Bought these because COVID era destroyed the good nootropic market (I liked phenylpiracetam best and it is hard to get nowadays) and I need more of a pick me up than caffeine alone provides to wörk
These zoomers gums taste like ass, next time I’ll just get nicorette, but it seems like the higher dose works at least and I wörked for 4 hours so far
Does Bernd use nootropics, or nicotine for stimulant effects? How do you stay motivated and on task as a wfh codegarch?
Total posts: 4,
files: 0 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:33:59 GMT)
>How do you stay motivated and on task as a wfh codegarch
I don't, I procrastinate and waste time until it starts getting dangerous and fear becomes the main motivator
I have a mortgage and a high title, I have to get wörk done, we have had layoffs and I think I’ll get let go of next round and need to at least be able to point to some things I’ve done at my last job and not get too rusty