This guy's English is literally perfect and he talks the truth. Switzerland will continue to suck up the best whites from Europe, meanwhile countries like Germany will deteriorate into brownism. Rate demographics predictions
Once most scumbag Whites die in the bird flu pandemic and the military drafts I will be appreciated and will be treated like a king lmao. My White seed will be so precious then.
I'm in a bit of a moral dilemma. I really wanna do drugs right now and i know a good fren would have atleast MDMA and LSD, maybe a bit coke at home. I have his key but can't ask him if i can have some. I'd leave money of course, i'm not a thief but can't ask him for permission either. Would Bernd do it?
Just a few more weeks until i move out. I will just sit and goon all day long. Farting and jerking off over and over and giving in to the degeneracy. I will never go outside ever
I bought middle earth the shadow bundle on steam one day my children shall inherit my steam account
Why is Quebec society OK with this fucking cringe trash? fat ass old ladies and male feminists dictating the narrative
I do wish to wake the Jews up, for their sakes as well as ours, to the practical nature and prodigious scale of the charges their enemies really have against them; just as I wish to wake the English up to the charges the Irish have against them.
Grown ass man dropping tears cause a random person he has never seen made a gesture to him. Man, the level of faggotry...
A man who thinks hard about any subject for several years is in horrible danger of discovering the truth about it.
Are there some good games that happen in modern EVROPEAN city? Like Amsterdam or London? Or maybe some german cities? I am thinking of something GTA-like to apreciate EVROPEAN culture.
Not long ago in an all-white block on Chicago's West Side, a FOR SALE sign appeared in front of a modest frame bungalow. Immediately a wave of fear swept across the block. A Negro family already was living several blocks away. Not far beyond that was the western edge of Chicago's "Black Belt." Every year its border had been moving closer, enclosing blocks like this one along the way. Suppose the bungalow came into possession of a Negro? What would happen to the rest of the block? All the residents were plainly worried. Among them were a widow who had been living alone and had no assets but her home, and the parents of four young children who feared what "change" might mean to the youngsters' safety. "Relax," said the bungalow owner. "I'm selling this through a white real-estate man. I won't even talk to a Negro." Imagine their shock, then, when the FOR SALE sign came down and the new owners moved in— Negroes. And consider the impact of what happened next. Three more buildings, which were already owned by property speculators, "turned" immediately. Other Negro families arrived to look at homes in the block. Real-estate men, both white and Negro, swarmed in. Almost overnight the family with four children sold out at a sizable loss. So did six other home- owners in quick succession. "We'll stay," a few owners said. "We're broad-minded." But the situation was out of their control. Finally the last of the whites left—whether or not they could afford to move. Like hundreds of others who have been similarly blitzed, they never really knew what had hit them. I knew. I triggered the whole sequence of events by buying the bungalow and quickly selling it to a Negro. I am a block-buster. Another and perhaps slightly less odious name for my craft is real-estate speculator. Cornering a Share of the Harvest I specialize in locating blocks which I consider ripe for racial change. Then I "bust" them by buying properties from the white owners and selling them to Negroes—with the intent of breaking down the rest of the block for colored occupancy. Sometimes the groundwork—the initial block-busting—has already been done by some other speculator by the time I arrive on the scene. In that case all I have to do is to work on the remaining whites and reap my share of the harvest. Actually, block-busting probably is tougher on the whites than the Negroes. Nobody who has lived in a neighborhood for years, seen his children grow up there, remodeled his home exactly to his liking and become accustomed to nearby school, church and shopping facilities likes to be uprooted. This is particularly true if it happens so suddenly that he has no new neighborhood in mind, if he has to accept less living space and a higher-interest mortgage than he previously had and if he must sell his property at a loss. Several elderly persons have died because of the anguish and upheaval involved. As a result of my business dealings, I have been cursed, called "nigger lover," "vulture," and "panic peddler," had doors slammed in my face and even been chased by an irate woman with a broom. "You're Communist and un-American!" one owner shouted at me. "You've sold out your own race!" others have yelled. It is hard to forget, too, how even long-time neighbors and friends may become jealous, suspicious and antagonistic toward one another. After one middle-aged couple had built a sub- urban home and sold their former home to a speculator—and the speculator had "turned" it— several former neighbors hired a sound truck and drove to the couple's new home. They cruised the block, shouting, "Be sure and meet your new neighbors, the Joneses. They sold out their old block to Negroes." Once a block has been busted, some white owners simply stare, almost dumbfounded, as we draw up sale papers for them. Others break down and cry. Some say, "It's OK to show the place to Negroes before we move, but we don't want to be in the house to watch it when you do." But no matter how emotional or awkward some situations may be, there is one compensation for it all—money.
I wish i could just remove incognito mode its annoying that something so stupid exists. Fucking retards
it's cool to hate Tate because he is a dysgenic nigger but i listen to what he says and agree with everything
... man near White House
the glowies are paid by the global prison-industrial complex to produce more slaves and justify their rule so they create nazi-pedo-incel-hacker-school shooter websites like (((kohlchan))) to brainwash young depressed men into committing crimes, don't fall for it, look up "The Manchurian Candidate" and watch it to understand what I mean, DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR PSYOPS
I dislike oversocialized liberal "soy" men and I don't know how to appreciate them.
mcdonalds is one of the few things which brings me pleasure have you considered visiting mcdonalds today yet?
Trump makes Fingols seethe. They get completely furious when you mention him. This alone makes him based.
Bernds wtf I need to find this cartoon I used to watch 20 years ago on nickelodean (or maybe cartoon network) where a bunch of kids hunted (I think) demons or ghosts, but it a very particular style, the kids were cgi but some demons/ghosts were string puppets. I can't find this shit anywhere, pls help Have kots as thx
Holy shit. Philosophers are really annoying. I hope some Somali refugees gang rape his effeminite ass. He thinks that he is a deep thinker but his brain is fried by using AI.
Lets say you wanted to import the Chinese "sheng nü" (leftover women) meme to the west, how would you go about doing it? For those unaware, the sheng nü meme states that a woman not married and having children by 25 years old is a failure at life and should KYS. Also say you wanted to have the western version of the meme altered with the age limit reduced to 20 or so, how would that be accomplished.
Will all the Syrians in Turdkiye go home now that Assad is gone or will they stay?
Where I can meet tranny? I'm looking for 15-20yo tranny who's taking hormones but I can't find anywhere in Poland. Scrolled whole protistutues advertisement with no success and I really want to try it.
>this gypsy is absolutelly vital for my plans -t trump I really dont get it. What is happening?
The internet is fake and gay. We give it too much purchase in our day-to-day lives. The 90's were great precisely because the capitalists hadn't yet hooked us up to this broadband prison. Now they have our souls and our minds, also there's nothing we can do, we are dead.
<Until March 12, 2025, or 71 days, East German wage workers will statistically work for free. Thirty-five years after the annexation of the GDR to the FRG, according to stepstone, there is a #wage gap between West and East of 16%. That's €637.50 less in the pay packet per month. "The wage gaps between #East and #West remain constant, and in some sectors they are even widening again. Ultimately, these are still the consequences of the deindustrialization of East Germany. For example, no DAX-listed company has a headquarters between the Elbe and Oder rivers. Furthermore, the collective bargaining coverage is scandalous. 56% of wage workers do not have a #collective agreement. The #low-wage sector is extremely pronounced in East Germany." >Thirty-five years after the annexation of the GDR to the FRG Lol they finally flipped on the Ossi switch after years of woke taqiyya
Oompa loompa doompety doo I've got a perfect puzzle for you Oompa loompa doompety dee If you are wise, you'll listen to me
Has anyone here ever tried acting? I can take acting lessons in my city because I've always been curious, must be fun to incarnate a character and forget about your everyday life
War is coming there is chance of the survival in the northern hemisphere How much is welfare and a pile of bricks in brazil ?
I saved a woman from armed home intruders once and she didnt even give me sex. Can you imagine. I practically saved her life and almost died and she didnt even suck my dick
How does russian bernds feel about the eu/nato propaganda against russia these past five years?
I've been using imageboards for over 10 years now. The first was 4chan /mlp/ when I was 14. I seek after Death, but cannot find it, and I desire to die, but Death flees from me.
Dabbing ans marijuana concentrate, starting from cold nail. display onions, r8
From now on I'll just say 'globalist' to get my point across politically without seeming too overbearing, heh.
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Did the Russian Empire ever have plans of expanding into the Tarim Basin? I keep thinking about Tocharians, the Afanasievo and such. So far I've only come across the following in my research: > > > I wonder if it's one of those cases where most material is written in Russian and therefore not accessible to me.
feeling the urge to visit my fwb granny again bros,i cum inside unprotected, we eat together we hug goodbye. love to see it
I'm balls deep in love with my coworker. Every time we talk face to face I feel like I'm in heaven. But there's a catch: she got two kids and a husband.
Pura 70 Ultra still is best cameraphone. Since april 2024. I wonder what will happen in the 80 Ultra version.
LLMs just got 10 times faster and 10 times more efficient with a technique. How over is it for codecels right now?
i'm still having trouble getting used to my fame. today i didn't have a brief paranoid fit and chased this person through the store and took a picture of him (just like he did shortly before). today a mother photographed me from about 30 meters away. in addition her child waved at me afterwards. i then hid behind a pillar. the worst thing is when people smile at me because i have a very flat affect and can't smile back.
I would rather burn up like a piece of coal to keep you warm than being left alone in the cold.
I have turned on spellchecking on my laptop browser for the first time in my life i was always paranoid that it was a keylogger stealing my data but thats silly isnt it