The name Jareth was an invention between Jim Henson, Brian Froud, Dennis Lee and Terry Jones for the movie, but I can’t find anything that specifies which of the four actually came up with the name, although Terry Jones was the main draft writer for the script. After some light research, it is suggested that Jareth is a compound name between Jared and Gareth., One thing that’s repeated but never substantiated, is that Jareth means “gentle”, but I couldn’t find anything to substantiate this claim. This is in conjunction with a bunch of other low quality information, or just blatant misinformation surrounding it. Jared (ירד), hebrew for “to descend/descender”, is the name of the son of Mahalaleel, and is the father of the second Enoch as mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. The Anchor Bible Dictionary (1992), by David Freedman, says such on the etymology of Jared: “Explanations for the name Jared include: the Hebrew word for “rose” (Noth IPN, 231); the Akkadian word for “servant,” (w)ardu (HALAT 2: 416); the Arabic word for “courageous”; the Hebrew root, yrd, “to descend.” Noth’s analysis is possible, but it lacks parallels. While the use of the Akkadian (w)ardu in personal names is extremely common, the word does not appear in W Semitic. There is a replaced by the root ᶜbd, which is rendered abdu in cuneiform. The suggestion of an Arabic cognate also reaches outside of the W Semitic world for a comparison. On the other hand, the Hebrew root, yrd, “to descend,” does appear in W Semitic personal names.” Pg 644 (volume III) The James Strong Exhaustive Concordance (1990), pg 120 of the Hebrew dictionary, states the following on the root word of Jared: “yarad, yaw-rad’; a prim root; to descend (lit. to go downwards; or conventionally to a lower region, as a shore, a boundary, the enemy, etc.; or fig. to fall); caus. to bring down (in all the above applications): - (come, go, etc) down {340x}, descend {18x}, variant {2x}, fell {2x}, let {1x}, abundantly {1x}, down by {1}, indeed {1x}, put off {1x}, light off {1x}, out {1}, sank {1x}, subdued {1x}, take {1x}. Yarad means “to descend, to go down, come down.” (1) Basically, this verb connotes “movement” from a higher to a lower location. (1a) In Gen 28:12, Jacob saw a “ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” (1b) In such a use, the speaker or observer speaks from the point of destination, and the movement is downward” toward him, and the movement is “downwards” toward him. (1c) Thus one may “go down” below or under the ground’s surface: And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up” (Gen 24:16). (1d) The speaker may also speak as though he stands at the point of departure and the movement is away from him and “downwards.” (1d1) Interestingly, one may “go down” to a lower spot in order to reach a city’s gates (Judg 5:11) or (1d2) to get to a city located on a lower level than the access road (1 Sa 10:8)–(1d3) usually one goes up to a city and “goes down” to leave a city (1 Sa 9:27). (1d4) The journey from Palestine to Egypt is referred to as “going down” (Gen 12:10). This reference is not a movement in space from a higher to a lower spot; it is a more technical use of the verb. (2) Yarad is used frequently of “dying.” (2a) One “goes down” to his grave. Here the idea of spatial movement is present, but in the background. (2b) This “going down” is much more of a removal of the world of conscious existence: “For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. The living, the living, he shall praise thee...” (Is 38:18-19). (2c) On the other hand, “going down to the dust” implies a return to the soil—i.e., a return of the body to the soil from which it came (Gen 3:19). “All they that go down to the dust shall bow before him...” (Ps 22:29). (2d) There is also the idea of the “descent” of the human soul into the realm of the dead. When Jacob mourned over Joseph whom he thought to be dead, he said: “For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning” (Gen 37:35). (2e) Since one can “descend” into Sheol alive as a form of punishment (Num 16:30), this phrase means more than the end of human life. (2f) This meaning is further established because Enoch was rewarded by being taken off the earth: “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” (Gen 5:24); he was rewarded by not having “to descend” into Sheol. Like with Jareth, it has been repeated, yet never substantiated, that Gareth means “gentle”. If I had to guess where this comes from, it is likely from poor phonetic translation. The first recorded instance of the name Gareth is from Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d'Arthur (1485), the brother of Sir Gawain, and the main character of Book VII. Sir Kay refers to Sir Gareth as Beaumains: “I shall give him a name that shall be Beaumains, that is Fair-hands” Pg 178. “My name is Gareth of Orkney, and King Lot was my father, and my mother is King Arthur’s sister, her name is Dame Morgawse, and Sir Gawaine is my brother, and sir Agravaine and Sir Gaheris, and I am the youngest of them all.” Pg 193 (Book VII). It also says here that Beaumains shares a connection to “Fair Unknown” whose name was hidden and then revealed to be Gunglain, A son of Sir Gawain and Blanchemal the Faery (Blanch means bleach. Emal is supposedly a suffix to indicate a process, so her name would translate to Bleacher). This is also supported by the book “The Great Book of King Arthur & His Knights of the Round Table” (2022)”, by John Matthews, which contained a chapter titled: The Adventure of the Fair Unknown. Called Libeaus Desconus by King Arthur, and his quest to the Desolate City and his fight with the enchanter, Mabonagrain, there. “I tell you now that your true name is Guinglain. You are the son of Gawain and Blachemal the Faery” Pg 97. However, it should also be noted that in the chapter “The Wedding of Gawain and the Lady Ragnall”, it says that Lady Ragnall was the mother to Gunglain. “Gawain and Ragnall were joyful together thereafter and in due time the lady bore a son whom they named Gunglain” Pg 305. He also meets a princess called White Hands on his adventure. “This place is a dreadful place. Within it lives a damsel of great beauty called the Maiden of the White Hands. She is schooled in the seven liberal arts, knows the mystery of the stars, and the ways of enchantment." pg 92. Her appearance in the story is pivotal to the plot, as she is the love of Guinglain, and behind all the events of the plot: “Then she confessed that she had always known Guinglain would come, that he would leave her and return. Indeed, the whole of his great adventure had been her doing. She it was who had sent Helie to Arthur’s court to ask him for help. It was her voice that announced his true name after he had braved the serpent’s kiss. ‘You see, my love I have been waiting for you this long time’” Pg 100. This indicates some symbolic connection between the two subjects. Either way, this has some symbolic connection to Gareth’s story in Malory’s work, and Fair Unknown and White Hands are both connected to the meaning of Gareth and his nickname of Beaumains. However, I’m unable to find anything at all on the name Guinglain, so there I’m completely unsure of any meaning. Here it proposes that the origin of Gareth can be either Gwrhyd (valor), or Gwairydd (hay lord). However, when I look for the suffixes of “hyd” by itself, the definition seems less sure. When I look for hyd, all I can find is the prefix hydr, which is derived from a Greek origin, not Welsh. However, on this site it asserts that “gar” means “spear” and “et” means “hand/rule”, and that Gareth descends from gwalch. “It is derived from the Welsh words “gwalch” meaning “hawk” and “ur” meaning “hand” or “rule”. Therefore, the name Gareth can be interpreted to mean “spear rule” or “ruler with a hawk-like vigilance”. Although the site lacks proper citations for these claims, it asserts the “reth” of Gareth to mean “rule”, which corresponds with “rydd” meaning “lord”, which reassures me that the name relates to rulership. As for the first syllable, Gar is straight from the old English Gar (ᚸ ), which comes from old Germanic Gebo (X) of the elder futhark runes. I’m also reminded of the name Edgar, which means “great spearman”, or “great gift”. “Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and gar "spear"”. So from that I’m reassured that gar is Anglo-Saxon (which is Old English), and means “spear”, and reth, which comes from Welsh “rydd”, means “hand/rule/lord”. Gareth would then be itself a compound of Welsh and Anglo-Saxon, and means several things: “spear in hand”, “spear ruler”, “spear lord”. It could even have a meaning like “gift in hand”, “gift ruler”, or “gift lord” based on the older definitions. This also coincides with Sir Kay’s nickname of Sir Gareth being Beaumains, which also refers to the hands, which is enough to make me confident that this is the correct meaning. If I take this into consideration, I can thereby assume that Jareth, as a compound, means “descended lord”, or “lord of the descended (underworld)”. The Labyrinth that Jareth rules over as the Goblin King is the Underworld, the realm of imagination, which can only be entered by traveling south (aka: descending). This also ties into the Hebrew use of descent into Sheol, which was the underworld. However, I also noticed an alternate interpretation in the name. If I separate the syllables of ja and reth, I wouldn’t actually have Jared, I would simply have “ja” (יָהּ), which phonetically is a contraction used to refer to God (as the starting syllable of Jahwey/Jehovah (יְהֹוָה)) Therefore, one could also read it as “God is LORD”, this is relies on the phonetic similarities, rather than etymology. There is an even more subtle translation of this interpretation, which is “God’s hand”, which I won’t explain. What I can decipher is a name with two meanings of interpretation simultaneously. You can take either interpretation, or both. As an ending thought, this word is a strong example of the lingual connection between Hebrew and Welsh that is often overlooked, but that’s a much more intricate topic to get into. If anyone reading, especially those with a better understanding of Hebrew or Welsh than me, wants to provide more insight to this, please share.
What will happen if you are thrown into a small, warm room full with plenty of food, drink, mattresses - but naked, and with dozens of small, young girls, also naked, and so little space that you can't prevent your naked bodies to rub against each other most of the time - for a month?
>zelonski! you owe us 500 gazillion dohlars! >zelonski respond! <zzzzz...zzzz
Would you rather date a girl raised by an abusive dad or one raised by a kind redditor?
how many of white folks here live like this? delicate clinking of vintage evropean dishware and the german mukbang where hes nibbling like a rat with nice ass evropean utensils i never used there are even diffent plates n tools designed for each ingredient including the metal case for cigarettes honestly, watching this makes me want to wear a sleek uniform like him, slice into a dessert with various tools just to see if it actually make things taste better
Sometimes you're thinking about creating a thread discussing something deep and there is literal child porn or bizarre videos on the catalog and so you just give up and close KC.
chud brazilian twitter artist attacks again foid: games are a feminine hobby men should work and die in wars chud: how i love rapes in war, way better than videogames! many leftist twitters are asking moderators to get his account banned (notice he's at the 30th account already)
>take shit load of loan from IMF >invest in all kinds of manufacturing >create at least one big factory for car manufacturing (or car parts) >spend all the natural resources for refining (oil, gas, wood and etc) instead of selling it to Europe as raw material >force Central Bank to implement high interest rates (15% min) >re-create Soviet style house and car donations for working people (less incentive to go to the bank) >implement Soviet style price control all of the goods especially for essential goods >reverse all the attempts of privatization and implement massive campaigns of nationalization >create deflation >??? >MEGA PROFITS!!!!! t. phd on economics not : socialdemocracyspor
Is california even more cucked than europe is or is europe still the world champion of cuckoldry
It doesn't matter how old your computer is, if you own one you'll not use your phone to browse the web or watch stuff unless, you are outdoors thus you don't have access to your computer.
I dream of being a physically strong and capable man who could defend myself in a fight, I daydream about such power fantasies. Unfortunately for me I was born a 165cm manlet with a small frame.
They say war is terrible and should be avoided forever. But non-war life is terrible, too, meaningless consumption and work until death. For many, not even sex, no children, no family. Just working and buying stuff until you die. Many find the meaninglessness so oppressive that they take drugs, try to escape reality with alcoholism, dive deep into electronic virtual distractions from reality (incl. TV, movies, video games) or commit suicide. A few take up high-risk hobbies like freeclimbing or basejumping, which are already about as dangerous as war. A few become serial murderers in order to enjoy life, which is also quite close to war. A lot hoard weapons and ammo for a war or a "prepping" situation that never seems to come. Now war is bad, but is no war really better?
any whore can, for whatever reason, any whore can accuse you of sexual crimes and kill your aura. think about this
There was a small video with a parrot before and after jumping in the washing machine. Cant find it. Requesting from Bernd. Tnx
Yes I am on kc do have pleasant discourse about CHILD SEX, how about you, Sir or Madam?
Tired again. Have to say goodbye, to my friends, my foes, everyone on kc! Kisses!
I just noticed that the vibrational noise has come back. Its even stronger than before. Good thing im moving out of this shithole
wanna do it on my left ear, i wonder if it suits my face
Euros get paid once a month for working a job. I cannot think of a more cucked thing.
>Isaiah Joe Trammell (8 April 2003 – 16 March 2023 (aged 19) was an American man with autism, Tourette’s, and ADHD. A native of Lebanon, Ohio, Trammell was arrested in Montgomery County, Ohio. While in police custody, he stimmed by banging his head against the wall of his jail cell. Guards strapped him into a restraint chair and left him there for several hours without medication or help with a visible hematoma forming on his face.[1] He was transported to Miami Valley Hospital, after being stripped naked in front of 11+ officers. Trammell was in critical condition, and he died three days later from brain damage.[2][3] His death raised questions about how people with autism are treated in jail.[3] That could easily be Bernd tbh
I feel bad about Zelensky, I was programmed to identify with him. :( Was I wrong in rooting for Trump winning? Was I supposed to be rooting for the woke side, the gay feminist inclusiveness side?
Bridget Jones part 4 >grandma still has sex >with big black cock >and a boytoy twink half her age Jesus Christ how embarassing
My gf moved to the countryside, bernds. She made a video about the country house she bought. She will raise cows.
Spanish is already spoken by the upper classes from the USA. When will kc adopt Spanish as its lingua franca? I'm tired of English.
One day I will get revenge on everybody that has ever been bad to me and I will make them suffer and I will make them pay
I forget so much more than i remember about my life Just recently it was like a full year of my life suddenly illuminated and its so depressing lmao
what about if that giant bodybuilder puts on extra 10-20% body fat and looks fat? then is he disgusting and ridiculous?
I trust bernd after posting on this website for so many years, so I decided to come out and share my biggest secret with him I am... gray I am member of the RGB community
Why not a Mediterrane girlfriend? They are submissive, fertile and committed.
Before I thought that Truckers were most dangerous guys on planet because somehow media convinced me that if you fuck with trucker they will come out and beat you up and they are all muscular badass dude who nobody should fuck around Then I matured and realized that truckers are bydlo of bydlo Power of media is so powerful on young minds
On Sunday, President Trump announced his plans for a U.S. “crypto strategic reserve,” stating that he’d make the country the “Crypto Capital of the World.” But a closer look reveals the reserve may be nothing but a blatant insider trading scam to make his billionaire crypto czar richer—funded by taxpayer money. Trump announced that he plans to add five cryptocurrencies to the strategic reserve: Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Solana, and Cardano. Not so coincidentally, his crypto czar David Sacks has a venture firm linked to Bitwise Invests, one of the biggest crypto index fund providers. Bitwise holds significant amounts of the very same cryptocurrencies. Sacks promised that he sold his personal, direct holdings, but made no mention of his multiple indirect holdings. If this wasn’t enough, just a few hours beforeTrump’s announcement, someone bought $200 million in Ethereum and Bitcoin, raising the question of who may have known about the plan ahead of time. >U.S. President Donald Trump has pushed back tariffs on Canada and Mexico for another month, saying they will now be implemented on April 2. Why does this keep happening? Is he just going to keep pushing the tariffs back every month when he remembers he NEEDS Canadian wood?
It's a sad thing that after we die the only thing we will be remembered by is our spouse and family while our friends and pets which are the truly unique things about us go unknown. Your best friend can be the most important person in your life gut your descendants have no idea he existed.
YOU! List five things you have achieved for KC last week that warrant you still having access. Failure to provide the list means a voluntary request for a permaban.
guten moin moin ^^ Coffee status = drinked Food status = eaten Fren status = if you play your cards right good start into the week, enjoy this nice monday!
The public prosecutor is certain: Parminderjit S. (27) has used severe violence against his girlfriend. They still want to get married soon. According to the prosecution, Elisabeth was literally tortured by her now fiancé from May to August 2023. The Indian (now a German citizen) lived with her at the time. The public prosecutor accuses him of eleven criminal offenses, including several dangerous bodily harm and rape. Parminderjit apparently beat her mercilessly when his girlfriend did not "do his bidding". For example, when she did not serve breakfast or did not wake him up on time. According to the prosecution, he raped her twice, other times he poured hot water over her and hit her with a Playstation controller. According to the public prosecutor, he also extorted Elisabeth's debit card and passwords. Or he stole all the apartment keys and locked her up for days. "She was totally emaciated and screamed when I tried to hug her. That's how I noticed that she was black and blue under her long clothes." The family drove into the apartment together, discovered broken glass on the floor and demolished furniture. "She told us that her boyfriend had beaten her and asked why we didn't save her," said the mother.
I just realised since i was born through a c-section, I have never been inside a vagina. The once in a lifetime experience that i missed out on right from the first second of my birth.
Ordered burger again, different place but triple burger with 3 160g burgers + bacon + onions+ cheese + barbecue sauce again
You've heard of cursed images, but have you heard of a cursed sentence made of jumbled-up words that gives you schizophrenia when you read it?
My dad warned me at an early age. We were visiting my grandmother at a nursing home, and he said my name, and said: "Take a good look around. What don't you see?" And I said, "What dad?" "Men! And the reason is simple - their wives killed them with decades of pointless stress!" After many relationships, I've realized he really hit the nail on the head.
I’m an alpha male. Deal with. Get over it. Cry in the comments. Cope. Seethe. I don’t care. I will never Apologize.
Iceland/Faroe Island: 99–100% White Poland/Czechia: 98–99% White Slovakia/Albania/Hungary/Former Yugoslavia: 97–98% White Italy/Luxembourg/Hungary/Finland: 96-97% White If you live in a cunt where you don't have to interact with chinks, niggers or pakis you have already won at life.
It was the gayest dictatorship ever. If it was in Asia or Russia his whole bourgeoise family would be sent to work camps or killed.
Rate this BR town it is fully sustainable and sits on the biggest energy vortex on earth (according to its inhabitants) Also they building a big pyramid in the center
Gen alpha loves Brazil because they are based Say one thing you love most about Brazil