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Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:08:26 GMT No. 25605163 [Kohl] [Report thread]
186.39 kB, 1005x1005
The internet is fake and gay. We give it too much purchase in our day-to-day lives. The 90's were great precisely because the capitalists hadn't yet hooked us up to this broadband prison. Now they have our souls and our minds, also there's nothing we can do, we are dead.
Total posts: 13, files: 2 (Drowned at Tue, 11 Mar 2025 00:52:46 GMT)
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:11:18 GMT No. 25605186 >>25605205
What if you stopped using the internet for most things? Me: I can't.
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:14:22 GMT No. 25605205 >>25605264
>>25605186 Its too late because it has reshaped the offline world even more perversely than the online. There is literally no escape save a Carrington event.
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:19:13 GMT No. 25605234
90s was gay, we're literally living in the 90s pumped up with mega gay and more browns, it's exactly what the 90s was singing the praises of. Nothing is new, Ballard was writing in the 60s that fiction has to be real and serious because reality is such fantasy, everyone was glued to their tv sets experiencing endless fantasies upon fantasies.
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:21:54 GMT No. 25605242 >>25605270
There was a Britbernd who reminiscing on the 90's but I told him he was romanticizing it and he got pissed off at me lol
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:25:37 GMT No. 25605264
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>>25605205 Please HAVE sex.
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:27:09 GMT No. 25605270 >>25605280 >>25605285 >>25605306
>>25605242 The 90s were a kind of petit 60s
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:30:04 GMT No. 25605280 >>25605458
>>25605270 The 60s decade is something that has more weight and evidence to being a good decade I think but the 90s is just a precursor to globohomo, which does have its benefits but overall is crappy
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:30:33 GMT No. 25605285
>>25605270 Especially if you lived in America at that time
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:34:02 GMT No. 25605306
>>25605270 The greatest era was something before the 1900s now we are going overkill with technology
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:55:00 GMT No. 25605445 >>25605547
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>>25605163 The 90s was far worse. Every npc was completely captured by the media, everyone was expected to watch jewish shit and talk about it. Every adult older than a certain age can rattle off a dozen Simpsons or Seinfeld memes. We all were poisoned by the casual relationships of the friends show and the kosher individualism of antiheros like Al Bundy and fox Mulder. Every gen xer I know is mind broken. Men a few years older than me spouting memes and acting like teenagers, half of me just wants to say that's how people are, but I think half of it was the societal Ludovico technique applied to two generations of westerners. It sounds crazy, but scheduled reinforcement is proven. Teaching a dog to shake isn't much different than teaching people to relax around niggers and behave shamelessly.
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 23:57:07 GMT No. 25605458
>>25605280 60s were shit. A cultural revolution similar in scale to those seen in Soviet Russia and Maoist China during the 20th century 'Liberation' from many social expectations and standards, while enjoying the great abundance and social harmony built up and inherited from the previous era. A kind of free-for-all, a drove of greedy pigs breaking into the food stores if you will. The 90s, bleeding into the late 00s represented a similar scenario, de-industrialisation people getting rich from asset stripping and becoming middlemen in the new globohomo economic paradigm, opening up of financial markets, a kind of utopian optimism from millennialism, the end of the cold war and fantasies about technology. The 90s differed significantly from the previous decades, possibly more so than the 60s did. The 60s opened a can of worms, the destruction of societal foundations really, the 90s was really the start of completely deranged levels of mass migration in the wect, the fruits of which will finally destroy west man on a biological level.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 00:11:39 GMT No. 25605547 >>25606629
>>25605445 I talk to a gen xer every other day while walking my dog and he's open to weird stuff, he's a flat earther and chemtrail enthusiast but his eccentric and frankly ignorant beliefs are still more acceptable and palatable than my opinion that Hitler was right.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 04:05:17 GMT No. 25606629
>>25605547 > he's a flat earther and chemtrail enthusiast but his eccentric and frankly ignorant beliefs are still more acceptable and palatable than my opinion that Hitler was right. There's a million episodes of the x files about chemtrails and one mention of the Jews and its about how they suffer from being oppressed.
Thread interest score: 3 Thread size: 61.45 kB