Thinking about creating and spreading fake news making up screenshots of fake news-articles. Seeing how much leftists seething about it I think its based.
Maybe I can come up with something and then international news are deboonking it, that would be hilarious.
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 20:52:15 GMT
No. 25511264
Is RT still available on a Austria?
German government banned it years ago
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 20:53:50 GMT
No. 25511278
Isn't that basically what all right-wing spaces are already?
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 20:54:11 GMT
No. 25511280
I started doing that back in 2008, but gave up pretty shortly thereafter, its fun and sometimes you can get your stuff to spread to a minor media outlet, but it takes more much creative energy and effort than its worth.
If you could get paid to do it then it would be worth the effort
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 21:10:42 GMT
No. 25511373
They weren't seething about it in 2008 though.
Now you can come up with the most ridiculous thing that only the dumbest facebook boomers believe(because for some reason boomers believe when they see something on the screen it's true, from tv times) and all the news outlets will be seething.
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 21:13:56 GMT
No. 25511395
>Seeing how much leftists seething about it I
Leftyshits are the ones that do it the most. Giving them a taste of their own medicine is a good thing