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Men have given up pursuing women and women are still screaming Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:29:07 GMT No. 25652364 [Kohl] [Report thread]
117.95 kB, 968x1285
Women don't want to be good wives. Okay. Women don't want to be good mothers. Okay. Women want to be free and not be tied down by a man. Okay. A woman is a whore. Okay. Men don't want women anymore. Men just want to be left alone to play video games. Women scream and complain that men are sexist What do women want?
Total posts: 80, files: 10 (Thread is alive)
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:30:27 GMT No. 25652368
They're targetting gamers
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:31:10 GMT No. 25652370
Young White boys are taught that being strong equals being evil. Young White boys don't want to be evil, so they give up on being strong.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:33:50 GMT No. 25652379 >>25652385 >>25652408 >>25653189 >>25653317 >>25653617 >>25653640 >>25654317 >>25655946
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>Men don't want women anymore. Immense cope, all men want to have casual sex with women, but women can have sex with Chad whenever they want via Tinder, so why would they have choose a short and/or fat and/or balding and/or kinda ugly and/or kinda broke and/or kinda autistic guy if she matches with 15 dudes everyday who are none of these things?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:35:26 GMT No. 25652385 >>25652396 >>25655680
>>25652379 >People really believe this
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:38:21 GMT No. 25652396 >>25654317 >>25655703
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>>25652385 "Men going their own way" are men sent their own way, at the moment of conception, due to deficient genetics
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:38:27 GMT No. 25652399
You have a severe case of imageboard brain. Women don't give a shit about nerds playing games, they whine because when a hundred women go after the same chad some will be left out and that is what makes women seethe, being left out. Some bernd loser is a consolation prime so someone pays the bills, not what she actually wants. Yet you waste your time with that incel fake gloating as if you were the chad refusing women and not the shutin loser they don't care about in the first place.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:39:21 GMT No. 25652404 >>25653262
100% of men want to have sex 20% of men can have sex
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:39:52 GMT No. 25652408 >>25652414 >>25652563 >>25655951
>>25652379 >all men want to have casual sex I want family. But all the girls who want family get it at 20-23. I was a good goy and spend my 20s building a career. Now I am a bad goy because I was supposed to be wasting all the money (where would I get them without a career?) simping and a retard because I missed out on family-creating years.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:41:50 GMT No. 25652414
>>25652408 >I want family what a cope I want to have a cute girlfriend to do stuff with and have sex not some stupid family which I can't afford anyway
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:45:33 GMT No. 25652433 >>25652523
Who needs women when you can read books, play games or listen to music? Or you can even create your own books\music\games? How you can compare this to some stinky hole in meat that will suck all the energy and resources out of you? Even drugs are not that harmful as women are.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:47:48 GMT No. 25652445 >>25652448
Bitches ain’t shit but tricks and hoes. I prefer world of tanks
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:48:27 GMT No. 25652448 >>25652450
>>25652445 baza
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:48:47 GMT No. 25652450
>>25652448 🫡
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 14:03:23 GMT No. 25652523 >>25652541 >>25656012
>>25652433 If you're Chad, the women do stuff for you and help you with your life. Only non-Chad betabuxxer is humiliated and used for money.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 14:06:22 GMT No. 25652541
>>25652523 Shut up, beta
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 14:07:04 GMT No. 25652547
For me it is the other way around. I gave up games to find girls. Kissed one last Friday.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 14:09:57 GMT No. 25652563 >>25652585
>>25652408 Date young girls.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 14:13:06 GMT No. 25652583
>>25652364 >What do women want? They scream just because the pool of potential beta providers is becoming smaller. Women want to breed with Chads and they want betas to feed their kids at the same time.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 14:13:16 GMT No. 25652585
>>25652563 They open up to idea of guys past 35 after hitting 25 (meaning they don't want a family if they didn't get it at student years) or when looking for a sugar daddy, not a husbando.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:09:48 GMT No. 25653189 >>25653215
>>25652379 > women can have sex with Chad This is what the fat whales unironically believe.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:14:40 GMT No. 25653215 >>25653791 >>25655937
Tinder Insanity - My Second Tinder Experiment.mp4
3.48 MB, 360x640
>>25653189 Yes, if your grandma made a Tinder, she would get 99+ likes in a day, some from guys who mog you to oblivion, and you think that a 20,30 something 4 couldn't convince Chad to let her ride his cock? Why would Chad care if he doesn't have to put in any effort?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:23:41 GMT No. 25653262 >>25653331
>>25652404 >100% of men want to have sex Speak for yourself. It's perfectly possible - and in fact preferable - to transcend carnal desires.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:32:33 GMT No. 25653317 >>25653331
>>25652379 You just misunderstood the phrasing; they don't not want women anymore, just don't want these women anymore
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:35:19 GMT No. 25653331 >>25653346 >>25653381 >>25653632 >>25653645
>>25653262 Then you're just unfit according to objective evolutionary standards. Abstaining from reproductive activities, especially as a man, signals extremely maladapted behavior, similar to intentionally injuring yourself. It signals that you don't want your genes to be spread, so your genes think that they're not worth preserving, and genes like that aren't destined to exist for long. Even worse than the guy who tried his hardest and failed, you gave up on purpose and handed the future to other men and their offspring and their genes. The very definition of being a cuck. >>25653317 Maybe, you can be incel and have standards. Some cope by saying that they wouldn't fuck these "blue hairded SJW feminists" but neglect to realize that they couldn't even have these women even if they wanted to. It's like saying you would prefer $1 billion over $1 million. Guess what, you're getting neither.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:36:38 GMT No. 25653336
FUCK women
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:37:27 GMT No. 25653346 >>25653357
>>25653331 The definition of being a cuck is inspiring other men to propagate because it fills you with a sense of meaning. I get that you're helping out.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:39:14 GMT No. 25653357 >>25653370 >>25653370
>>25653346 I'm not telling a pig to fly, I'm just making fun of the pig because it claims that it wouldn't want to fly even if it could. The people here are a lost cause from the beginning.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:40:45 GMT No. 25653370
>>25653357 >>25653357 I think every situation should be taken individually. Im not gonna ignore themes but im not going to vigorously apply the themes i think i see to everywhere. Funny how i just said that and now I'm saying this. The problem is with jews and niggers pushing society into a dystopian hellhole
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:42:47 GMT No. 25653381 >>25653413
>>25653331 >muh evolutionary biology imperative lol lmao
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:46:32 GMT No. 25653408
I think what's happening now is even chads are giving up. Just remember, even Brad Pitt and Paul Mccaurtney were not enough. I have a working theory that periods make women dissatiesfied and irritable no matter how good they have it--which is an important driver for human civilization progression. Societies which repress women almost always are stagnant and inferior. Makes you think.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:47:28 GMT No. 25653413 >>25653433 >>25653438 >>25653457
>>25653381 That's the hard truth. Everything else is cope amd man made ideology >That guy looks better than me and fucked 100x more women than me but that's sin and I'll be rewarded in heaven for not doing that >That guy looks better than me and fucked 100x more women than me but he lied to some of them and that's misogynistic and bad >That guy looks better than me and fucked 100x more women than me but I had a better career (why gather resources if you don't use them on your offspring) >That guy looks better than me and fucked 100x more women than me but it's bad for global warming that he had 10 kids
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:50:08 GMT No. 25653433 >>25653472
>>25653413 Pretending to have a logical biological imperative and pretending you matter is the biggest cope in existence though
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:50:47 GMT No. 25653438 >>25653472
>>25653413 >it's bad for global warming that he had 10 kids They're not having 10 kids though, to my knowledge Only gremlins and shitkins are doing that
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:55:18 GMT No. 25653457 >>25653472 >>25653481
>>25653413 as an emergence of conscience i believe in a memetic reproduction which i succeeded unlike you, stupid chudjak
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:58:23 GMT No. 25653472 >>25653489
>>25653433 There's not reason behind it. Genes that are good enough to continue their existence continue to exist. Others die out. Good genes tell you that you should procreate. If you don't, your genes die out. So you develop anxiety around breeding and not breeding. If you want to break free of this cycle, feel free to ignore these feelings of self-preservation and self-continuation that are only there due to this selection mechanism and stop eating, stop breathing or shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun. >>25653438 That's the usual human condition. Maybe civilization isn't stable on long timescales due to maladaptive breeding averison felt by its members. Mosquitoes are smarter than that on an instinctual level. Maybe it's the solution to the Fermi paradox. >>25653457 That's fine, but genes produce ideas. Only European genes could've produced the ideas that led to modern civilization. If you don't spread your genes, why should genes that are different from yours pick up on your ideas/memes if they're so alien to them that they never would've produced them themselves?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:00:58 GMT No. 25653481 >>25653493 >>25653560
>>25653457 >i believe in a memetic reproduction which i succeeded unlike you, You believe then that no one else whosoever also holds to an evolutionary angle on the topic of modern dating/reproduction in the western world? A stupid chudjak was never created via exposure to stupid chudjakism, for instance on kc within the past 15 years?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:02:53 GMT No. 25653489 >>25653516 >>25653560
>>25653472 >Genes that are good enough to continue their existence continue to exist. Who decides that? The car that crashed into yours on the highway that ended your existence? The stray bullet from the firefight down the block? What about the poorly constructed piece of masonry brick that falls off a 3 story building and hits your heda killing you instantly? >Good genes tell you that you should procreate. How do genes talk and how do they know they should tell me to procreate? Are they the same genes that tell niggers to fuck white women and rap about it and sell the rap music? No thanks. >If you don't, your genes die out. So you develop anxiety around breeding and not breeding Just like all the guys we're talking about that gave up on worrying about it? >If you want to break free of this cycle I don't want so much to break free. I just want to be Aware. I know there is no freedom from the wheels of life sometimes. >Shoot yourself if you don't subscribe to my ideology Cope
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:03:56 GMT No. 25653493 >>25653560
>>25653481 i believe in Sir Isaac Newton and he never had sex
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:07:38 GMT No. 25653516 >>25653522 >>25653523
>>25653489 >Who decides that? The car that crashed into yours on the highway that ended your existence? The stray bullet from the firefight down the block? What about the poorly constructed piece of masonry brick that falls off a 3 story building and hits your heda killing you instantly? Random accidents are completely insignificant to evolution you idiot. >How do genes talk and how do they know they should tell me to procreate? Are they the same genes that tell niggers to fuck white women and rap about it and sell the rap music? No thanks. Bro what in the fuck are you trying to say right now kek
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:08:34 GMT No. 25653522
>>25653516 >Random accidents are completely insignificant to evolution First time i ever heard someone say that. Humans nearly got wiped out. Ever heard of the butterfly effect?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:09:09 GMT No. 25653523
>>25653516 If genes tell niggers to eat fried chicken, fuck white women and not know how to boil water or swim, then genes are liars and should never be trusted
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:14:38 GMT No. 25653551
>>25652364 >what do women want? Attention. That is all it ever is about. The thought of someone not paying them any attention makes them seethe.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:15:24 GMT No. 25653560
>>25653481 I don't think that my perspective is chudjakism. In its explicit form, yes, neurotypicals rarely look under the mechanism that drive their needs and motivations. But I would claim that my evolutionary worldview is shared by all animals, plants and healthy humans. I have these views because I had to make shocking experiences that forced me to build a strong logical foundation based on which I can understand the world, which is maladaptive. >>25653489 >Who decides that? The car that crashed into yours on the highway that ended your existence? The stray bullet from the firefight down the block? What about the poorly constructed piece of masonry brick that falls off a 3 story building and hits your heda killing you instantly? All of these factors combined, yes, it's a statistical ensemble. >How do genes talk and how do they know they should tell me to procreate? Are they the same genes that tell niggers to fuck white women and rap about it and sell the rap music? No thanks. Through your feelings and instincts. Africans are perfectly adapted to the warm temperatures around the equator, and their monke tendencies to acquire resources with short term planning and then procreate with as many fertile women as possible reflect the fast life history strategy that these environments favor (no harsh winters, easy to survive in nature, low offspring investment, main problems are other humans and wild animals that need to be killed). Your probably Eurpean mind is repulsed by these ideas because Europeans are evolved to be adapted to European climates, which do not mimic to optimal strategy in a modern welfare state >Just like all the guys we're talking about that gave up on worrying about it? They're still worried about it but try to drown out the noise with drugs, alcohol, porn and entertainment for children (figurines, video games) >Cope You don't have to shoot yourself, all I'm saying that if you throw these objective standards overboard, you have no argument to claim why it would be a bad thing >>25653493 >i believe in Sir Isaac Newton and he never had sex Geniuses procreate their genes by giving their group (British people in this case) an advantage, so they can spread their genes over the entire planet. Men like Newton are the cause why White skinned men with British ancestry who probably look similar to him are typing on their computers right now on the North American continent on KC instead of Indians. Don't try this strategy as your main one unless you are a genius. Get some pussy otherwise.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:24:29 GMT No. 25653617
>>25652379 >Immense cope, all men want to have casual sex with women This is the myth women rely on when they realized they started whoring but they actually want to get married. It doesn't work that way though, you're either a whore or married, not both.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:27:25 GMT No. 25653632 >>25653682 >>25655087
>>25653331 >you're just unfit according to objective evolutionary standards. Abstaining from reproductive activities Then what are women on contraception, or on abortion? They're genetic dead ends.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:29:09 GMT No. 25653640 >>25653682 >>25655959
>>25652379 Even gamers are men so they don't want the relationships, they want to be like Chads so why would they choose relationships with run down femoids?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:29:45 GMT No. 25653645 >>25653682
>>25653331 Darwinistic drivel. You cannot even justify your premises.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:30:24 GMT No. 25653648
Why do bernds resuse /pol/ threads
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:37:44 GMT No. 25653682 >>25653733 >>25653739 >>25653756 >>25655154
95.18 kB, 861x879
>>25653632 Because they haven't found a partner with sufficiently superior genetics yet that would justify spending 9 months suffering the perils of pregnancy to carry his baby. The optimal female strategy would be to get impregnated by the most good looking, tall, dominant, strong and intelligent man, while being married to an agreeable provider type who is gullible enought to care for this bastard Chad child. A woman who is on birth control hasn't met the first type of guy yet. >>25653640 It doesn't matter what they want >>25653645 It's science Chud. I don't want to die because dying would be bad for my evolutionary fitness, and the function which evaluates this is my brain is telling me to avoid this outcome at any cost. There is no other reason why I'm alive, or any other animal. All religious justifications are ad hoc, also designed to be evolutionary beneficial to the group. >Don't eat this sort of fish because God told you so, it's haram, non-kosher bla bla bla Is easier to digest for Gruk brain than the scientific reason why this fish can carry this sort of bacteria that would make you sick and would reduce your evolutionary fitness and thus the fitness of your religious group, because they have to invest resources to help you
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:44:58 GMT No. 25653733 >>25653775
>>25653682 >It doesn't matter what they want As I see it does matter, maybe the women get more easier access to sex but they still need relationships and they can't get them that easily, Chads don't care, Betas don't want to be made fun of among friends.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:45:47 GMT No. 25653739 >>25653775
>>25653682 >There is no other reason why I'm alive, or any other animal The heart of the matter. You believe yourself an animal and therefore have become one. Why should I, a human being - listen to a talking animal?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:48:27 GMT No. 25653756 SÄGE! >>25653775
>>25653682 >justify spending 9 months suffering the perils of pregnancy MOOOOOOOOOOOOODS ban this soy
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:48:45 GMT No. 25653758
Women never wanted to have anything to do with me. Now that I'm in my 30s I really doubt they suddenly changed their minds.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:51:58 GMT No. 25653775 >>25653829
156.57 kB, 1189x1390
>>25653733 My acquaintances who got into long term relationships all turned into submissive pussy-whipped cucks at the first opportunity to get a smidge of woman hole access. I admire their evolutionary strive to procreate their mediocre genetics, but interacting with them makes me sick to my stomach. And we're talking about chud gamers here. But they try to police my speech on women because they have skin in the game >>25653739 I'm an animal, rawr What makes you human other than the belief that you are? >>25653756 Don't get me wrong, if a woman died a brutal, tortuous death every time she gave birth, I would still try yo impregnate as many women as possible. I don't care about their suffering, but I understand their motivations in a game theory sort of way. I have a working model of the foid mind, based on evolutionary biology.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:54:33 GMT No. 25653791 >>25653793 >>25653810 >>25653877
>>25653215 tinder is designed by americans to be a cock carousel, they hold users on the platform forever, they never separate groups of people who want to pursue a single long term relationship and groups that want to have cock carousel I bet all my money they invested in dating platforms around the world to copy their model, and if something succeeded without that model, they bought that up and crashed it down, making platform unusable
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:54:49 GMT No. 25653793 >>25653810 >>25653877
>>25653791 inb4 it was da jooz
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:56:52 GMT No. 25653810 >>25653877
>>25653791 >>25653793 It was the jews and it's true. Very few corps hold all the dating apps there are.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 18:00:33 GMT No. 25653829 >>25653877
>>25653775 >What makes you human other than the belief that you are? Noting your attempt at evasion, I will still answer your question - because I am able to purify and sublime my carnal desires to a large degree. And so are you, but only if you fully commit to being human, if you erect your whole being to verticality where right now, only fleshly horizontality exists.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 18:09:00 GMT No. 25653877 >>25654175
84.75 kB, 933x963
>>25653791 >>25653793 >>25653810 They turned dating into a brutal free market (or better yet, opened this already brutal market up to the Internet). There are enough losers delusional to think that if they pay 30 bucks a months, Tinder is able to magically spawn women that would be interested in having sex with them. Chads and foids ride for free, beta losers pay because they're stupid and got scammed. Apps like this have to be a scam for the majority of men, because no algorithm or product design could make this >magically spawn women that would be interested in having sex with them a reality, it's set in stone, just like energy conservation and the subpar bone structure of the suckers on there who don't get any pussy. It's just business, not a conspiracy. >>25653829 I'm an animal, just smarter and more aware. But you could continiously morph the average lion or tiger into me, we share the same topology.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 18:59:53 GMT No. 25654175 >>25654217
>>25653877 (checked) >They turned dating into a brutal free market (or better yet, opened this already brutal market up to the Internet). There are enough losers delusional to think that if they pay 30 bucks a months, Tinder is able to magically spawn women that would be interested in having sex with them. Chads and foids ride for free, beta losers pay because they're stupid and got scammed. Apps like this have to be a scam for the majority of men, because no algorithm or product design could make this Did you read Houellebecq's 'Extension du domaine de la lutte'/'Ausweitung der Kampfzone'? He agrees with and describes experientally what you wrote about. Very good, like all of his books.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 19:07:19 GMT No. 25654217
>>25654175 >Did you read Houellebecq's 'Extension du domaine de la lutte'/'Ausweitung der Kampfzone'? I will read if if my short form content raped illiterate brain allows for it, sounds interesting
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 19:23:38 GMT No. 25654304
It's troublesome. I don't feel like putting up effort. Sex probably feels nice, but the amount of work, both mental and physical, I'd have to perform to get it with a woman that doesn't look like an ugly gremlin is so absurd that it makes the carnal craving feel like something that should be suppressed by masturbation. It's simply too much of a pain in the ass.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 19:25:10 GMT No. 25654317
>>25652379 >>25652396 I agree with you, Tails
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:14:51 GMT No. 25655087
>>25653632 Only childless middle-aged women are a truly genetic dead end.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:16:07 GMT No. 25655097 >>25655109 >>25655178
268.73 kB, 553x495
The worst part of this situation is that videogames aren't even good anymore
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:17:23 GMT No. 25655109
>>25655097 Never got this problem There are tons of games I didn't play and want to play People are just too lazy to search for something new
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:26:47 GMT No. 25655154
>>25653682 The most successful strategy for women is to just get pregnant as fast as possible, as often as possible, there is zero downside from an evolutionary perspective. The more mates, the more men will protect her, plus that she spreads her genes. Women are containers for babies, evolutionary speaking. Any act delaying their function is an act reducing their chances of success.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:29:39 GMT No. 25655178
>>25655097 put a gay chick in it
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:30:12 GMT No. 25655183 SÄGE!
4kank rss
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:38:27 GMT No. 25655239
ITT: retards who misunderstand Darwin Even Darwin himself was wrong about shit and made contradictions. Roaches are the most successful species on the planet. All hail the biological imperative! What we understand about evolution is the tip of the iceberg an;d its very poorly understood at all. Making wild theories about chads and stacies is just a way for you to make excuses and not take responsibility for your lives.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 22:56:52 GMT No. 25655680
>>25652385 lol roastie post your tinder matches
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:00:29 GMT No. 25655703
>>25652396 looksmatched in the year of our Lord 2025?
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:55:41 GMT No. 25655937
>>25653215 thats just AI bots to keep the granny goin or scammin her lel same for stupid nerds who think that hottie texts them, its all fake bs
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:56:59 GMT No. 25655946
>>25652379 even as a male, i look at that 'thing' and i sigh, I just dont see a man there. Short kings better just move to indonesia.
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:57:31 GMT No. 25655951
>>25652408 also this
Bernd Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:59:08 GMT No. 25655959
>>25653640 >why would they choose relationships with run down femoids this either a hebe wife or chill life without some hag
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 00:12:01 GMT No. 25656012 >>25656019 >>25656170
>>25652523 Bullshit I am short fat ugly poor and bald Bernd and my wife cooks cleans does my laundry and empties my balls. You don't have to give up women, just don't be a soft cunt and be ready to walk away from someone who doesn't respect you.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 00:13:58 GMT No. 25656019
459.92 kB, 640x796
>>25656012 >short fat ugly poor and bald Bernd
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 00:56:14 GMT No. 25656170
869.16 kB, 640x480
>>25656012 Some women also commit suicide before having children, so women completely fumbling their genetic potential by procreating with genetically subhuman men isn't out of the question, but the number of genetic subhumans is much higher than evolutionary masochistic, psychologically sick women.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 01:00:50 GMT No. 25656184
Chad or the top 5% have a huge lust and low standard for women, so a 5/10 can get fucked by 9/10 and think that she doesn’t nothing less.
Thread interest score: 7.1 Thread size: 291.30 kB