I resent myself for being a pedo. I want to stop looking at kids, but its hard to control myself, like ending a drug addiction. Thought about seeing a therapist but scared they will report me. Religious so suicide is not an option. What should I do?
> SpaceX said the third test flight will tackle “a number of ambitious objectives” that build on the lessons learned from the previous outings. For instance, the company is aiming to fire one of Starship’s Raptor engines while in space, open and close the vehicle’s payload door and transfer propellant between two of Starship’s tanks in orbit. Finally, SpaceX is also hoping to show that Starship can carry out a controlled re-entry through Earth’s atmosphere before splashing down in the Indian Ocean.
Heavy objects ACTUALLY fall faster than light objects. Yes, even in a vacuum.
>What, OP? You're a dumb monkey, s = 1/2 * gt^2 where g = gravitational constant. Mass of the object doesn't matter.
No, hear me out.
A heavy object will literally pull the Earth to it more than a light object will. Thus shortening the distance of the impact.
Any physicists can refute?
US has third bank plummeting in two weeks despite all the regulatory measures
Evergrande still stands lmao
Good afternoon
Churka assaulted me physically for refusing to let them bring a 3rd roomate in the room, which is already fine for two people, with only 2 waredrobes.
I hate churka fucking subhumans so much its unreal
Development of average annual wages 2000–2020 (US$ PPP) - includes inflation.
2000 - 21,131
2020 - 32,527
2000 - 16,111
2020 - 16,230
Why are wages in Latino countries so stagnant? And why is Mexico performing so poorly while being a neighbor of the USA? If Poland was a neighbour of the USA, we would be much richer than Canada, that's for sure.
Living in everlasting peace, having such a great neighbour, and still being shit - i can't comprehend it. Mexico doesn't even need to have an army, because the US Army is enough to guarantee security in the region.
>15 years later>go down to store to buy grocery>sorry we dont accept bitcoin or any other shitcoin
wow... almost there guys, maybe another 15 years give or take
>>25625370>centralized crypto
this is not how it works
Wed, 12 Mar 2025 23:17:04 GMT
No. 25625880SÄGE!
>>25625444>No you retard, most coins are held already in private reserves that aren't kycs or public funds.
Price is set by all the open trading and manipulative games played there
I don't even watch football anymore but this guy is another faggot like Neymar. He literally thinks he's Michael Jordan tier when nobody cares about him
Bought these because COVID era destroyed the good nootropic market (I liked phenylpiracetam best and it is hard to get nowadays) and I need more of a pick me up than caffeine alone provides to wörk
These zoomers gums taste like ass, next time I’ll just get nicorette, but it seems like the higher dose works at least and I wörked for 4 hours so far
Does Bernd use nootropics, or nicotine for stimulant effects? How do you stay motivated and on task as a wfh codegarch?
Total posts: 4,
files: 0 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:33:59 GMT)
>How do you stay motivated and on task as a wfh codegarch
I don't, I procrastinate and waste time until it starts getting dangerous and fear becomes the main motivator
I have a mortgage and a high title, I have to get wörk done, we have had layoffs and I think I’ll get let go of next round and need to at least be able to point to some things I’ve done at my last job and not get too rusty
this neighbour of mine across the street, looks like mini skinny sam sulek, he drives this red mini car that looks alarming concerning, what does it mean? and also, its weird... every otehr person in that building wears red clothes or own a red car.. like why? its not a very versatile color
There has never been worse time for learning to code than it is now.
The only worse time for that than now is tomorrow. And then the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on and so forth.
Protip: Start with a little project, can be as stupid as you want. For example, a text based question-answer game that reads questions and answers from a file.
Troll? That is for later when you can actually write some code without looking up five things per line.
>>25625432>dietary calorie in the USA
You did not write "dietary calorie" in the OP, nor use a capital C. Also, it's stupid to use the same word for a unit and at thousand times that unit.