I don't think that my perspective is chudjakism. In its explicit form, yes, neurotypicals rarely look under the mechanism that drive their needs and motivations. But I would claim that my evolutionary worldview is shared by all animals, plants and healthy humans.
I have these views because I had to make shocking experiences that forced me to build a strong logical foundation based on which I can understand the world, which is maladaptive.
>Who decides that? The car that crashed into yours on the highway that ended your existence? The stray bullet from the firefight down the block? What about the poorly constructed piece of masonry brick that falls off a 3 story building and hits your heda killing you instantly?
All of these factors combined, yes, it's a statistical ensemble.
>How do genes talk and how do they know they should tell me to procreate? Are they the same genes that tell niggers to fuck white women and rap about it and sell the rap music? No thanks.
Through your feelings and instincts. Africans are perfectly adapted to the warm temperatures around the equator, and their monke tendencies to acquire resources with short term planning and then procreate with as many fertile women as possible reflect the fast life history strategy that these environments favor (no harsh winters, easy to survive in nature, low offspring investment, main problems are other humans and wild animals that need to be killed). Your probably Eurpean mind is repulsed by these ideas because Europeans are evolved to be adapted to European climates, which do not mimic to optimal strategy in a modern welfare state
>Just like all the guys we're talking about that gave up on worrying about it?
They're still worried about it but try to drown out the noise with drugs, alcohol, porn and entertainment for children (figurines, video games)
You don't have to shoot yourself, all I'm saying that if you throw these objective standards overboard, you have no argument to claim why it would be a bad thing
>i believe in Sir Isaac Newton and he never had sex
Geniuses procreate their genes by giving their group (British people in this case) an advantage, so they can spread their genes over the entire planet. Men like Newton are the cause why White skinned men with British ancestry who probably look similar to him are typing on their computers right now on the North American continent on KC instead of Indians.
Don't try this strategy as your main one unless you are a genius. Get some pussy otherwise.