I resent myself for being a pedo. I want to stop looking at kids, but its hard to control myself, like ending a drug addiction. Thought about seeing a therapist but scared they will report me. Religious so suicide is not an option. What should I do?
> SpaceX said the third test flight will tackle “a number of ambitious objectives” that build on the lessons learned from the previous outings. For instance, the company is aiming to fire one of Starship’s Raptor engines while in space, open and close the vehicle’s payload door and transfer propellant between two of Starship’s tanks in orbit. Finally, SpaceX is also hoping to show that Starship can carry out a controlled re-entry through Earth’s atmosphere before splashing down in the Indian Ocean.
Heavy objects ACTUALLY fall faster than light objects. Yes, even in a vacuum.
>What, OP? You're a dumb monkey, s = 1/2 * gt^2 where g = gravitational constant. Mass of the object doesn't matter.
No, hear me out.
A heavy object will literally pull the Earth to it more than a light object will. Thus shortening the distance of the impact.
Any physicists can refute?
US has third bank plummeting in two weeks despite all the regulatory measures
Evergrande still stands lmao
Good afternoon
Churka assaulted me physically for refusing to let them bring a 3rd roomate in the room, which is already fine for two people, with only 2 waredrobes.
I hate churka fucking subhumans so much its unreal
Development of average annual wages 2000–2020 (US$ PPP) - includes inflation.
2000 - 21,131
2020 - 32,527
2000 - 16,111
2020 - 16,230
Why are wages in Latino countries so stagnant? And why is Mexico performing so poorly while being a neighbor of the USA? If Poland was a neighbour of the USA, we would be much richer than Canada, that's for sure.
Living in everlasting peace, having such a great neighbour, and still being shit - i can't comprehend it. Mexico doesn't even need to have an army, because the US Army is enough to guarantee security in the region.
Take the name of a movie and replace one of the words with "bum", "bummed", or "bumming", I'll begin.
- The Fast and the Bummed
- Bummed Hard
- No Bumming for Old Men
- Schindler's Bumming
- The Bumming of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
Total posts: 4,
files: 1 (Drowned at Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:14:39 GMT)
The Bumfather
Bum Wars
The Lord of the Bums: The Fellowship of the Ring
Bumming Nemo
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Bum
The Bum Knight
Bummed Runner
Bumming Private Ryan
The Silence of the Bums
Bum Fiction
The Bum of Wall Street
Bumming Beauty
The Bum Games
Bummed Max: Fury Road
The Empire Bums Back
Bummed Poets Society
Bumming Arizona
The Bum Lebowski
Bumming Bull
The Bum Ultimatum
Bumming in the Rain
Bummed Away
The Bum Identity
Bumming Miss Daisy
The Bumming Dead
Bummed and Confused
The Bum Vinci Code
Bumming John Malkovich
The Bum of Oz
Bummed on the Fourth of July
Bumming Daylights
The Bum Before Christmas
Bummed to the Future
The Bum King
Bumming Candyman
The Bum of Monte Cristo
Bummed Encounters of the Third Kind
The Bum Mile
Bumming Bandits
Bummed Treasure Island
Is ooVoo still a thing? It's the most similar
Maybe discord? Think of ease of use and similarities to Skye and troubleshoot and set it up for her please
What do you think that the father feels about his sissy son? It kind of looks like he is ashamed, it is in the eyes. Or does he want to fuck his sissy son?
Total posts: 0,
files: 0 (Drowned at Sat, 08 Mar 2025 14:30:02 GMT)
You know it amazes me how people could and still can take protestantism at face value. It's clearly a heresy. How fucking phony it was to say "papists" back in the day, when pope was put in rome by God(according to christcuck). If pope was corrupt, surely God would've struck him down or something, pope's kinda important. How fucking hubristic do you have to be to believe you know better than god? Anglicanism/mormonism/etc are just straight up heresies, you couldn't even cope with muh corrupt pope. Anglos/gemcucks are basically descended from heretics/satanists or faith traitors.
Total posts: 15,
files: 4 (Drowned at Sun, 09 Mar 2025 04:48:47 GMT)
>>25592183>kinda based
why one grouo of protestant lunatics is based, but the other group of protestant lunatics is cringe?
are you sure its about protestantism at all?
>>25592005>wondering why a curse diety would curse it's followers
lol, LMAO
>>25592089>jewish thunder god
It isn't a thunder diety, it's plague diety. Its main feature is "the plagues" and "torturing in inferno".
Once you understand the true nature of worshipers of the god of the evening star Salice the questions of why fall off. Though it is quite scary to see so many people give prayers to a curse god.
It would be like if from all the old rus gods only Chernobog survived and there would be millioins of people praying to him all over the world.
God punishes all the time. People just have a garbage perception of reality. Just because he doesn’t listen to you doesn’t mean he is doing his thing. God listens to me more than any other retard on this earth. And still does what ever he wants. But when I ask for free shit he gives sometimes. Others are all free loaders.
>Sacrifice a lamb for me
God is just like, ask nicely. I prefer the latter.
From my observation he uses wind to fuck up shit more. So he would be like one of your Pagan wind bastards.
Why do countries devalue their currency to help their export industries? What is the point of that? If you make your currency worth less, it makes the goods and services you sell cheaper, so you can sell more of it. But how does that help? The money your economy receives is also not worth as much.
A company sells goods for 1,000,000 Bernd-Dollars, worth 1,000,000 USD, to foreign buyers. Now, Bernd-Dollars get devalued hard, so that one Bernd-Dollar is just worth 0.10 USD. The company can now sell ten times as much. Great success! But wait, the 10,000,000 Bernd-Dollars they receive are still worth 1,000,000 USD. So how does that make sense at all? You just made your people work harder for nothing.
So what is missing here?
Total posts: 26,
files: 2 (Drowned at Sun, 09 Mar 2025 04:42:02 GMT)
>>25592147>That's why cheaper currencies are good for exporters. More sales actually exist and that means more cash coming into the country.
Germany is a good example. Their nomenklatura kept most of the car industry profits in the pockets of the establishment. German people never benefited as much as they deserved. No tax cuts, instead a flooding with milions of followers of a violent death cult.
In turn the currency didn't appreciate and they thought the economy will remain strong as usual. A strong currency actually forces you to keep innovating and researching. Because you focus on the actual thing you sell instead of economic "painkillers" like currency manipulation. Now Germany sits on inordinate amounts of liabilities thanks to socialist promises. And can't attract entrepreneurs anymore.
IDK about US of A, but here in huilopia I'm about to get a double cheeseburger for 115 rubbles (1.2 usd) at local McD Taste of Ass.
Since this price is considered too high, half of it will return to the card in cashback.