how many of white folks here live like this?
delicate clinking of vintage evropean dishware and the german mukbang where hes nibbling like a rat with nice ass evropean utensils i never used
there are even diffent plates n tools designed for each ingredient including the metal case for cigarettes
honestly, watching this makes me want to wear a sleek uniform like him, slice into a dessert with various tools just to see if it actually make things taste better
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:29:28 GMT
No. 25544762
It really is depressing how becoming immune to communist propaganda makes you such a neoliberal stooge.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:31:16 GMT
No. 25544767
I hate Tarantino. What a hack. Honorary kike.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:31:36 GMT
No. 25544768
and you are an old fart with tiny brain who cant let people experience and enjoy their life
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:33:18 GMT
No. 25544772
He's an actual kike. Converso sephardic family.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:33:43 GMT
No. 25544774
im pretty sure i can find second hand shops that sell goods at affordable price but wearing such uniform would make me look like that white guy from shogun kek
i will only do this quietly alone in my room
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:47:26 GMT
No. 25544807
The cigarette cases suck. They never hold as much cigarettes as a pack does, so you're left unloading a portion of the pack to load into the case only to later reload the remainder of the pack to slightly fill the case back up. Cigarettes in them quickly go stale as they're never built to be as air tight as packs are.
I can see them being useful if you self roll, otherwise no.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:48:47 GMT
No. 25544810
kikes wish they were whites. whites own all the banks and media, and promote racemixing and communism. kikes are low IQ brown people in the desert. whites hop on kc and promote their non white supremacy where whites dont control everything because they are fucking kikes (europeans)