List five things you have achieved for KC last week that warrant you still having access. Failure to provide the list means a voluntary request for a permaban.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:03:49 GMT
No. 25522219
i posted all of my cookenings and i have generally received positive feedback
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:04:38 GMT
No. 25522223
1. proven Bogdan is brown
2. proven Romanians are gypsies
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:04:51 GMT
No. 25522225
1. my ancient egypt thread
2. that time i insulted america
3. that time i insulted russia
4. that time i destroyed popery/papism forever
5. my contributions in the classical music thread
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:07:30 GMT
No. 25522236
insulted jews
insulted gypsies
insulted russians
insulted armenians
insulted magatards
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:08:25 GMT
No. 25522240
1. I red pilled people about German eco producer Demeter being an occultist wtf tier company
2. I red pilled zoomers about aging being not nearly as much of a problem as they expected - EVEN FOR WOMEN.
3. I did some explanation about German politics for high IQ foreigners and low IQ Germans.
4. I redpilled /int/ on autists beign not immune to propaganda, but instead being extremely suceptible to it because they cannot distinguish truth from lies. This means they have to be extremely careful online since actors in bad faith will try to use them.
5. (not pictured) I red pileld Bernd on Jake Paul and other famous boxers (Klitschko) being Jewish and advised against fanboying them.