Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 7 / F: 0

Why are the fatmasters so scared of China?

R: 6 / F: 1

Gen alpha loves Brazil because they are based Say one thing you love most about Brazil

R: 7 / F: 4

There were some people who claimed: > that from the perspective of ethnography, language, literature and ritual the people of Galicia, Kyiv, Moscow, '''Tobolsk''', etc. were all one Russian people > Tobolsk And do you know what Tobolsk is? > The town was founded on the site of the Tatar town of Bitsik-Tura Which was 17km away from Qashliq. And what is Qashliq? > Qashliq, Isker or Sibir (Siberian Tatar: Iskәr) was a medieval (14th–16th century) Siberian Tatar fortress, in the 16th century the capital of the Khanate of Sibir, located on the right bank of the Irtysh River at its confluence with the Sibirka rivulet. > the capital of the Khanate of Sibir In other words, they claimed that people of Galicia, Kyiv and Moscow were one people with...literal mongols from Siberia. And you know...I think I heard similar claims from russian govt not so long ago.

R: 8 / F: 5


R: 10 / F: 6

attention! your attention please!

R: 6 / F: 2

Just ate 2 big eggrolls + a sandwich made with a pancake and some chicken + big pepsi can 6 hours ago I had an omelette + big pancake

R: 12 / F: 3

Trump's enemy James Comey has a daughter who prosecuted Ghislaine Maxwell. She is now prosecuting Diddy.

R: 6 / F: 2

Would you ever cite somme work?

R: 9 / F: 1

gf caught me checking out a 13 year old's ass at the mall today

R: 10 / F: 1

First time I sniff coke. Very good btw

R: 4 / F: 1

> people dying for own country and freedom < lets mock their president like they are some joke LMAO

R: 19 / F: 11

Hallo Bernd. Let's play a game based on this CYOA image. If you were a Chinese warlord in the days after the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic, what would your domain look like? My settis: >Background New Age Army Academy Graduate >Strengths Free: Modernized Hammer, Seasoned Tactician Choice: Agricultural Organizer, Industrial Agitator, Dragon Warlord, Disciple of Ching Shih >Weaknesses Too-Bold-By-Half, Red-Hot Temper >Army Type A Grand Warlord's Army >Army Composition 3x Western Style Infantry (2250); 4x Drilled Volunteers (8000); 2x Brigands (5000 men); 1x Flying Vehicles (3 biplanes); 2x Heavy Modern Guns (45 cannons, 45 machine guns); 1x Engineering Company (50 men) Total: 15,300 men; 45 cannons; 45 machine guns >Addendum to Army Composition The army as a whole is divided into 10 regular regiments of 1525 men, divided into battalions of flexible size and number depending on the objective. In battle, the regiments are divided into four wings. Eight regiments are "active", with two being marked as reserve regiments for when things go south. There are four artillery companies for each wing, the first numbering 15 guns (for the wing doing the most work) and the rest 10. Each regiment gets five machine guns to use in key points. The biplanes perform general reconnaissance, attack strategic locations, and serve as spotters for the artillery. >Resource Acquisition Tax Revenue and Industrial Ventures >Location The South >Loyalties Your Own People (province) >General Strategy Domestic: Improve my own province with agrarian and industrial reforms, keep the populace happy as much as possible. It's never good to deal with troubles at home and abroad. No conscription except in cases of emergency. The peasants are better off at home working the fields and manning the factories to supply the army. Military: The main strategy is based around the axiom that "The best defense is a good offense." Defeating the enemy with combined arms and superior morale is essential to winning wars. Specifically, I would use late WW1 tactics, modified for the realities of Chinese warfare, for battles. Bombarding the enemy with artillery at key points in rapid succession, followed up with rapid attacks against the battered positions, and from there, enveloping and finishing off the enemy. In cases where this isn't possible, or where I'm placed on the defensive, maneuver towards a more advantageous position is the best solution. After a battle, mercy to enemy combatants where prudent, and slaughtering them all when necessary. Diplomacy: Naturally, as Sun Tzu says, the best way to defeat an enemy is without even fighting. Where military options may be too costly, subversion may get the job done well. Use his weaknesses against him, find discontent officers to start a coup or civil war. Don't piss off the central government, and make allies with the strongest warlords. r8 my settis as a Chinese warlord. How long do you think I would last?

R: 6 / F: 1


R: 6 / F: 1

we have never had a greenland poster here

R: 13 / F: 2

On ans shopping.

R: 6 / F: 2

Some jav stars look like actual children. Is that even legal to watch?

R: 11 / F: 5

Do germans have jokes about their neighbor countries' people? Do countries neighboring Germany have jokes about germans? post jokes

R: 9 / F: 3

My motherfucking face when are we going to put the left in power again in 2026. Voa, Xandão!

R: 7 / F: 2

That haircut... this guy looks familiar..

R: 7 / F: 2

Meet my future wife today. We will all make it soon

R: 4 / F: 1

Will DOGE abolish Sex offender registry? Its waste of money and doesn't help anyone It has proven that Public Registries do not reduce crimes against children !!

R: 5 / F: 3

Good evening, I hate women

R: 7 / F: 6

Obama was last US president who was the dominant person on planet Earth. Everyone on Planet Earth was either scared or respected US and had to play with their terms. Obama was also probably the far-rightest president US ever had

R: 9 / F: 1

Sirs, why are you redeeming vagene?

R: 8 / F: 2


Why didn't I succeed?
R: 10 / F: 0

Why didn't I succeed? Is there an art expert here? I have taken abstract pictures and presented them since 2008. I thought my work would remain in art history, but I couldn't. Why didn't I succeed?

R: 9 / F: 1

So far I'm enjoying G.M. Trevelyan's History of England and I'm on Chapter 5 the Second Nordic Invasion (which was the Vikings this time). Although I find that his shilling for Christianity being a force of progress is somewhat biased. It was the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans which were more accurately progressive, these particular works that were ultimately saved by the monks, not the religion which they practiced.

Art of the Deal
R: 8 / F: 6

>Hey Zelensky give us those rare earth Mineral but we can't give you any guarantees for anything >Deal? <WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN NO DEAL !!!!!

Reverse image tools
R: 10 / F: 1

This girl on interpals started talking to me and and I searched her pics on google and yandex and found nothing so maybe it's legit, but do you know any other tools that are more powerful? she's 28 btw

R: 6 / F: 0

Did you know that pale niggers in Estonia had their own BLM riots in 2007? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Night

R: 9 / F: 7

I want to have sex with Taylor Swift.

R: 8 / F: 3

because im canadian i have to stand on the side of order and degeneracy, i stand with zelensky

R: 6 / F: 2

I'm feeling discomfort in my groin. Is there any way I can tell if it's a hernia without going to the doctor?

R: 8 / F: 0

i dislike the chuddification of western society, it has zero benefits and is all about brainless copying of american neo-conservatism

R: 7 / F: 3

Benefits of winter

R: 6 / F: 0

Real talk

==Exclusive: Gaza war to resume with a massive IDF ground campaing to capture entire strip at once!=
R: 6 / F: 0

Text hidden

R: 11 / F: 3

How is the life in multipolar world?

R: 9 / F: 0

Post 5 funny things you did this week. Do not include clownified information. Failure to reply will be seen as gay, and therefore you will be blocked.

R: 8 / F: 3

new wife just dropped

R: 5 / F: 0

It seems like getting a GF is the only solution to make the gang stalking stop. Maybe this is what the gang stalking was all about after all. But how can I be sure she isn't part of the gang? Or what if I am ditching here again and the stalk continues, but worse than before?

R: 8 / F: 2

Absolutely destroyed my butt at the gym today.

R: 8 / F: 0

is notes from the underground really good

R: 5 / F: 1

What would you do if one day government came to you and said you have to pay child support to your kid now age 3 from some Woman that you don't know (or maybe you once met in past) They say that mother has declared it was your child and you are now obliged to support them!

R: 10 / F: 7

I hope orcas have dentists, because that looks painful

R: 6 / F: 1

Recognise yourself?

R: 10 / F: 0

I'm quite out of shape.

R: 9 / F: 4

I fucking LOVE fat women, I regularly masturbate to BBW porn. I find the idea of hugging and kissing a fat woman with low self esteem very hot and cute.

R: 9 / F: 2

From where do people get the balls to put a shotgun in their mouth and shoot it? That's what this lady did. Are these people gods? Utterly fearless.

R: 7 / F: 2

fuck you keincels!

R: 7 / F: 3

How tf do I know what these guys are called? So for Italy its 3 letters yi-da-li But 'yi' is made of 3 letters itself and I don't know what the names are.

R: 5 / F: 0

my typical day wake up jerk off browse tiktok jerk off sleep jerk off browse kc jerk off watch movie jerk off play vidya jerk off go to store to buy daily sausage or meatballs jerk off sleep

R: 9 / F: 5

The middle class here goes to other countries to clean toilets

R: 7 / F: 0

its so weird how my mind changes all the time, sometimes there are periods when i lose any interest to video games, porn and even imageboards and surfing the web (not completely, i still do it in the evenings but the interest is significantly reduced) and all i want is to just be outside every moment when i'm not asleep, just doing whatever, be it flying my drone, hiking, going to a bar, playing billiards or even just walking, and also in these periods i have a pretty huge desire to socialize, so i try to make friends or join activities etc. (it doesnt really work). during such periods when i accidentally see porn i'm kinda grossed out, like when you were a kid you could be grossed out by naked body or some shit like that, you know what i mean. such periods can last for up to several months. during such periods i fap very rarely and but i dont feel horny. then something snaps, and, just as suddenly as it started, it stops and i can sit at home, play vidya, fap to porn and browse the internet again. this is so weird, it freaks me out

R: 12 / F: 3

Anti-drug commercial

R: 13 / F: 4


R: 7 / F: 0

gf just sent me this should i be worried?

R: 8 / F: 5

Is this too much to ask for

R: 8 / F: 2

imagine eating this good put too much msg there. mouth still tastes like cheap asia imbiss

Bernd został oszukany - Część 3811
R: 5 / F: 2

Dlaczego Bernd nie może płacić za wszystkie towary transportowane przez Amazonkę, wykorzystując rezerwy wody Amazonki? Bernd jest zirytowany na maksa. Jest napisane „Dostawa do Niemiec”, 9 dolców za standardową podróż tratwą Amazon na całym świecie i szacunkowa opłata importowa w wysokości 48 talarów. Niedawno Bernd był nawet w stanie wyłowić buty z amerykańskiego Amazona za pomocą bonu podarunkowego, a teraz? Artykuł mówi również „Wysyłka przez Amazon”, ale płatność nie działa.pozdrowienia z Niemiec

R: 7 / F: 1

Text hidden

R: 11 / F: 3

When I see cute girls peeing on the toilet, I get an erection.

R: 8 / F: 2

Who is this nigger semen demon

R: 5 / F: 1

You nonces do realize if you break her hymen, by 12 or 13 her doctor will know there is no cherry down there during check up and will start asking questions. Yes she will make up a story to protect bernd but by then she will get tormented by her doctor, psychologist, her mom, a cop and a lie detector machine to maximize the chance bernd will be snitched out for good. You will not get away even if your little one gets traumatized and gets ptsd mental damaged for good.

R: 5 / F: 2

>white people doing all the work >[things] working wonderfully <introduce brown people into the equation and sometimes even completely remove the white people <[things] stop working GEE I WONDER WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE CAUSING THE DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION

R: 4 / F: 1

Grey mouse gf just dropped

R: 6 / F: 0

Are you guys ready for Ramadan?

R: 6 / F: 2

Hear that hohol? Forget about it!

R: 6 / F: 2

Thinking about creating and spreading fake news making up screenshots of fake news-articles. Seeing how much leftists seething about it I think its based. Maybe I can come up with something and then international news are deboonking it, that would be hilarious.

R: 6 / F: 0

Shrek has a daughter now but I'm still alone

R: 6 / F: 1

I dont seed my torrents.

R: 10 / F: 9

You will be ze bug You will grow chitin pod You will eat ze scraps You will be happy without complex nervous system and brain!

R: 5 / F: 0

pay a gang of men to break into Igor's apartment and molest him and beat him

R: 10 / F: 15

Do pedos have shemale lovers too? What do you think about this 9 year old MtF troon? He/she/it have not even gotten sissy pills yet so just a boy in girl clothes.

R: 22 / F: 19

Ülapaloma blanka No one can take my freedoms away

R: 4 / F: 0

what am i supposed to do? everything is fake

R: 12 / F: 0

I am incel this is my thread you may not like it but here it is

R: 5 / F: 2

So the name for china is zhongguo which means "middle kingdom" and the name for USA is meiguo "beautiful kingdom" Why don't Trump just rename USA to beautiful land or something.

R: 8 / F: 2

Going to McD.

R: 8 / F: 2

Bernt, if your phone falls into traffic, then just let it go. Dont try to reach for it. You can always buy a new one.

R: 8 / F: 1

How do you deal with strong willed cunts?

R: 4 / F: 0

I started making ans video gaym I will not tell you what it is yet because the idea is not super clear yet but I've been working on it since two weeks it feels good to change from soy intelligence to some large scale coding project from time time. I think I could do this full time

R: 6 / F: 0

Me every time I go to a prostitute

R: 13 / F: 4

Good disabled morning. Free as a bird!

R: 10 / F: 5

Gf sent this to me on Facebook

R: 5 / F: 3


R: 4 / F: 0

Will Ukrainians be able to carry out a new Maidan to recognize Vladimir Zelensky as the lifelong monarch of Ukraine?

R: 12 / F: 1

You on the bottom

R: 7 / F: 0

I think humanity hit its peak at the invention of the air fryer It can only go downhill from here Change my mind

R: 5 / F: 1

We're now at wat with Puccia, America, North Korea, China, Iran and Hungary. Any tips?

R: 4 / F: 0

Used to work in a big cruise ship wanna ask me anything?

R: 6 / F: 0

How come Stairmaster associates with roasties? Is the machine different from running up the stairs like Rocky?

R: 3 / F: 0

A German dating app for shitmunching faggots asked its users who they voted for. Exfoliate your onions.

R: 6 / F: 0

what did English call the mosquito before they met Mexicans?

R: 7 / F: 6

Which Poland is your favourite?

R: 7 / F: 1

Hundreds of thousand of generations of genetic perfection thrown into the wind in less than 5 generations

R: 6 / F: 1

Do we have reason for cautious optimism?

R: 9 / F: 1

Year was 2045. When the revolution began, nobody took it seriously. They thought it was just something like a BLM protest. Then it turned into a full blown civil war between Whites and Blacks. For us Blacks, it was a war of independence. The war was violent, but the Blacks were winning. When the revolution was at its peak; Mexico, Canada, Japan, South Korea all betrayed the USA and the Blacks won against the USA. They formed the Republic of New Afrika and exterminated every single white person in the country. Only white women were allowed to stay in the country, as sex slaves. Now that Republic of New Afrika became a country, USA became very weak because they lost all their skilled people in the war. New Afrika became richer and stronger than USA. They overthrew USA and USA descended into irrelevancy, after leaving their superpower place to Blacks. This is what's gonna happen, white boi.

R: 11 / F: 8

Bernd has observed the following. Before about 16 months of age babies just poop whenever, wherever. They might be playing in the middle of the living room and then suddenly tense up and start pooping their diapers. But after 16 months they start going into corners, behind chairs and other places out of plain sight to do their business. What causes such?

R: 10 / F: 2

Learning to program is fucking gay. You're learning how to build things when you're bound by arbitrary rules some most likely soy latte sipping faggot conjured up in his mind when designing whatever faggy ass language it is that you're learning. It's like sucking on their balls and asking for permission to charge the capacitors in your memory stick. Electronics is a lot less gay because you're only bound by the rules of the universe. You don't need to tickle anyone's balls and conform to their ideas of what you should and should not do.