Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
The Future
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This is what the future really is about!

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I am sorry I don't know where last 20 billion went we lost them, please send me another 40 billion TRUMP !!!

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>Marry a Latina tradwife >Wait 20 years until the definition of white gradually shifts, like it did for the Finns, Irish, Poles, Italians, Greeks, Armenians and Jews The white race has been saved.

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Pray every day for the man who, at the cost of his own life, tried to save yours.

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women literally like to have their bundas fucked, the like to feel the male groin hitting their butt cheeks multiple times dude, thats fucked up, how a being like that can freely walk arround society and even make choices and take decisions by theirself?

bastardly words
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Here is a list of words that the Trump administration wants to limit or avoid, according to a compilation of government documents. They change the language to shape the future while Handmaid's Tale comes closer every day. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2025/03/07/us/trump-federal-agencies-websites-words-dei.html

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Do you believe in Chaos Magic? I think the world is bewitched.

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>i will get to the botton of this

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This is your appearance.

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Macron looks like that

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let's split up we can cover more ground

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Do you enjoy the mandatory British missions in WW2 games?

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This is what the typical Romanian nerdlinger looks like.

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How can I get such gf?

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i srsly hope u goys don't speak in a linguistic vestige of settler colonialism and white supremacy

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Le Free Market can't compete with communist planning. Le Free Market needs tariffs to encourage capitalists to build factory. Le Free Market needs $500,000,000,000 gibs-me-dats from the government and still can't compete. Assuming Elon's goons didn't hack the voting machines as it's starting to seem, Trump was ostensibly elected to fix the economy. And the orange nigger kike can't even do that.

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I hate him with a burning passion

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my appearance

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I look like this

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What would happen if you locked up Igor and Stanley Tucci in a cage together?

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>excuse me, i have to go to the bathroom

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I still think of the girl who I kissed with in your ward back in 2007.

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I admit when im wrong

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Strong independent girl?

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Fun with entomology

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Sex and gf were denied to me, taken from me, By you know whomst.

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White women with frizzy hair gross me out. Straighten that shit out. Now if my woman was a nigger I would have her wear a buzz cut and bleach it, straight hair wigs. God, I would love to have a nigger woman who's sweet, loyal, obedient, greets you with a lovely face.

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How do europoors cope with the american superiority?

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I'm starting to suspect 4GB RAM might not be enough for modern internet.

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Whenever I start showing symptoms of higher intelligence, I slowly lose this ability over a short period of time and lose it instantly when I stop trying to keep up with the act. I must keep indulging myself in philosophical questions within my mind for hours on end if I want to keep that ability up, and after a short amount of time, I lose it all, and even forget the things that I so deeply engage myself with, almost as if they never existed at all. It seems, based on those simple observations, that there is a huge barrier to prolonged intellectual activity within my mind, that I can hardly escape from.

Joge xDDD
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At the German General Staff: - Romania has entered the war. - Send two divisions against it. - No, on our side. - Then four.

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Johnny Cash is such an incomparably better singer and entertainer I can't fathom why Elvis was so much larger a commercial success. Is it just because Elvis was more sexually attractive and his image revolved around sex appeal to women?

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MP4/WEBM thread

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this is the type of shit I visit this board for

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ukraine is pure evil💔💔

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Where were you when George Droyd finally reached the fent dimension?

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Daily reminder that medium grower benis = high IQ, white train. Big flaccid benis - low IQ, nigger trait

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Were you aware that any subhuman, any nigger can create new Jews by impregnating a Jewess? Jewishness is transmitted from mother.

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Lithuanians, do you use the illative case? >The illative case, denoting direction of movement, is now less common in the standard language but is common in the spoken language, especially in certain dialects.

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How do I help myself? Everything seems futile

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Friday Gustav thread

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This is your appearance

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🎶 Father forgive me for I know not what I do I tried everything, but I’ll leave it up to you I don’t want to live, I don’t know why I don’t have no reasons, I just want to die 🎶 🎶 I’m a suicidal failure, I’ve got to get some help I have suicidal tendencies, but I can’t kill myself 🎶 🎶 I’m tired of this way of life, my patience has expired I’m barely just 19, but my life I will retire I went down to a rifle store, I bought myself a gun I pointed it at my head, but I couldn’t get the job done 🎶 🎶 I took all my mothers sleeping pills I jumped off a freeway bridge I drank three kinds of poison And drove my car off a ridge I beat myself with a bat Put a noose around my head I overdosed on heroin But I’m still not dead 🎶 🎶 Death may not be the answer, it can’t be all that great But me I’m not into living, with life I can’t relate By some masochistic reasoning, I think that it will be fun I want to start my second life now So shoot me with your gun 🎶

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Cat from Istanbul hid on a russian ship and arrived in Novorossiysk. Cat was named "Burak" and he will be deported back.

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What's the best Android keyboard app to write in Hanzi? I use Unexpected Keyboard and looking for something similar.

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Trump vs Houthis, who wins?

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It's Sunday, the worst day of the week. There's nothing to do. I went to the draft office, had a few conversations, then went to a coffee shop, ate a khachapuri there. Now I'm back in the barrack, lying on my bed, doing nothing. God I fucking hate Sundays.

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What did they mean by that ? 🤔

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Christ is King, Bernd.

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Is this true?

Secularism and gender equality
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I want your progressive society to be raped.

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Is this true? Are they making you pay a fine if you work?

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Make PR deportations with the worst of the worst > I'm gonna deport millions! > Brings immigrants form prison back to the country lmao

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I'm in bedge

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Is it really that simple

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What if rocks are actually quite soft like jellyfish but become tense once we touch or something applies force to them making them stress out and tense up? Gentle treatment of rock could explain pyramids and all the other massive builds of past humans

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Message to Normies (2025) By Berndu ----- I've sold my freedom to gain strength, I’ve walked that path, feeling the weight of every wound. This scar, this browsing of the KC, It is my reflection, my true self. You cannot steal my life away from me, My fate belongs to me alone. Blinded by the chains of belief and society, You cannot see. There is no chosen one. It is only we who can save ourselves. I'm the greatest incel alive.

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Is it better to be Germanic or Mediterranean?

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I have ARFID

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Swedish immigrant exposes the TRUTH about Brazil, it was in fact a paradise all along

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hamas is a Jewish project

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Would you eat his Cuscuz?

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Do you like steam deck?

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>short >ugly >stupid >3rd world citizenship I want a refund

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tfw no swiss gf

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i look like wellys

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25 years ago today my first exposure to American culture

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The jews OWE ME!

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Why are all white people incels?

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WTF DO YOU MEAN THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT IS SPYING ON ME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIA46Xh7kR8

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Did u know there are no countries in the world with brown or mainly brown flags? Dat seems raycis.

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buying an island, announcing independence, and stopping paying taxes, how would you rate the idea?

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Would this Palestinian man be considered white in Brazil?

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How it fees to have sex with a real woman? How it feels to kiss a real woman? How it feels to hold hands with a real woman? Explain it in great detail pls. t.never ever

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Mother is trolling me against and asking when I'll give her grandkids

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Have you ever asked your parents for permission to kill yourself?

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Bought these because COVID era destroyed the good nootropic market (I liked phenylpiracetam best and it is hard to get nowadays) and I need more of a pick me up than caffeine alone provides to wörk These zoomers gums taste like ass, next time I’ll just get nicorette, but it seems like the higher dose works at least and I wörked for 4 hours so far Does Bernd use nootropics, or nicotine for stimulant effects? How do you stay motivated and on task as a wfh codegarch?

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thoughts on nikonet?

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i am being harassed by a crazy glue huffing vatnik gypsy subhuman even kc isnt a safe space for bernd bye winter sets in frogs go into hibernation

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Have you realized that the Jew of image searches isn't pinterest anymore, but watermarked picture selling shit sites like gettyimages or alamy? Using Bing it's almost impossible to find non-watermarked pictures. It fucking sucks How did this happen?

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why is not smoking weed so boring? it hought smoking weed was boring

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is actually pretty funny. once i bingewatched for like a week thank you brapzil

Iceland has always been Rightful American Clay
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Iceland was first discovered by ancient Americans who left constitutions carved into stones to document their presence. Icelanders have had it too good for too long, it is time to return this ancient piece of America to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

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>Russia says 9,000 Syrians fleeing violence have taken refuge at its Hmeimim air base Thanks Obama

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Mugshot of a Kohlchan pedophile

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just trust god and live in the present

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I need cozy good quality sci-fi to watch

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jews are bad christianity says jews are bad science is supposed to be good science is actually bad because it is dominated by jews therefore christianity is right and science is wrong

Sup Child Porn Bros
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What minor yet infuriating things do people do that should result in immediate incarceration? > Pour a drink and spill even a drop.

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Have sex.

BR Brown BR Brown
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Let it be known Brazil is BROWN Here we share proofings of this truth

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I bought a 2nd bag of trail mix but I don't know where I left it. It's berry falvor.

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Stonks bros, are you winning?

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New 'toss

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Long kitty is long

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When I play online games with russian flag in my nickname wectoids team-up against me.