I've always been for capitalism and stuff, but looking at the sociopaths like musk, trump, bezos and countless others I can't help but think how the fuck did we allow those people to rule over us. We're living in the age of shameless oligarchy, and it's on display.
>ROMANians declared that election was rigged because wrong guy won>They imprison the winner>Winner gets freed against and asks his followers to rally up<Copper price in Europe falling by 30%<Pasta rumanesca shortage in all of MOLDavia and Pridnestrovia
Extrapolate lörs onions
Now that the dust is settling, how can US be so incompetent? They have 30 years time to be ready, they have 10 times more military spending, the control the collective's west propaganda machine and the world's financial system.
Their enemy is a fucking gas station and they botch this like beyond expectations.
I mean wtf? Is this alliance and "super power" the one thay is supposedly keeping me safe? Are the KARA BOGA memes of whites being useless real? Is tengri superior? It looks like they just take the money and return memes tbqh.
Haka would be cool if they had self respect (but in capitalism there is no such thing)
So they do it for every little thing. Someone cuts you off in traffic, haka. Someone goes in front of you at the store, haka. Neighbors dog poops in your yard, haka.
Total posts: 1,
files: 1 (Drowned at Tue, 25 Feb 2025 09:11:14 GMT)
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 06:56:57 GMT
No. 25507497SÄGE!
my typical day
wake up
jerk off
browse tiktok
jerk off
jerk off
browse kc
jerk off
watch movie
jerk off
play vidya
jerk off
go to store to buy daily sausage or meatballs
jerk off
Total posts: 5,
files: 0 (Drowned at Wed, 26 Feb 2025 05:02:11 GMT)
i dont have it but i should probably get instagram. i deleted mine like 2 years ago thinking it could help me stop being incel but i realised it was futile since incelness is as inherent to my being as leaves are to a tree
>Donald Trump orchestrated American occupation of Gaza so he can get troops close enough to blitzkrieg Israel and seize their nukes before they can initiate the Samson option
It was all 4D chess.......he played us like a fiddle.............
Total posts: 4,
files: 0 (Drowned at Tue, 25 Feb 2025 09:03:18 GMT)
there is a race which lives in golden cities and spends their entire lives making candy
and one which lives in evil forts and whose whole purpose in life is destroying the golden cities and plundering the candy
who came up with this?
Total posts: 14,
files: 4 (Drowned at Wed, 26 Feb 2025 04:57:59 GMT)
I vote AfD because Trump, Puting, Dugin, Milei and other highly acclaimed and trustworthy individuals told me so in AI generated 10 second videos with phonk music. They are also based because they oppose the current thing.
t. critical thinker
Total posts: 35,
files: 4 (Drowned at Wed, 26 Feb 2025 04:52:40 GMT)
When did you become gay? For me it was when me and the neighborhood boys would experiment with each other, we were all quite young at the time and this continued until we were 11.
Total posts: 18,
files: 13 (Drowned at Wed, 26 Feb 2025 04:46:29 GMT)
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 04:24:15 GMT
No. 25506954SÄGE!
How do I lose 40 pounds of muscle and 10cm of biceps?
I'd also need laser hair removal to my whole body as I am very hairy and I'd need face feminization because I have quite a masculine face and a really decent jaw line
Yeah forget it, some people were never meant to be feminine, so I couldn't play femboy to fuck alternative girls
I don't need girlfriends or even industrial porn/hentai anymore. I have all my sexual needs fulfilled instantly by AI, powered by my chinese GPU card. This has lifted a very heavy weight from my psyche, and I feel liberated. The most exciting part is that videos are not even here yet.
Total posts: 18,
files: 4 (Drowned at Wed, 26 Feb 2025 04:37:58 GMT)
If you a real nigga like me you bumpin cocomelon in the whip outside the fuckin elementary school my nigga, lil ass bitch be bouncin on my dick my nigga, I cant be fuckin wit no lil ass girls my nigga but they be on my dick
Tue, 25 Feb 2025 05:39:41 GMT
No. 25507219SÄGE!
What a waste of technology honestly.
So sad. You could have been more.