in a german uniform your joke isn't even funny
This guy HATES us all?? He won't stop spamming. He is NOT a user.
You're clearly addicted to this sick shit fuck you tranny.
these 2 look like the kind of women id have around each arm, walking out from the bar, on our way back to my place for a long hot, steamy and passionate night.