Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
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This is God speaking. Prove your loyality to God by posting "Deus Vult" itt

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This is what i crave

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speaks volumes* *(Warsaw jumped from Alpha- index to Alpha)

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I hate this world

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Penetration sex with 4 year old? This pedophile security guard in Sweden just got 5 years in prison for raping his 4 year old daughter. He supposedly had anal and vaginal penetration. How is that possible that a 4 year old vagina is able to take a grown mans cock? Doesn't the girl get teared apart?

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Based AI attacking bioshits.

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I'm in a student pub and it's full of butch girls wearing crocs.

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This, right here, is the totality of my appearance upon this realm of existence. Lars porsonions?

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getting fat is the single worst thing you can do to your attractiveness, it ruins the one thing that really matters to opposite sex - your face t. fat fuck

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At this point, if only I dedicated my free time in pursuit of climbing the ranks of an important company, I'd have private knowledge about that which is precious and no amount of schizo /pol/ retard would be able to have it If only I spent that time scheming, trying my best at socializing, doing my best to perform the best, doing my best to manipulate people, I could achieve that Instead I spent this disgusting and revolting and rage-inducing time on imageboards interactign with failures and "human" trash that would've been better off dead, literal parasites that feed off electricity and whose ideas and hypothetical scenarios outweigh real, actual living and experience with the outside world I coud look back and see all that I built if instead I had done this but since I didn't I can't

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Why is your appearance like that?

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Niggers are punching babies now

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>I will have a peace deal signed within 24 hours

Gauchito gil
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what are your thoughts on argentinian religion?

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>What strange music are they playing in this nightclub? What is the most awkward situation you have ever been placed in?

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What is this label, never seen it at all in any american store. Is this from a European store?

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Bernd the crab

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smiles in pajeet

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is it true what alex jones says, that they all are serving satan?

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A gf would fix my life completely

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I played okcupid and tinder at work, and coworker joined in. We both started one-upping each other in making funny comments. the one foid in the same room got furious and started to become really toxic this was so funny

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>don't take a shower for weeks >never smell <take a shower <immediately start smelling What the fuck??

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I want this car and to be enjoying the good life in Miami

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China should ramp up fentanyl production I want to see more Ameridumbs dead Please kill all sharts

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>spurdo being shown to the masses That's ODD https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2vfo9LMiLkI

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I wish Nembutal was an OTC drug so I could kill myself in my sleep. I hate this reality and the "people" associated with it. They don't even allow you to kill yourself painlessly in a legal manner, what assholes, but they would gladly give you guns.

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/r/ing ukrainian FPV drone compilation WITH COMMENTARY and LAUGHING saw it like a month ago on WPD (prtty sure one of tranny mods deleted) and it was so kino i just assumed one of you must have it

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this is depressing

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are these two the same person?

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is it over for yurope?

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I have a toothpick in my mouth. I feel based.

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On the show The Walking Dead, during the zombie apocalypse, this guy kidnapped a girl to keep as a sex slave. What dark thing would he do in the zombie apocalypse or any other apocalypse?

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norman rockwell was a genius

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Do you know who your MP is? Have you ever asked a MP for help?

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Clinically retarded

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Good night, sweet prince

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What's the best Warhammer game? Recently I have seen foid streamers creaming their pants of Space Marine 2, which got me interested again of the setting. It's funny how nobody now screams about sexualizing men when the game is full of hypermasculine males.

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I made a guy so mad he blocked me on twitter. His reply was full of typos and angry, I think I broke him.

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girogia meloni

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stopping to smoke and browse the 'C

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''On March, 1, 2025, Donald Trump, the 47th President of United States of America, suscefully managed to cut the flood of weapons, supplies and money to the front lines.'' ''The ukranian war ended shortly after.'' ''3 millions of people perished on the conflict.''

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American "leftists" "centrist" and "right-wingers" have on thing in common. They worship cunts I don't think I've ever seen an european man, boomer, teenager worship cunts as much as the average american apparently does, its really bizarre and weird. What is this? Is this part of their weird branch of christianity?

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Does the son of your president cucks his father ?

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mom made frozen blinchiki with nothing

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All true art is created by AI.

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>he can still win Just a few more decades bro, trust me, Russia will collapse and Ukraine will be free

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She aged like milk. Unfortunately, the peak of female beauty is at 4 or 5 years of age.

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I am so sick of getting recommended AI slop, and thats only because I can recognize it now. Soon I won't be able to. There is plastic in my blood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svDB3RFuZ54

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Its that time again. I may have to shit.

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There is a spider living in my cuck-cage. It lives here for a few months, and I am not killing it. Or should I kill it maybe?

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I think the EU should spend more promoting LGBTQ rights in Russia

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>bernd, me and your aunt gonna visit some winery and we need you to take care of your niece for some few hours

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mfw realize what my life is in general

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Whats this chud-phenotype called?

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rate this meme i just made

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This is how you treat females. They will even remain quite faithful and loyal as long as you treat them so.

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This is what I crave.

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It's time for my biyearly KC visit. How's everyone doing? What's new? Is Nancy still publicly documenting xer's slow spiral via KC threads? Still a paedo honeypot site? Anyone been arrested yet? What's the hottest new KC meme of the second half of 2024? Is antivax pole still making those threads?

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AI has so much potential to change moviemaking one day. A Star Wars fan made this prequel dialog between Palpatine and Count Dooku and it's already better than anything Disney made.

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and zoon a coffee

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Turk KYS'd.

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♫ ♬ Sigma sigma boy sigma boy sigma boy sigma boy♫ ♬

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Do you chew grapes when you eat them? Chatgpt told me you should.

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why was the american airforce harvesting slavic synovial fluid back in 2017

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i want to get ballbusted by a cute little girl

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can you imagine a world where germany was never a thing? europe would still be white, racism would still be commonplace everyone would be happy

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you literally cannot suffer on the USA with endless supply of such cute shy brown gfs https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/brunlapine

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Does voicing the shitty thoughts out loud affect reality? As opposed to being invaded with evil intrusive thoughts but not saying it out loud? So why does the matrix spam you with cancerous cancer? The shit they spam from the news programs etc

brown thieves
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in ww2 all the american GIs in italy, which had surrendered quickly on the betrayal terms they fight germany, wondered where the pizzerias where today in addition to helping muslims across the sea, they burn bread and throw a leaf on it - claiming it is pizza and they invented it

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What are some good chinese type games. Preferently not full of Wade-Giles.

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The Dalei Lama said Untersberg is an energetic strongpoint, the pope and especially Hitler said it too. Do we believe it?

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5 more years

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Does KC still cut the mustard in 2025? What would you change if you owned the place?

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>Try to play Ghost Recon Breakpoint >it's online only >can't connect to servers [maintenance time} ubishit..

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Ukraine, do you know of anything more scarier than war? Or is that the scariest thing for you?

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Do your dick and balls smell a lot? me yes, smells heavenly

AI, artists and Anime
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>online artist: nooooo Ai only does the most unoriginal slop possible <check profile <draws anime Lol

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this churka refused to go to storm and instead of beating him up with sticks and electroshockers and then forcing him to go to storm limping, or just executing him, they just decided to send him to jail russian army has fallen, its not as kino as it used to be

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Are women only against pedophilia because of envy of younger women? They don't seem to have a problem with their own children getting abused by psychopathic men.

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girl on facebook with fuckin 760 friends, why did she feel the need to remove me? the last time we talked was 3 years ago sure, and we had nothing in common anymore, sure. but still the hastle?

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Gasoline is €0.62/L Es ende

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are the jeets in your cunt this epic

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ITT: everything was a dream, in fact there are no countries, everything is BRAZIL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnLNDuKya04

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>tfw bernd not royalty >tfw americans single-handedly abolished the throne of england >tfw a racially cucked kraut is freer than a britfag itt feelsgoodman.exe

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Hot pics of your mum leaked against

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Why is unreal engine a bad thing?

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The only way for Germany.

Drumpf to make English the official language of the USA
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The hippie movement of the 1960s in the United States represents a significant cultural and social phenomenon that can be interpreted as a profound protest against the prevailing capitalist norms of the time. Emerging in the context of post-World War II America, the movement was characterized by a rejection of materialism, a quest for peace, and an embrace of alternative lifestyles that prioritized communal living, love, and spiritual exploration. This countercultural wave can be seen as the last significant effort to challenge the capitalist framework that dominated American society, positioning itself as a transfer unit of Christian moral values from an old civilization to a new one. At its core, the hippie movement was a response to the perceived moral and ethical shortcomings of a society driven by consumerism and individualism. The movement's leaders and participants often drew inspiration from various religious and philosophical traditions, including elements of Christianity that emphasized love, compassion, and community. This reinterpretation of Christian morals was evident in the movement's advocacy for peace, social justice, and environmental stewardship, which resonated with the teachings of Jesus Christ about caring for the marginalized and promoting harmony among individuals. Moreover, the hippie movement's emphasis on communal living and shared resources can be viewed as a direct challenge to capitalist ideals that prioritize personal wealth and competition. By establishing communes and engaging in collective activities, hippies sought to create alternative social structures that reflected their values of cooperation and mutual support. This radical departure from traditional capitalist practices can be seen as an embodiment of a deeper spiritual quest for meaning and connection in a rapidly industrializing world. In this light, the hippie movement can be understood as a transitional force, bridging the moral imperatives of an older civilization with the emerging consciousness of a new era. While the movement ultimately faced challenges and fragmentation, its legacy endures in contemporary social movements that continue to advocate for peace, environmental sustainability, and social equity. The ideals championed by the hippies serve as a reminder of the enduring struggle against the excesses of capitalism and the ongoing quest for a more just and compassionate society. In conclusion, the hippie movement of the 1960s can indeed be viewed as the last wave of true protest against capitalism, embodying a transfer of Christian moral values into a new cultural context. Its emphasis on love, community, and social justice reflects a profound desire to reshape society in alignment with deeper ethical principles, making it a pivotal moment in the ongoing dialogue about the role of morality in the face of economic systems.

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Due to the rapid advancement of AI captchas are getting harder to solve. The other day I wanted to log in to my battle net account lI don't even like Diablo but some relatives asked me to play with them and I wanted to be nice) since I couldn't remember my password I tried to recover it. It asked me to solve 20 puzzles, in each of them 12 images of dice are shown to you, and you have to pick the image where the dice add up to a specific number (the numbers range from 20 to 40) How is bernt coping with this?

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my face when i get a context get

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you can't take me for a fool

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Why is he trying to destroy the economy?